Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Lincoln's 40th Anniversary Celebration
Friday, May 13  |  4:307:30 pm

Family picnic  |  2K run/walk  |  dunk tank  |  photo booth  |  face painting  |  games & fun

ALL current, former and future Lincoln families, teachers, substitutes, and staff are invited to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of our school! Lincoln K-8 is hosting an evening of fun for the whole family including a 2K run/walk, games, and activities followed by a community picnic on the playground. 

REGISTRATION: Preregistration is required. Please complete the attached form and return it (with payment) to the Lincoln office, contact Amy Krahn in the Lincoln office to register over the phone 507-328-3550, or stop by the office to register in person.

COST: The meal is $5 per person. Some of the activities cost $1 each. Lincoln 40th Anniversary t-shirts are available in youth and adult sizes for $5. Free or reduced-price meal tickets are available for eligible families, please contact Amy in the office to make arrangements.

VOLUNTEER: Many opportunities are available for kids and adults; please consider signing up for a one-hour shift.

Sign up for a shift by clicking this link, or contact Naura Webb: naurabeth@gmail.com

Lost and Found

Dear Parents:

The lost and found is overflowing with goodness.  Please take some time to stop at school
and browse the bins.  If the items aren’t picked up by the end of the school year, we will have a nice donation to make to Goodwill.

LINCOLN BOOK FAIR IS ALMOST OVER! Today is the last day!

Friday, April 22nd             9:00 - 4:30pm
Held on the Lincoln stage, all forms of payment accepted. All profits go back to the media center.
Can't make it? Shop online with free shipping right to the school. Online site has a wider selection of books.
Shop UNTIL April 27 @ http://book fairs.scholastic.com/homepage/lincolnk8choiceschool

All-Pro Dads is TODAY Friday, April 22, 2016

All-Pro Dads will be this morning, Friday, April 22.
We will be in the Gym at 8:00am with Dads, Grandpas, Father figures along with the students.
Perkins will be sponsoring these events and donating muffins and juice.

Last App-Pro Dads will be on Friday, May 20, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Wednesday, April 20th    9:00 - 4:30pm  Today!
Thursday, April 21st        9:00 -4:30pm
Friday, April 22nd             9:00 - 4:30pm
Held on the Lincoln stage, all forms of payment accepted. All profits go back to the media center.
Can't make it? Shop online with free shipping right to the school. Online site has a wider selection of books.
Shop April 13-April 27 @ http://book fairs.scholastic.com/homepage/lincolnk8choiceschool

Bring your Grandparent or "Grand" person to lunch and to shop at the book fair.
April 21st over child's lunch hour- check with child and or teacher to find out when this is.
Bring a SACK LUNCH and sign in as a guest in the office.
Contact jpalmerj2000@yahoo.com with questions

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Congratulations to State Science Fair Students!

State Science Fair:
Luke Attlesey 2nd place- Beckman Coulter Engineering Award
Xander Fuhrer- 3rd place - Beckman Coulter Science Award

Join the Lincoln Garden club!

Garden Club Info and Sign up

Lincoln's 40th Anniversary Celebration - Register Today!

Friday, May 13  |  4:307:30 pm
family picnic  |  2K run/walk  |  dunk tank  |  photo booth  |  face painting  |  games & fun

Join Lincoln staff, students, and families to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of our school! Lincoln K-8 is hosting an evening of fun for the whole family including a 2K run/walk, games, and activities followed by a community picnic on the playground. 

REGISTRATION: Preregistration is required. Please complete the attached form and return it (with payment) to the Lincoln office, contact Amy Krahn in the Lincoln office to register over the phone 507-328-3550, or stop by the office to register in person. CLICK HERE FOR THE REGISTRATION FORM

COST: The meal is $5 per person. Some of the activities cost $1 each. Lincoln 40th Anniversary t-shirts are available in youth and adult sizes for $5. Free or reduced-price meal tickets are available for eligible families, please contact Amy in the office to make arrangements.

VOLUNTEER: Many opportunities are available for kids and adults; please consider signing up for a one-hour shift. Contact Naura Webb: naurabeth@gmail.com


Bring your Grandparent or "Grand" person to lunch and to shop at the book fair.
April 21st over child's lunch hour- check with child and or teacher to find out when this is.
Bring a SACK LUNCH and sign in as a guest in the office.
Contact jpalmerj2000@yahoo.com with questions


April 20th 9-4:30 April 21st 9-4:30 April 22nd 9-4:30
Held on the Lincoln stage, all forms of payment accepted. All profits go back to the media center.
Can't make it? Shop online with free shipping right to the school. Online site has a wider selection of books.
Shop April 13-April 27 @ http://book fairs.scholastic.com/homepage/lincolnk8choiceschool

Principal’s Forum at April’s PPT Meeting – Monday, April 18, 7-8 pm, Lincoln Media Center

Please join the Lincoln PPT as we welcome Principal James Sonju for a PRINCIPAL’S FORUM.  Mr. Sonju will give an update about the current school year and will answer questions from the PPT audience.  All Lincoln parents, guardians and staff are welcome.  Please plan to attend! 

Questions?  Contact your PPT Co-Presidents, Cinnamon Marxen (cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527) or Giuseppe Accardo (giuseppePPT@gmail.com or 250-0968).

84 feet of wall painted for our Green Screen Special Project funded by PPT
