Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

TODAY - Lincoln Auction 2010!

The Lincoln Auction is TODAY!  Classrooms have been filled with a bevy of beautiful baskets, the gym has a display of Live items to die for, the Bake Sale is chock full of sweet treats¸and the face painting, bingo and child care are ready for the kids! You cannot miss this opportunity to shop, mingle and snack! 

Events Schedule:
Bank opens at 11:15am – get your bidder number!
Bake Sale opens at 11:15am – get your treats before they are gone!
Silent Auction bidding starts at 11:30am.
Kids’ events start at 11:30am.
Childcare opens at noon.
First Silent Auction room closes at 12:30pm.
Live Auction starts at 2:00pm.
Bingo for older kids starts at 2:00pm.

We hold an Auction so that students do not have to go door to door selling wrapping paper, magazines or pizza.  Your support of the Auction helps us to provide the unique events and equipment that are “Lincoln”.  Our auction is open to the public, so please encourage your friends, neighbors and co-workers to attend.   Support Lincoln K-8 Choice – bid high, bid often!

Labels, Box Tops, Milk Tops:

This year to encourage families to participate in the Labels for Lincoln program, we are going to have classroom competitions. Every classroom will have a brown paper sack for the kids to deposit their various brands of milk tops, box tops and labels for education (Campbell’s soup, etc).

Starting in November and running through the end of May, a volunteer will collect each classroom’s Labels for Lincoln and keep track of the dollar amount. At the end of the month, we will tally the total dollar amount for each class and offer the winning class a popcorn party! (Note: The pop tabs for the Ronald Mc Donald House will still be located in the entryway of the main door.)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Parent Survey

Fall for LLT (Lincoln Leadership Team) means working on the site improvement plan for Lincoln to set goals for the year!
As we work on this plan for the 2010-2011 school year, it is very important that we get your feedback on how your student is doing, how the staff is doing, and how the school as a whole is doing. Please take just a few minutes to fill out this survey so we can include your feedback in our school goals.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Presidents' Letter for October

Greetings from the Lincoln PPT where every parent is valued and welcomed!

We had a successful meeting in September to start off the year. It was wonderful to see so many new faces at our first meeting.

Part of our New Business at this meeting was to gather responses to following question: "What are some reasons that you attend -- or will continue to attend -- our Lincoln PPT meetings?" The responses we heard were inspiring: "It makes me feel part of the family of the school." "I learn a lot." "It's my new school year resolution to be more involved." "I get to meet people." "Parent involvement leads to a well-rounded child." "Many hands make light work!" It's no wonder that Lincoln is the Best School in the Universe with responses like that!

Another topic of discussion was Chris "the fish guy's" idea of hosting a possible "Zebra Fish Boot Camp." The idea is to train parents about the Zebra Fish Project and to simply "have fun at the lab with Chris." More information about this will be posted in up-coming blogs, so watch for it if you're interested!

Of course the big news right now is the Lincoln Auction. Hopefully you will attend in order to support all of the good causes that the Auction funds. In fact, at November's PPT meeting, you can be part of the decision on how the money is spent. We will review the Special Projects at November's meeting and vote on the projects to be funded with the profits of the Auction. This is a great way for you to be involved!

Lastly, I want to invite you to the October 25th meeting. It is an important one. The Referendum committee is coming to our PPT meeting to discuss the importance of voting "YES" for the November election. The meeting is at 7:00 in Lincoln's Media Center.

We hope to see you soon! Have a BOO-tiful week!
Chris Harmon
Co-PPT President

Friday, October 22, 2010


When: Auction Day, October 30th                                                                
Where: Staff lounge 11:30am -2:00pm

This is a great way to make a last minute donation to the Auction!!
Donations accepted on Friday (Oct 29th) in the office or Saturday in the staff lounge. Please package items in dozen or half dozen amounts. Please note: decorative packaging makes for a sure sell out!!

Questions? Please contact:
Jodi Kruse at jmkruse22@gmail.com or
Melissa Engelken at jefnmel@charter.net

Monday, October 18, 2010

Destination ImagiNation

Teams are being organized now. Make sure to get your sign up sheet in to the office no later than October 29th. Extra sign up sheets in the office and in the Links to Documents on the left side of the blog.
For more information about DI go to www.destinationimagination.org or contact Elizabeth Glowac, Lincoln K-8 Choice School Destination Imagination Coordinator at calisabel@me.com or 280-6618.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Win a prize for a teacher by reading this blog!!!

Congratualtions for reading the new lincolnlincs blog. 

Win a prize for a teacher.  E-mail therego2@yahoo.com by midnight on October 31, 2010 with the name of the teacher you vote for.  The teacher with the most votes will win 15,000 Campbell's Labels for Education points to use for merchandise from their catalog.

Thanks for reading.  Keep checking back.  Watch for a Box Tops & milk caps contest coming to your child's classroom this fall.

Friday, October 8, 2010

RAC PTSA School Board Candidate Open House

The Rochester Area Council PTSA is hosting a Candidate Open House, Wednesday, October 20th from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Longfellow Elementary gym, 1516 Marion Rd SE.  The candidates will make opening remarks between 6:00 and 6:30 and will then be available to meet voters until 8:00.  The Yes 4 Students committee will also be there with information on the upcoming levy referendum.  The entire community is welcome to attend for any part of the evening.

RAC PTSA is a group for local PTSA presidents that meets monthly to discuss district and site issues.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Special Projects - Great Ideas for Lincoln!

Lincoln teachers and parents have submitted requests for funding for suggested Special Projects that will benefit the school and the kids. You can review the submitted requests by opening the Special Projects Requests 2010 document in the Links section. The projects include: additional books for the Lynx Leveled Library, additional Netbooks, Robotics for engineering, Netbooks for Andi and Ginelle, digital cameras for students and a kindergarten class, personal screen printer, hand held microphones and snacks for RAP.

How can we fund all these great ideas for Lincoln? First we need to raise the money. The total dollar amount required to fund all these projects is just over $20,000. This money comes from the Lincoln Auction, after the PPT budget has been funded. Make sure you attend and bid on all the fabulous baskets and items available – the more money raised at the auction, the more projects we can fund!

Following the auction and once we know how much money is available for Special Projects, a consensus meeting will be held to determine how the available funds will be used and which projects will be funded. All Lincoln parents, guardians and staff are welcome to attend this meeting and the funding recomentation from this meeting will be presented to PPT for final approval.

See a favorite project on the list? Remember to attend the auction and support Lincoln!

If you have any questions about Special Projects, contact Mary Hansen at 285-9047 or rmhansen2002@yahoo.com or Julie Wingert at 288-6293 or djnwinger@aol.com