Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016



2017 Special Projects Application

Applications are due by Thursday, January 26, 2017

Mark your calendars now to join us for the consensus meeting:

Thursday, February 9, 2017
at 6:00 pm in the Lincoln Media Center

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Note From Mr. Sonju...

Greetings Lincoln Community-
Every day I feel so very fortunate to work in an amazing school full of incredible students, staff and a caring community.
It always amazes me just how much the Lincoln community does for one another and it is so greatly appreciated and valued.
The Lincoln spirit is always in action with seeking ways to make a difference for the world around us.
I wanted to share that we have a Lincoln family that is going through some very challenging times with a health situation for one of our students
Some have inquired as they are interested in helping and the family has given permission to share so here is a website to share if you are interested.
The website has a variety of “ways to help” in the support links.

All Pro Dads Today! (Friday, December 9th)

We will have an All-Pro Dads event on December 9th at 8:00am in the Gym
The theme for the month will be giving.
Thank you to Perkins for sponsoring the event by providing muffins again.

Uppers Winter Concert Reminder

Uppers’ Winter Concert will be on December 20th as 2:00 and 6:30.

It’s Time to Start Planning for 2017 Special Projects!!!!!!!!

Due to a very successful auction enough monies were raised to support the PPT budget as well as fund $26,100 worth of Special Projects!!!!
$7,100 of those dollars are being allocated to start the planning and building of an outdoor classroom for Lincoln students!
This leaves $19,000 for you to start brainstorming other amazing projects to benefit the Lincoln Community!!!!!!

What are Special Projects?
* Special Projects can be any project or item that will benefit the school. Special Projects can be submitted by parents, grandparents, teachers or students of Lincoln.
* Special Projects are paid for by money that is raised from the annual Lincoln Auction after the PPT budget has been funded.
* Special projects funded in the past include: Smart Boards in the classrooms, the "Big Toy" playground equipment, STEM technology, Lincoln information sign, popcorn popper and 3D Laser Printer just to name a few.

Applications will be due by Thursday, January 26, 2017.  They can be submitted to Amy in the Lincoln Office or to Cinnamon Marxen at cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com.
Special Projects meeting will be held at Lincoln on Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 6pm
Applications will be available within the next few weeks.

Spring Fling Expo 2017

Calling all vendors, bakers, artisans, and craftsman! 
Do you sell something unique or represent a direct sales company?  Do you like to make crafts or bake treats or could you share a talent like face painting or balloon making?

Lincoln K-8 School is holding their first Spring Fling expo March 2017 and we’d love to have you be part of it!  To find out more information, please contact Kay Hillesheim 507-288-9698 or cleanwithkay@gmail.com

Box Top Bulletin #2

 The goal of the school wide box-top challenge is to increase submissions to 10 box tops per student per month for the remainder of the 2016-2017 year.  By doing this we could raise as much as $3000 per student per month.

For more information see the link below:

Box Top Bulletin #2

Sunday, December 4, 2016


Calling all vendors, bakers, artisans, and craftsman! Do you sell something unique or represent a direct sales company? Do you like to make crafts or bake treats or could you share a talent like face painting or balloon making?

Lincoln K-8 School is holding their first Spring Fling expo March 2017 and we’d love to have you be part of it! To find out more information, please contact Kay Hillesheim 507-288-9698 or cleanwithkay@gmail.com.

Friday, November 18, 2016


Please join us as we welcome Lincoln's Project Lead the Way and InSciEdout experts, Kyle Casper and Liz Koehler!  Liz and Kyle will give a hands-on presentation, along with additional information about these two exceptional STEM programs at Lincoln.
Plus, learn about PPT events, a Lincoln Family Auction update, and a preview of the Special Projects process --
­­ the important way you can get involved in deciding how best to use this year's auction proceeds.  This is a GREAT way to get involved at Lincoln!
All Lincoln parents, guardians and staff are welcome.
Questions!  Please contact PPT Presidents Jodi Kruse, at jmkruse22@gmail.com or 281-1613 or Cinnamon Marxen, at cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527.

Introducing... the Box Top Challenge!

Last year, Lincoln received about $600 from Box Tops for Education for submitting clipped Box Tops, which can be found on many grocery items. This is equivalent to about 2 Box Tops per Lincoln student per month.

Starting today, we are launching a school-wide Box Top Challenge in order to increase participation to 10 Box Tops per student per month for the remainder of the 2016-2017 school year. By meeting this goal, we could raise as much as $3,000 for Lincoln! As part of this challenge, there will be three individual prizes awarded each month, and the classroom that turns in the most Box Tops by May 15 will win a party! 

Please click on the link below for more details. 

Box Tops for Lincoln!

Any questions, email boxtops4lincoln@gmail.com.

Lost and Found

Parents:  We will be setting the Lost and Found items out on tables next week.   Please stop by before Friday December 2nd and see if you can claim anything.
Anything unclaimed will be taken to Goodwill.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Please join us as we welcome Lincoln's Project Lead the Way and InSciEdout experts, Kyle Casper and Liz Koehler!  Liz and Kyle will give a hands-on presentation, along with additional information about these two exceptional STEM programs at Lincoln.

Plus, learn about PPT events, a Lincoln Family Auction update, and a preview of the Special Projects process --­­ the important way you can get involved in deciding how best to use this year's auction proceeds.  This is a GREAT way to get involved at Lincoln!

All Lincoln parents, guardians and staff are welcome.

Questions!  Please contact PPT Presidents Jodi Kruse, at jmkruse22@gmail.com or 281-1613 or Cinnamon Marxen, at cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527.

Monday, November 14, 2016


A number of classroom have implemented “Genius Hour” where students are give an hour each week to explore a topic that interests them.  They have to research it and eventually present what they have found or made to their class.   In upper elementary classes students are encouraged to do something the will help the world outside of Lincoln.  One of the projects needs your help:


* Lincoln book fair will be held on Nov. 16,17,18
* Back by popular demand will be have lunch with your grandparent or "grand" person and then shop the book fair--- Nov. 18th
* Stock up on books for Thanksgiving and Christmas break and get some holiday shopping done !

Do you know that Lincoln Sells SCRIP?

Scrip is simply a word that means “substitute money” – in other words, scrip is gift certificates from national and local  retailers.  They’re the same gift certificates that you buy  at the store.  Many popular retailers participate in our scrip program including JCPenney, The Gap, Shell, Pizza Hut, Red Lobster and many, many others.  See Attachment

You’re probably asking yourself how these stores help us raise money.  It’s simple -- scrip participating retailers agree to sell gift certificates to our organization at a discount.  Member families like ours buy the certificates for full face value, they redeem them for full face value, and our school keeps the difference as revenue.  And scrip is exciting, because everybody wins:

·        The retailer gets cash up front and repeat business…
·        Our school gets a regular source of revenue.

The beauty of scrip is that you put your regular household shopping dollars to work. You earn money for our school without spending a single additional penny.  Just spend your regular shopping dollars with scrip at the stores that participate in the scrip program!  And scrip can be used for just about any household purchase including food, clothing, entertainment, gasoline and even dining out. See Attachment

The money generated from this program will go directly to supporting technology improvements at Lincoln.  SCRIP is available in the office

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Last call!  If you ordered a 40th anniversary T-shirt last Spring and have not received it yet, please contact Karen Anderson (yoderanderson@yahoo.com) or Jodi Kruse (jmkruse22@gmail.com) by Wednesday, November 23.  Thanks for your patience!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Final Catalogue for Saturday Auction! October 29th, 2016

Here is the link to the catalogue for the 2016 Auction.
(Paper versions came home Thursday)

Hope to see everyone there! Should be an awesome experience!

Lincoln 2016 Auction Catalogue

10 Reasons you should come the Auction besides supporting your school

3 sets of Wild Tickets
Marcus Sherels Signed football
Building a Ginger Bread house with KimSue
Garden Makeover
Co-Principal for a week
Family Getaway in Montana $1250.00 Value
150 gallon Aquarium $800.00 value
Date Night for a Year $390.00 value (see below)
Party Perfect Celebration at the Plummer House$860.00 value
2 night rental of a 2015 31 foot Winnebago “Minnie Winnie” sleeps 8-10 people  650.00 value
And the list goes on!

All Pro Dads This Morning

Please join us in the gym this Friday morning at 8:00am, to kick off Lincoln’s All Pro Dad initiative.  The origin of this program was to invite fathers into our school, to engage in positive dialogue with their children, on a regular basis.   Please keep in mind that the name of the program is “All Pro Dad,” and is focused on fathers, but anyone (moms, grandparent, friend) with a goal of being/becoming a positive role model in the life of their child is welcome.    This month’s topic is HONESTYAs All Pro Dads we want to encourage our kids to learn the incredible value of honesty and how it is a daily decision to always tell the truth no matter the consequences. See you Tomorrow at 8:00

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Please join us in the gym this Friday morning at 8:00am, to kick off Lincoln’s All Pro Dad initiative.  The origin of this program was to invite fathers into our school, to engage in positive dialogue with their children, on a regular basis.   Please keep in mind that the name of the program is “All Pro Dad,” and is focused on fathers, but anyone (moms, grandparent, friend) with a goal of being/becoming a positive role model in the life of their child is welcome.    This month’s topic is HONESTYAs All Pro Dads we want to encourage our kids to learn the incredible value of honesty and how it is a daily decision to always tell the truth no matter the consequences. See you Friday!  

Hello Everyone!!!!

The auction is two days away and a few baskets would greatly benefit from more donations. If you can send in an item with your child tomorrow or Friday morning, it will make a huge difference!

The baskets in the greatest need:
Sirek: All American Boy & Girl
Napton: Everythjng Legos
Dornack: Camping/Fishing
Casper: Garage/Car Care, Repair & Wash

Thank you so much for your support, it's going to be a great auction. See you Saturday!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Auction Volunteers Needed!

Auction items have been solicited and picked up, they have been wrapped and assigned a room, the catalog has been constructed and printed, the auctioneer has been hired and now we are ready for a truly large auction…but wait…we need you to volunteer for an hour on the day of the auction. The auction committee has worked all summer to get to this point and now they need your help.  Please click on this link and put your name in a slot to volunteer. We especially need room monitors!  This is an easy job that involves supervising the bidding that takes place in a specific room. This is a small time commitment, you will have plenty of time to enjoy the auction!

Programs like InSciEd.Out and Project Lead the Way did not just happen at Lincoln..It took parent volunteers, money and a committed staff to make it happen and the profit from the auction was a large factor in developing these programs.  The Gaga pits, supplies for the new makerspace room, robots for students to program are made possible through grants we receive and money raised by parents through the auction.  We need you to volunteer, attend and bid at this one day event.

Auction Update, Only 4 more days!!!

Keep sending in your Auction Donations!
Items delivered this week will be in the addendum available the day of the auction.
To be recognized for donating in the catalog PLEASE mark the items left with your name. There are donation receipts available in the office and on the stage for this purpose. If anyone has forgotten to do that, please email Kate Thompson Jewell at katiedid159@gmail.com and she can add you to the donors list. Thank you!

Thank you to everyone that has contributed to your child’s classroom basket!  If you haven’t done so yet, gift cards would be a great addition at this point…  Amy in the office can sell you a script card, that we would be happy to put with their basket.

Updates for this week

Good Afternoon Lincoln families!  Please see below for a few important updates for the coming weeks.
All-Pro Dads will be on Friday, October 28th at 8:00am in the Lincoln Gym. Muffins and juice will be provided along with an opportunity for connecting with kids and other Lincoln families. The theme of the event will be Honesty as it should be another fun event.

Lincoln K-8 Auction will be on Saturday, October 29th .
Silent Auction 11:30-1:30   Live Auction begins at 2:00
Hope to see everyone there as it is such an important event for the Lincoln K-8 Family!
Lincoln Spirit Week!  Student Government has been busy planning fun and exciting days for the week leading up to the big Auction.  See below for details:
Monday: Movie Star Day
Tuesday:  Favorite Sports Team Day
Wednesday:  PJ Day
Thursday:  Wacky Day
Friday:  Spirit Day
Veterans' Day:  please remember to send in your pictures for the Wall of Hero's!
Thank you!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Please start bringing in your donations!

Flyer:  Farmer's Market Flyer

Non-perishable items can be left in the office with Amy.

Perishable items can be dropped off October 28 from 3:30-7pm and October 29, anytime after 10:30am.

Questions, please contact:  Cinnamon Marxen (250-4527) or Jodi Kruse (269-6344).

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Lincoln Community Relations - Parents Needed!

The Lincoln Community Relations Committee does a number of events each year to reach families interested in attending Lincoln. We are looking for current Lincoln family members interested in working with us this year.

What do we do?
  • Tours – We need Lincoln parents to present our tours. CLICK HERE FOR TOUR DATES AND TIMES.  If you want to know what you would be presenting, CLICK HERE FOR THE CURRENT TOUR PRESENTATION. Training is provided! 
  • Kickoff to Kindergarten – Thursday, November 3 4:30-7:00 pm. This is the annual District event for all families with students entering kindergarten in Fall 2017 (or later). We need volunteers to staff a Lincoln table and talk to interested parents about Lincoln. We know that is the same night as the Lincoln Music and Mystery Event that starts at 6:00, but if we could get some people to work before 6:00, that would be helpful.
  • Tour Poster distribution to preschools – We need Lincoln parents to distribute copies of our Tour Poster to preschools. Copies of our Tour Poster will be available (next week) in the Main Office with a list of preschools where they need to be distributed. 
If you are interested in working on any of these events or other Community Relations activities this year, please contact Cathy Nathan at natecate13@charter.net.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Winter is Approaching – Have Mittens?

We have been providing gloves and mittens for loan in the Media Center for those boys and girls who need them for outside breaks.  We are almost out of gloves/mittens for the students to borrow.  If you have gloves/mittens that you would be willing to donate for this purpose, would you please bring them to the Media Center?? 

Thanks!!!!  Janis, Dawn & Ms. B 

Thursday, October 13, 2016





Signup to volunteer: 

Additionally we will have sign-up sheets at conferences, please sign up for a slot.  
The auction takes many, many volunteers.


Thank you for all of the great donations received to date. Due to popular demand, we have extended the date for items to be in the printed catalog. If items are received at school by Friday, October 14, or a detailed description emailed to calldgl@aol.com, they will be incorporated in the catalog which will be sent home with students around October 26.

Please continue sending in Classroom basket donations. All cash that will be contributed to these should be received BEFORE the MEA break.

If you need ideas or suggestions for your child's basket please contact Julie.salsman@charter.net


An auction poster is attached, and a printed copy will be coming home in your K-5 child's backpacks, AND available at conferences. Share and promote to your friends, family and co-workers. 

This is an exciting event for all ages. You must experience it to believe it!! 


Auction Package Preview

**YOU PICK THE LINCOLN EVENT – 6 Front row seats at an upcoming Lincoln event – Concerts, Productions, Graduation, Spring Sing 

** Minnesota Wild Tickets 

**Family Getaway to Bozeman Montana 

Space still available at the Lincoln Music & Mystery Event

Featuring Gabe Holmes Hypnotist, and Smash & Grab Band 

Parent event at RGCC -Thursday November 3  

Sign up at

Lincoln Auction Farmer's Market

We are excited to announce this new addition to the auction, and are looking for the following donations:

Homemade canned goods
Farm eggs
Fresh produce
Fresh cut flowers
Meal starters
Cookie starters
Handmade quilts, scarves, hat and mittens
And other craft items

View and print the information flyer here:  Lincoln Auction Farmer's Market

For questions, contact Cinnamon Marxen (507-250-4527) or Jodi Kruse (507-269-6344)

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Teacher Conferences Thursday the 13th and Monday the 17th

Just a quick reminder that teacher conferences for K-5 AND for Uppers are tonight and on Monday the 17th.

This is a great opportunity to show your appreciation for the staff  and a GREAT time to bring in something for your child's classroom auction basket and/or a donation for the Auction!

Here is the staff appreciation signup:
Staff Appreciation

And here is the signup for the 2016 Auction!
2016 Auction

Thank-you for all you do for Lincoln, most of all for raising such amazing kids!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Mid Quarter

It is the middle of the quarter and time for all uppers parents to do a check of Skyward.  Keep track of how your student is doing and avoid surprises at the end of the quarter.

Less than 30 days until the Lincoln Auction! Lincoln Auction - Saturday October 29th!

Can kids come to the Auction?
Yes! Free childcare (provided by SACC employees) will be available starting at 11:30, and continue throughout the live portion of the auction.  We do ask that children be at least 6 months old, and parents remain onsite.  There will be many activities available for a small charge for school-age children including face painting, crazy hair, tattoos, and green screen fun.  Many of our middles and uppers students will be helping in various areas throughout auction day.

Will there be food at the auction?
Lincoln family owned businesses Mr. Pizza South and Great Harvest will have food available from 11:30 on.  Additionally we will have Inta Juice Smoothies, and the always popular Bake Sale!

What should I donate?
Classroom Baskets are listed below, and Julie Salsman is our contact to help parents and teachers with ideas and coordination.  Julie.salsman@charter.net
Many families donate “experiences” – Examples:  1 week stay at vacation home in Montana,  Learn to make Lefse, Learn all about Beekeeping
Or fill a basket with items your family has picked out – Everything to get Started with Hockey, All things Crafty
Or if you have a friend/family owned business Gift certificates or Sports events tickets are always popular
Please contact calldgl@aol.com if you have questions or ideas

When do donations need to be dropped off? As soon as possible!  We will be taking donations until the Friday before the event, but it really, really helps our poofing team if we receive them at least a week before.  Additionally to be in the printed catalog we need items by this Friday Oct. 7th.

Where do I drop off donations?  In the school office. Take a receipt if you need it for your tax records.

When does the catalog come out?
All Live, Platinum and Diamond items received before October 7 will be in the print version of the catalog which will be sent home with students around the 3rd week of October. We also have an addendum with additional items available the day of the event.

2016 Classroom Basket themes
Karmen Frana             Crayola
Lisa Robbins                Board Games
Stephanie Sirek           All American boy and girl
Andi Harmon               Gift Cards
Stephanie Koenig        Everything Legos
Kristi Beeman             Art Lovers basket
Ginelle Robertson       Tailgate Party
Carrie Graff                Chocolate and Coffee
Jason Howes                Outdoor Games / Camp Fire
Mickey Laughland       Garden Delights
Beth Napton                Everything Legos
Kim Olson                    Magic Show and Science Fun
Will Ruffin                   Vikings/Packers
Linnea Archer             Ace of Baking
Corey Dornack            Camping/Fishing
Alyse Schroeder          Dog and Cat lovers
Kyle Casper                 Car Care Repair and Wash
Andy Roth                    Fun in the Snow

SALE! Last chance for gourds!

One Day SPECIAL! Last chance to get them!
Lincoln Grown Gourds are just 2 for $1.00!
Proceeds go towards the Lincoln Auction!
Get them while they last from the office!

Welcome to Emily Plantz- MN Reading Corps Literacy Tutor!

Hi! My name is Emily Plantz! I am the new Reading Corps Literacy Tutor at Lincoln. This is my first year in Reading Corps. I am very excited to be working with kids and to be working here at Lincoln! Besides being a tutor, I am also a full-time student at RCTC. I am currently working on getting my Liberal Arts degree. I hope to eventually get a Bachelor’s in English. I have loved reading from a very young age and I can’t wait to share that love of reading with children!

Influenza Vaccine

Monday, October 10, 2016 is the date slated for Mayo Clinic/Olmstead Medical Center Influenza Vaccine Clinic for students at Lincoln.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Uppers Camping Experience

Did you know that the Lincoln Uppers (6/7/8) go camping at Whitewater State Park every fall.  They sleep in cabins, cook, learn science, and get to know the people in their class better.  It is a tradition that goes back more than 20 years. Teachers and students spend three days camping and will return Friday very tired and smelling of smoke and camp.

Influenza Vaccine

October 10, 2016 is the date slated for Mayo Clinic/Olmstead Medical Center Influenza Vaccine Clinic for students at Lincoln.

Did you order a 40th anniversary T-shirt?

If you have not received it yet, please contact Naura Webb and she will get it to you!

Music and Mystery Night!

Ticket sales have been awesome for the upcoming Music and Mystery Night!
This is a parent only event on Thursday November 3.  Here is the link for individual and group ticket sales
Thanks to our super sponsors, 100% of all ticket proceeds benefit Lincoln!
Get your friends/family/co-workers together and sign up for a table of 10 by midnight tonite and be eligible for special “early bird” incentive drawings!
Any questions contact Donna Layton calldgl@aol.com

Lincoln Auction - Saturday October 29th!

leave in the school office -be sure to grab a donation slip if needed for tax purposes.
All teachers also have their classroom theme posted

follow the online directions to quickly register for an account and find the volunteer position that appeals to you!

If any questions contact
Donna Layton calldgl@aol.com
Sara Mason  ssmason21@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Lincoln Backpack Program:

Did you know your child can take home a backpack full of kid-friendly, nonperishable food at no charge every Thursday?  If you are interested in the Backpack Program please contact Jenny Chonis, School Social Worker at 328-3554 or jechonis@rochester.k12.mn.us for details.  

Winter Outerwear Vouchers:

It won’t be long before the snow flies!  Are you in need of winter outerwear?  Please contact Jenny Chonis, School Social Worker at 328-3554 or jechonis@rochester.k12.mn.us for a winter outerwear voucher to be used at either north/south Salvation Army stores Mondays – Saturdays.  Each family must have a voucher to participate.

LINCOLN Jr Fall Lego League 2016 (For 1st – 3rd graders) Creature Craze

Having trouble viewing or submitting this form?

FOR more information contact John Kisiel: 507-208-0211 or panopticon1@yahoo.com

Teams form in September and usually meet once a week October to December.

Swing like a monkey, fly like a bat, or hop like a frog into the FIRST® LEGO® League Jr. CREATURE CRAZE season. Whether in zoos, on the farm, or in your own back yard, we all encounter animals in our lives. In the 2016-2017 CREATURE CRAZE Challenge, children will dive into the wonders of the animal kingdom. What will you learn about our furry, feathered, and finned friends?

Each year, Lincoln FIRST LEGO League Jr. 1st-3rd grade students explore an exciting Challenge to ignite their creativity. While exploring the real-world theme, teams will use basic engineering concepts to build a model made of LEGO® elements. They will also learn to present information through a Show Me Poster. Throughout their experience, teams will operate under the FIRST LEGO League Jr. Core Values, celebrating discovery, teamwork, and Gracious Professionalism®. Learn more about International FLL at: http://www.juniorfirstlegoleague.org/2016-creature-craze-challenge

Monday, September 26, 2016

Update on Lincoln 40th Anniversary T-shirts

If you ordered a Lincoln 40th anniversary t-shirt last Spring and have not received it, please contact Naura (naurabeth@gmail.com or 507-951-1331) and Naura will get your shirt to you!  Thank you for your patience.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016




The PPT is excited to welcome everyone back for another exciting school year!  We enjoyed seeing so many of you at Meet the Teacher.  Also, welcome to our new families! We are looking forward to meeting you!


Due to changes in district policy Lincoln teachers are no longer able to ask parents/guardians to assist with defraying the cost of various necessary classroom supplies, such as art supplies, incentives for students, supplies for InSciEdout lab, supplies for classroom projects, Clorox wipes, Kleenex and hand sanitizer, just to name a few.


Therefore, the Lincoln PPT has taken over the responsibility to collect donations and raise funds to cover these costs.  We need your help!  Please consider making a voluntary donation of $25.00 per child to the Lincoln PPT to help cover the costs of these classroom supplies.  Cash or checks are accepted.  Make checks payable to “Lincoln PPT” and write “PPT Classroom Fundraiser” on the memo line.  Donations can be dropped off or backpack expressed to the Lincoln office and put into the PPT school mailbox.

PPT Leadership will also be available at Parent Orientation night on September 22 to collect donations and answer any questions you may have.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Thank you for your attention to this important change to our school, and thank you for your continued support of Lincoln students and staff.


Your PPT leadership team,

Jodi Kruse, PPT Co-President, jmkruse22@gmail.com, 507-269-6344
Cinnamon Marxen, Co-President, cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com, 507-250-4527
Mindy Schroeder, PPT President Elect, mindyschroeder314@gmail.com, 507-358-8690
Karen MacLaughlin, PPT Secretary, karenhome@charter.net
Karen Anderson, PPT Treasurer, yoderanderson@yahoo.com

Monday, September 19, 2016

Music and Mystery Night!

Ticket sales have been awesome for the upcoming Music and Mystery Night!
This is a parent only event on Thursday November 3.  Here is the link for individual and group ticket sales
Thanks to our super sponsors, 100% of all ticket proceeds benefit Lincoln!
Get your friends/family/co-workers together and sign up for a table of 10 by midnight tonight and be eligible for special “early bird” incentive drawings!
Any questions contact Donna Layton calldgl@aol.com

Please keep in mind that we raise the funds not our kids.  Kids do not sell door to door or to parents…this is how we raise money to support all of the activities and events at Lincoln.  It takes the entire Lincoln community to make this a success – please Volunteer or Donate or Bid at the auction or attend this very fun event.  This is a great school with state of the art experiences for students – let’s keep it going

Lincoln Auction - Saturday October 29th!

leave in the school office -be sure to grab a donation slip if needed for tax purposes.
All teachers also have their classroom theme posted
2016 Lincoln Auction
Saturday, October 29
11:30 AM
New for 2016 – A farmers Market and Green Screen fun
Platinum – Diamond and Classroom Baskets
Please keep in mind that we raise the funds not our kids.  Kids do not sell door to door or to parents…this is how we raise money to support all of the activities and events at Lincoln.  It takes the entire Lincoln community to make this a success – please volunteer or Donate or Bid at the auction.

follow the online directions to quickly register for an account and find the volunteer position that appeals to you!

If any questions contact
Donna Layton calldgl@aol.com
Sara Mason  ssmason21@gmail.com

Meet Jenny Chonis, Lincoln's new Social Worker!


Hello, my name is Jenny Chonis and I am the new, full-time School Social Worker at Lincoln K-8 School.  School social workers are often described as the link between home, school, and the community.  School social workers are licensed by the MN Board of Social Work and the MN Department of Education.  I am here to support students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs.  Some examples of my duties are:
*      Helping identify students for special education services
*      Offering support to students via individual counseling, facilitating support groups, or at times whole classroom instruction
*      Providing families information about community resources
If you are interested in school social work services for your child please feel to contact me.   I am truly excited and grateful to be working with the awesome students and staff at Lincoln! 
Jenny Chonis, LSW
School Social Worker
(507) 328-3554

Mrs Sirek’s Kindergarten Class Harvest Gourds from our school garden

Last spring the kindergarten students in Mrs Sirek’s class planted gourds for this year’s kindergarten class.  Yesterday was harvest day.  Can’t wait to see what they will do with all those gourds


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

PPT MEETING - Monday, September 19 - 7-8pm - Lincoln Media Center

Welcome to the new school year from the PPT!  PPT is Lincoln's parent/teacher organization.

Please join us as we welcome Lincoln's new Reading Specialist, Courtney Collins!  Courtney will present information about Lincoln's leveled reading program, how best to help your child, and other reading tips for all student reading levels.

Plus, learn about exciting PPT events planned for this Fall and beyond, including ways you can get involved in this year's Lincoln Family Auction.

All Lincoln parents, guardians and staff are welcome.

Questions!  Please contact PPT President Jodi Kruse, at jmkruse22@gmail.com or 281-1613.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Flu Clinics This Fall

Preventing disease and keeping our children healthy is a priority for all of us. One of the best ways to protect our children is by vaccinating them against known illnesses.  Schools can play an important role to keep our children healthy and stop the spread of the flu.  That’s why Lincoln K-8 has partnered with a team of nurses from Olmsted Medical Center, Mayo Clinic, and public health to offer the flu vaccine to students this fall. 

National experts are recommending against anyone getting the nasal spray this year. All school and local medical clinics will only provide the injection. The school flu program will provide non-medication pain relief for children.

Lincoln’s  flu clinic will be on Monday October 10th in the afternoon.    Registration is required and can be completed through the registration link at http://www.semnic.org/schoolfluclinics.aspx. Online registration is preferred. Paper registration forms are also available in the main office. Registration closing dates are available on school at the above link and on school’s website. This is a fast, easy, and convenient way to keep our children, our school, and our community healthy throughout the year.  We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this important opportunity.  Questions can be directed to 293-4800 or emailed to schoolflu@mayo.edu.

Summer Reading Ice Cream Celebration

Friday September 9th :
See following link


Something new this year for our Lincoln Parents! An evening of Music and Mystery!

Music and Mystery event Thursday Nov. 3rd

Individual tickets and tables of 10 available!
Gather your friends and co-workers AND sign-up by September 15th for special incentives!

Lincoln Spirit Wear!

 Show your support of Lincoln and advertise your "Lincoln Family"!


School Age Child Care (SACC) September 2016

For anyone who is interested and hasn't signed up yet. Here is the info for School Age Child Care :
School Age Child Care
Lincoln – September, 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Welcome Back! (And a few changes to the back to school supply list)

Welcome Back to Lincoln! 
And welcome to all the new families joining our Lincoln "family"!

We look forward to an exciting year ahead and can't wait to see everyone at Meet the Teacher day on Thursday!

Here are a few corrections to the school supply lists. (The paper version that you received in the Lincs didn't contain a few items) 

For the correct list of school supplies, please see the following:
Lincoln K-8 Districtwide Supply List, August 2016

For your reference, the corrections per grade are as follows:


2 boxes of crayons, 24 count (not just 1)
8 glue sticks (not just 4)
4 THIN dry erase markers (not wide)
5 solid colored poly plastic folders with 3pring fasteners (1 green, 1 blue, 1 red, 1 black, 1 yellow)
         (rather than just 4 folders)
1 set of child sized headphones

1st Grade Primaries:
Wide Washable Markers, 8 count
1 box crayons, 24 count
Personal earbuds/headphone for I-pad use
            Facial Tissue
            Disinfecting Wipes

2nd/3rd Grade Middles:
Composition Notebook (3rd grade only)
You don't need a stylus for I-pads
Disinfecting Wipes

4th/5th Grade -Intermediates:
Only 3 colored folders are needed: in red, yellow, green (not blue)
Only 2 notebooks, wide lined: in yellow, green
1 Composition notebook
You do NOT need loose leaf paper,
Post it Notes, 3x3 (5 pack)
Post it Flags, (100-count pack)
            Headphones for I-pad use
            Facial Tissue
            Disinfecting Wipes

6th, 7th, 8th grade -Uppers:

1 - 1 subject notebook, green
1 folder, green
Dry erase Markers
Headphones or Earbuds for I-pads

Scientific calculator (TI-30 preferred)
1 notebook (not a 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper)

Monday, August 29, 2016


It's a busy week with Meet the Teacher on Thursday, but please consider this important donation request.

Due to a change in district policy, Lincoln teachers are no longer able to ask parents/families to assist with defraying the cost of various necessary classroom supplies.

Therefore, the Lincoln PPT has taken over the responsibility to collect donations and raise funds to cover these costs.  We need your help!

Please consider making a voluntary donation of $25.00 per child to the Lincoln PPT to help cover the costs of these classroom supplies.

Make checks payable to “Lincoln PPT” and write “PPT Classroom Fundraiser” and your student’s name on the check. After Meet the Teacher on September 1, please drop off or backpack express your donations to the Lincoln office to be put in the PPT school mailbox.

Thank you.

2016-17 Lincoln PPT Leadership

Co-president Jodie Kruse (jmkruse22@gmail.com or 269-6344)
Co-president Giuseppe Accardo (giuseppePPT@gmail.com or 250-0968)