Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Lincoln Ellen Hunt Alumni Scholarship - Two parent volunteers needed for committee

The Lincoln Ellen Hunt Alumni Scholarship chairs are looking for two parent volunteers to participate as a member of the scholarship selection committee. This is a one time volunteer commitment where members of the committee participate in reviewing scholarship applications, meet for a single evening to dialogue and select a recipient. Members of the committee are given the applications to review prior and followed by the selection meeting on May 5th (typically lasting for 1-2 hours). No experience needed, however selected members need to be available on May 5th .
 If this would be a good fit for you please contact Jodi Kruse (jmkruse22@gmail.com) or Melissa Engelken (melissae.724@gmail.com) by email.

Upcoming Events after Spring Break - Save these Dates!

Spring Cleaning? We want your books!
We are collecting gently used books. During the week of April 6-10th, please send any gently used books to school that you are willing to donate. Books can be sent to your child’s classroom where they will be collected, labeled and sorted. These generously donated books will be used for our annual Lincoln end-of-year book swap. This swap allows children to choose several books to take home and read over the summer.   Thanks in advance for supporting such a fun event for our students. 

April 16, 2015 - Bring your Grandparent to Lunch Day! 
Have fun over the lunch hour with your grandparent by having lunch and shopping at the Book Fair! Watch backpacks, e-files and the Lincs for more info after Spring Break.

April 15,16, 17 - Lincoln Book Fair 

Saturday, April 25th, 2015 Lincoln at the Movies 
Lincoln's Annual Morning at the Movies!
Saturday, April 25th, 2015
Doors Open at 8:30 AM
Special Concession Prices will be available!
Keep reading E-files and the Lincs for more details soon!

Saturday, May 16th – 10 AM to 1 PM
We are in need of VOLUNTEERS to help make the carnival a success!!
Please RSVP as soon as possible to LincolnK8social@yahoo.com
or call Sandy at 951-9178 or Julie at 421-9305.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Rochester Afterschool Program Ends March 26

A reminder that RAP (after school program) will be coming to an end on Thursday, March 26th. Thank you to all the students who helped by working hard and being helpful.
Thank you to all the staff who stayed to work with kids to make connections and provide extra boosts for learning.
And a huge thank you to parents who helped in communicating with staff and being timely in pick up for such a large group of students :)
We hope to see you involved again next year.
Andi Harmon, and the RAP staff:
Tricia, Allison, Will R, James, Aurora, Mickey, Beth, Kim, Will S, Corey, Andy R, Alyse, Elizabeth, LuAnn, Jane, and Ginelle

Rocktown Tour - March 26

Our Uppers’ students are ready to rock!
They have been working hard to prepare for the upcoming Rocktown Tour Concert on March 26th. Students have been working on their performance and getting the 50 blue ribbons in Study Island needed to earn time away from school. Plenty of time to get the blue ribbons if students have not reached at least 50 yet!

Uppers’ will be showing off their musical/theatrical/presenting talents to over 1,000 people that day at four different venues.
9:05 Leave on buses to Bamber Valley
9:40 Bamber Valley Gym
11:00 Boys and Girls Club (abbreviated performance)
11:30 Lunch We will be providing pizza/beverage for lunch to the students. Students will have some time to have fun and hang out at THE Place.
1:20 Franklin Elementary
2:30 Lincoln K-8!!!!!!!!
Parents- you are welcome to attend any of these performances if it fits in your schedule….

Rocktown shirts- Students were able to order Rocktown t-shirts if they wanted one. T-shirts are not necessary for the concert. They have arrived and are available for $8.00. We did order some extras in case they changed their minds.
Rock on Uppers!

MCA Testing Begins in April - Calendar Attached

Please encourage your kids to continue their outstanding efforts with reading, IXL, Study Island as these are all great ways to help them succeed on the tests.
Please keep it for future reference and avoid scheduling appointments during testing time.

Lincoln Book Fair - Save the Date!

Lincoln Book Fair is returning!
April 15,16,17
More information to follow in upcoming weeks

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Lincoln Memory Book available for Ordering

Time is running out to order your 2015 memory book for your child.
We have to submit the order on April 5 so if you want a memory book, please order online or send $13.00 to your child’s homeroom teacher in an envelope marked Memory book.
Include your child’s name and homeroom teacher on envelope.
Online ordering at: www.YBPay.lifetouch.com enter code 1927715

Lincoln at the Movies - April 25 - Save the Date!

Lincoln Annual Morning at the Movies!
Saturday, April 25th, 2015
Doors Open at 8:30 AM
Special Concession Prices will be available!
More details to follow.

Seeking LITERACY and MATH Tutors

Minnesota Reading and Math Corps are seeking tutors.
Tutors may earn a living allowance, educational award, federal student loan forbearance and other benefits
 E-mail Tanya Goretzki (tgoretzki@servemnaction.org) with questions.
Visit www.MinnesotaReadingCorps.org or www.MinnesotaMathCorps.org

Monday, March 16, 2015

MARCH PPT MEETING - Monday, March 16 - 7-8pm - Lincoln Media Center

Please join us for the March PPT meeting, this Monday, March 16, from 7-8pm in the Lincoln Media Center.  All Lincoln parents, guardians and staff are welcome.  If you have any questions, please contact your PPT Co-Presidents, Jodi Kruse (jmkruse22@gmail.com or 269-6344) or Cinnamon Marxen (cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527).

Thursday, March 5, 2015

All-Pro Dads, Friday March 13

This month's All-Pro Dads will meet on Friday, March 13 at 8:00-8:45 in the Gym.
This promises to be another great morning!
Perkins is a strong supporter of this program and donates muffins and juice for all of the events.
Please RSVP to Amy at 507-328-3550 or amkrahn@rochester.k12.mn.us if you and your kids can attend - RSVPs help us with the food order, door prizes, etc...

This is a great way for Dads to support their students at school and make connections to home.
We have an outstanding group of Lincoln Dads that are co-facilitating the events this year.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Staff Appreciation - Sign Up to Bring Items

Can you please help show appreciation for our staff by signing up to bring something for the following dates?

  • March 13: Help our staff celebrate Pi Day with pie!! (Pi Day is Saturday March 14 so we will bring in pie for the staff on the 13th) 
  • April 23: Spring Tea 
  • May 19: Staff Lunch (Baked Potato Bar) 

A list of the items needed can be found on our sign up document at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U9a7oKrzQdc14LlIx5TT7IGY_J_ERbBDuacpr0TBtCI/edit?usp=sharing 

Questions can be directed to dani.nikolai@gmail.com or Dani at 254-3594.
Thank you for helping us to show our staff how much we appreciate all they do!!
PPT Staff Appreciation Committee

Science Enrichment Program at Century - Registration Available

Century High School is again offering a science enrichment program after school this spring.

Program Dates:
Grades 1-3 - Tuesdays - April 7 thru May 5
Grades 3-5 - Wednesdays - April 8 thru May 6

Information and registration information is available on the flyer.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Special Projects Funded For This Year

The special projects consensus meeting was held on Wednesday, February 25th. Participants spent several hours discussing the various proposals, working through a three hour long process to ultimately create the funding budget below. Participants were impressed by the quality and diversity of the proposals that were submitted. They wanted to fund them all!


Thank you to everyone who participated in another successful special projects consensus meeting. Joscelyn Martin, Special Projects Chair