Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Study Island and MCA Prep

It is the most vital time of the year for students to prepare for the MCA test in April.  Spring Break is a lengthy time off - 15,360 minutes! Plenty of minutes to BOTH enjoy some time off AND to stay engaged with Study Island!  Please encourage your son/daughter to work on Study Island 20-30 minutes a day over this time period.  You can help them through areas they have been struggling with to provide them with the assistance and motivation to complete unfinished sections.

You should be getting an Individual Student Report next week telling you how your student is doing in Study Island.  We need students to work on Study Island over the break.  Research has shown that students that complete the Math, Reading and Science(5th and 8th) do significantly better on the MCA test.  Students that are having trouble passing a section can email Jakulzer@rochester.k12.mn.us or jasonju@rochester.k12.mn.us or migobin@rochester.k12.mn.us and we will reset that section of Study Island so that students can start over.  It is very important that students spend DAILY time on Study Island over the break so that they are ready to take the tests on April 19th.

The second reason for working on Study Island is that teachers can look their class and identify problem areas that can be re-taught before the test.    Student Success on the MCA's involves everyone- parents, students, and staff.  If we are working together, the students will be successful.

Another MCA Prep Site: Please be sure and check out this year's MCA sample tests available on our website, www.ppnie.com.  Log in directions are listed on our home page.

Chat With the Principal – April 7 12:00-12:45

Thursday April 7 – 12:00 to 12:45pm in the Conference Room - Join Lincoln Principal Jim Sonju for this year's first "Chat With the Principal". Mr. Sonju will share information about the latest news and issues at Lincoln, and then he wants to hear from parents. You will have a chance to ask questions of and raise issues with Mr. Sonju. Bring your lunch – we hope to see you there!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Auction Solicicitors Needed

We're gearing up for the 2011 Lincoln Auction and we need your help! The Lincoln Auction is the primary fundraiser for our wonderful school. Many of the programs that help make Lincoln special are funded by the Auction. That is why we need everyone to take part in making the 2011 Auction the best ever!

We are looking for volunteers to solicit goods and services for the Auction. There are three different Solicitor Committees: Friends and Family Solicitor, Live/Platinum Local Solicitor and Internet Solicitor. These Committees and their work is crucial to the success of our Auction.

Please call or email Melissa Murphy (280-6367, mfmurphy1@charter.net) or Betsy Schroeder (292-0986, betsyms@charter.net) to learn more about these positions and to volunteer.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Lego Robotics Boot Camp – FOR ADULTS!

Hey adults, don't let the kids have all the fun! Here are few reasons why you should join Lego Robotics boot camp:

  • Easily program and manipulate your robot to go different directions.
  • It's simple and easy. There are preset commands. You can select, drag and drop into your program. Click a button and watch your robot perform the task.
  • No programming knowledge is required whatsoever. Codes are already in there, ready for you to select and activate.
  • Your child/grandchild/student may want to join an First Lego League team.
Each class will teach different beginner programming skills. Join us in the Lincoln Media Center for one class or for all three:
  • Tuesday April 12, 2011 7-9 pm
  • Wednesday April 20, 2011 7-9pm
  • Thursday May 12, 2011 7-9pm

RSVP to Cheryl Kliewer at 507-261-3699 or cheryl@wiseraccoon.net so we can plan for the right number of adults.

SACC Survey Available – Deadline April 8

NOTE – the online survey itself says the survey is due by March 11 – the correct deadline for the survey is April 8 – so don't let that discourage you from completing the survey if you are interested!

The School Age Child Care Program (SACC) is available where registration numbers will support an operating site. As you may be aware, Rochester Community Education had the tough decision to discontinue the School Age Child Care Program at Lincoln due to continuing low enrollment. SACC is currently still available for all Lincoln families at other buildings but not on site at Lincoln. SACC would like to conduct a survey regarding the next school year 2011-2012. If your family would be interested in using SACC for your child(ren) in grades K-5, please respond to the survey located here: Lincoln SACC Survey 2011. Please respond to the survey by April 8, 2011.

Click here for an information sheet on the SACC program and the survey.

Monday, March 14, 2011

PPT Minutes from February 28 Now Available

The minutes for the PPT Meeting from February 28 can be accessed here: PPT Minutes February or on the PPT Minutes tab at the top of the page.

SCRIP - Help fund our wireless access points!

SCRIP is still on sale in the office and continues to support technology. We are in the process of acquiring more netbooks and adding much need wireless ports so that students can get on our network. With the proliferation of cell phones, iPods, and laptops we overload our wireless access points and need to add more.

Lost and Found - Claim Your Missing Items!

The lost and found table is up and in the hall near the gym. Items will remain there during conferences this week and then unclaimed items will be donated to Savers.

Garage Sale - Saturday, May 21

Spring means turning the clock ahead, wearing lighter clothes (maybe?) and the Lincoln Garage Sale!

Mark your calendar! This year’s Garage Sale is on Saturday, May 21.

Start cleaning out those closets, toy chests, and garages. Get ready for the biggest garage sale yet!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

School Age Child Care at Lincoln - Complete the Survey!

The School Age Child Care Program (SACC) is available where registration numbers will support an operating site. As you may be aware, Rochester Community Education had the tough decision to discontinue the School Age Child Care Program at Lincoln due to continuing low enrollment. SACC is currently still available for all Lincoln families at other buildings but not on site at Lincoln.

SACC would like to conduct a survey regarding the next school year 2011-2012. If your family would be interested in using SACC for your child(ren) in grades K-5, please respond to the survey located here: Lincoln SACC Survey 2011. Please respond to the survey by April 8, 2011.

Click here for an information sheet on the SACC program and the survey.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Book Fair Carnival - Your Ticket to Read!

Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Lincoln this week.  Wednesday March 9th from 9am-4:30pm, Thursday March 10th from 9am-8pm and Friday March 11th from 9am-4:30pm and then open again in the evening from 6:30pm-8:30pm.

On Friday evening, March 11th, we will be hosting the Lincoln Book Fair and Ice Cream & Soda Social in the gym.  Turn in your slip by Friday at noon to attend the ice cream & soda social.