Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

New Lincoln and District Websites Launch Tomorrow, October 1

Lincoln K-8 School and Rochester Public Schools will be launching new websites tomorrow, October 1.  The web addresses for the websites are:
NEW! Lincoln K-8: www.rochester.k12.mn.us/lincoln 
Rochester Public Schools:  www.rochester.k12.mn.us (same as the current address)

Please change your bookmarks accordingly.

Friday, September 26, 2014


The success of our auction depends on the creativity and generosity of Lincoln parents.
Please check out the ideas below and see where you can help. Thank you for your support!

Donation of Experience Ideas 
  • Lefse Making Experience (if you can make this treat, please consider donating a 2 hour lefse making experience) 
  • Home visit from Santa in December (anyone have a costume that could create this experience?) 
  • Gather the ingredients for a great unique meal and deliver with the recipe 
Items needed for baskets this week:
  • Bath products 
  • Favorite cook books 
  • Pet toys/treats 
  • Favorite children’s books 
  • American Girl doll clothes hangers

Volunteer Needs:
Volunteers still needed for 1 hour, day of auction shifts – sign up board with specific time slots available outside of Lincoln Office ·

Volunteers to help create display boards for specific items – this can be done at home.

Please like our Facebook page "Lincoln K8 Choice School Auction" – updates will start next week on some of our great donations!

Contact Donna Layton at calldgl@aol.com if you can help with any of these items or tasks!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Flu Shot Clinic at Lincoln - Volunteers Needed!

The Lincoln School Flu Shot Clinic is looking for six volunteers to help on Monday, October 6, from 12:00-2:30.  Volunteers will assist in bringing groups of students to the media center to be vaccinated and then returning them to their classrooms.

If you are available to help, please contact the Lincoln VIE coordinators at: lincolnschoolvie@gmail.com

AUCTION 2014 - Wish List for the Week

It's time to get busy for Auction 2014! Here's the main items on our wish list:
  • Silent Auction Basket Items (there is a display with ideas by the front door AND a drop off area for items/baskets in the office) 
  • Volunteers to help - There is a sign-up board by the office with specific time slots for auction day... note all volunteer time slots are around 1 hour.
  • Donate to the classroom baskets - teachers have their themes and will be sharing their ideas in the next week.
  • Help with Auction Set-up and tear-down - contact Coordinator Vicki Pierret pierret@usa.com 
  • "Like" the "Lincoln K8 Choice School Auction" page on Facebook... updates on awesome items and packages will be posted periodically.
  • Mark your calendars and tell your friends about the Auction
Let's have record attendance this year!
Questions? Contact Donna Layton at calldgl@aol.com.

Lincoln PPT News, Notes and Needs

Some needs and notes from your Lincoln PPT:
  • Donations are still being accepted for the PPT Classroom Fundraiser. Please consider making a voluntary donation of $20.00 per child to the Lincoln PPT to help defray the costs of necessary classroom supplies. Checks can be made out to "Lincoln PPT" and write "PPT Classroom Fundraiser" and your student's name on the check. Donations can be dropped off in the main office. Thanks for your support!
  • PPT Leadership needs - we are still looking for some committee chairs/coordinators/members or leaders-in training:
    • Staff Appreciation Committee Co-Chair
    • Volunteers in Education (ViE) - coordinator-in-training needed
    • PTA Reflections Contest Coordinator
    • Community Relations Committee members
If you have any interest in any of these positions or questions about PPT, please contact PPT Co-Presidents Jodi Kruse jmkruse22@gmail.com or Cinnamon Marxen cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com.
Thanks for your support of Lincoln!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Flu Shot Clinic at Lincoln - October 6 - Registration Required!

Lincoln K-8 Choice School has partnered with a team of nurses from Olmsted Medical Center, Mayo Clinic and Olmsted County Public Health to offer the flu vaccine (both injectable and mist) to students this fall.

The Lincoln K-8 flu vaccine clinic will be at Lincoln on October 6 from 12:30 to 2:30.
Registration is required and can be completed through our registration link that can be found here: CLICK HERE FOR FLU CLINIC REGISTRATION
Paper registration forms are also available in the main office.

This is a fast, easy and convenient way to keep our children, our school and our community healthy throughout the year.  We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this important opportunity.

If you have any questions about the vaccine please visit the CDC’s influenza website:
www.flu.gov and http://www.cdc.gov/flu/parents

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Channel One Food and Funds Drive - Donations Accepted September 23 to October 3

Channel One Food Bank and Food Shelf served 100,000 people last year. I am sponsoring a Food and Funds Drive for Channel One at Lincoln as part of my Communication Arts service project. The drive will run from Tuesday, September 23 to Friday, October 3. Please bring canned or boxed foods such as peanut butter, packaged meals, soups, crackers/ snacks, canned vegetables or fruits, noodles, or fresh produce (that will keep) to the bin in the front foyer.  No glass or perishable foods. Monetary donations are also being accepted - checks can be made out to Channel One Regional Food Bank and dropped off in Linnea Archer's room.

Let's fill the bin! Thank you for helping - Jared Nathan

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lincoln Parent Orientation Nights - September 16 and 18

Separate Parent Orientation Nights have been scheduled for K-5 and Uppers (6-8):
  • Uppers Parent Orientation Night – September 16 6:00pm-8:30pm
  • K-5 Parent Orientation Night – September 18 6:00pm-8:00pm 
Parent Orientation Nights are for parents/guardians only – please leave students at home.
Both Parent Orientation Nights will start in the gym.

It is very important that you make plans to attend this event so that you can hear details about the uppers classes and opportunities.
At the orientation, you will follow your student's schedule and meet each of your child’s teachers.
A copy of your student’s schedule will be sent home the first week of school.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Lincoln Lingo 2014!

We've compiled a list of acronyms and terms to help all parents/families understand the Lincoln Lingo!
CLICK HERE for a PDF document of the Lincoln Lingo!, or
CLICK HERE for the Lincoln Lingo! page on the LincolnLincs.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


The Lincoln PPT welcomes all new and returning families to the new school year!  The PPT is the parent, guardian and staff planning team at Lincoln, and all are automatically PPT members.  Please join us for our kick-off meeting next Monday, September 15, from 7-8pm in the Lincoln media center.  We will learn about ways to get involved in the upcoming Lincoln Family Auction and other Lincoln activities and committees.  If you have any questions, please contact your PPT Co-Presidents, Jodi Kruse (jmkruse22@gmail.com or 269-6344) or Cinnamon Marxen (cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527).

Hope to see you there!

Monday, September 8, 2014

First Players Band and Concert Band - Grades 5-8 - Registration Open!

First Players is a program that many Lincoln students have participated in.  It gives 5th graders an opportunity to get small group "lessons" and particpate in an organized band led by a professional band director, and students in 6-12th grade to participate in a Concert Band experience.  It is a great way to get an early start on music for 5th graders and a great place for middle school students to apply and practice all they are learning in band!

Registration Open for Young Authors, Young Artists Conference (Grades 6 - 8) - October 31

CLICK HERE FOR A FLYER AND REGISTRATION INFORMATION for Southeast Minnesota's Young Authors, Young ArtistS Conference. This open to anyone in grades 6-8 who loves to write or create. Register for 4 sessions. It is a great opportunity for creative kids. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Summer Reading Ice Cream Party September 12 - Donations and Volunteers Needed

Can you help reward our kids for all their hard work reading this summer at the ICE CREAM PARTY!?!? Please donate an item or volunteer to help us serve ice cream for all of our summer readers!!
We need help September 12 from 2-4pm to serve ice cream!! Can you volunteer? Contact Dani at 254-3594 or dani.nikolai@gmail.com

We will also need the following items donated; contact Dani at 254-3594 or dani.nikolai@gmail.com:
  • 2 gallons of ice cream 
  • 2 large bottles of chocolate syrup 
  • 2 large bottles of caramel syrup 
  • 4 containers of sprinkles 
  • 300 bowls or small cups (short but wide is better than tall and narrow) to serve ice cream in 
AND...If you haven’t yet… turn in your child’s summer reading form to their classroom teacher by September 5 so they can join us in this fun celebration!!
Questions regarding the summer reading program and reward can be addressed to
Katie Schafer at 328-3568 or kaschafer@rochester.k12.mn.us
Thank you!!

Parent of K Info Day Power Point Presentation

A big welcome to our new kindergarten parents! Here is the link to the powerpoint that was presented at the Parent of K Info Day on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings - CLICK HERE