Greetings from the Lincoln PPT where every parent is valued and welcomed!
We had a successful meeting in September to start off the year. It was wonderful to see so many new faces at our first meeting.
Part of our New Business at this meeting was to gather responses to following question:
"What are some reasons that you attend -- or will continue to attend -- our Lincoln PPT meetings?" The responses we heard were inspiring: "It makes me feel part of the family of the school." "I learn a lot." "It's my new school year resolution to be more involved." "I get to meet people." "Parent involvement leads to a well-rounded child." "Many hands make light work!" It's no wonder that Lincoln is the Best School in the Universe with responses like that!
Another topic of discussion was Chris "the fish guy's" idea of hosting a possible "Zebra Fish Boot Camp." The idea is to train parents about the Zebra Fish Project and to simply "have fun at the lab with Chris." More information about this will be posted in up-coming blogs, so watch for it if you're interested!
Of course the big news right now is the Lincoln Auction. Hopefully you will attend in order to support all of the good causes that the Auction funds. In fact, at November's PPT meeting, you can be part of the decision on how the money is spent. We will review the Special Projects at November's meeting and vote on the projects to be funded with the profits of the Auction. This is a great way for you to be involved!
Lastly, I want to invite you to the October 25th meeting. It is an important one. The Referendum committee is coming to our PPT meeting to discuss the importance of voting "YES" for the November election. The meeting is at 7:00 in Lincoln's Media Center.
We hope to see you soon! Have a BOO-tiful week!
Chris Harmon
Co-PPT President