Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Little Sprout Flower Sale

Description: C:\Users\anharmon\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\OTST0YML\Happy_Flower[1].jpgOur Lincoln Little Sprouts will be running a FLOWER SALE!
We have many, many flowers to sell and we will be in the butterfly garden area before and after school each day starting TOMORROW.
On Friday sales will be before school only.  Thanks so much for helping to support our plants and economics unit by stopping to see us and buying a plant: 8:40-9:10 and 3:35-4:00.

Thank you-Andi and StephanieJ

Registration Open for Lincoln's Fall 2016 FIRST LEGO League (FLL)

Get ready. Get set. Roar!

Get ready. Get set. Roar! Or you could bark, quack, or squeak, because the 2016 ANIMAL ALLIESSM season is all about our furry, feathered, and finned friends.
FIRST LEGO League challenges kids to think like scientists and engineers. During the ANIMAL ALLIES season, teams will choose and solve a real-world problem in the Project. They will also build, test, and program an autonomous robot using LEGO MINDSTORMS® technology to solve a set of missions in the Robot Game.
Learn more about International FLL at:

Costs:  Fee will be collected in the fall and will be about $80 per child.

For more information contact Cheryl Kliewer: 280-4107 or Cheryl@wiseraccoon.net

Friday, May 27, 2016

Volunteers Needed

On June 8th we will be collecting all the American Reading book tubs in the classrooms at Lincoln as well as packing up from the Book Swap. We will need to sort, organize and prepare books for storage. It involves thousands of books. Ideally it would be awesome if we could get 4-6 volunteers from 8:30/9:00-11:30ish  and then another 4-6 from 12:30-3:30 in the afternoon. Please contact Katie Schafer at kaschafer@rochester.k12.mn.us if you are able to help our Lincoln students.  Thank you much!!

Gallon Zip-Loc Bags Needed for Book Swap

The annual Lincoln Summer Reading Book Swap is just around the corner (June 6-7). We are in need of gallon Zip-Loc bags for students to use at the swap. If interested in donating a box of Zip-Loc bags, please send to school with your child by June 2nd.  Thanks for considering!  We have several great books for students to take home over the summer!

Please help: Staff Appreciation End of Year Lunch

Can you please donate for the End of the Year Staff Lunch on June 2 to show our staff how thankful we are for all they have done this year!!  Sign up at 


or contact Dani at dani.nikolai@gmail.com or 254-3594.
Thank you for your donations and help show our staff our appreciation!!

HyVee South graciously donated all of the popsicles needed for the last day of school celebration at Slattery Park.  Please support the businesses that support Lincoln.

Lots of Great Things Happening at Lincoln!

Grade four students building generators with VEX kits as part of Project Lead the Way


A one week community service project brought in over 2000 pounds of food for Channel One.  Nice job Brock and Kelly.


Sixth graders with their solar oven designs graphing the melting rate of an ice cube


Students working with Dots and Dash Robots  in second grade.  They are making discoveries and applying coding skills.


Thursday, May 19, 2016

All Pro Dads – This Morning (Friday) at 8:00 AM in the Gym

Remember to check the lost and found!  The bins are overflowing……  All items will be donated to Goodwill at the end of the year!

Need SCRIP for you summer purchases.  We have it in the office

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Special Event for Lincoln Parents May 18, zSPACE!

Stay for 10 minutes or an hour and see the future of 3D imaging.  See how students can look inside the human body in 3D.

 Come and see the possible future of science and technology at Lincoln.  After dropping you student off spend some time experiencing this innovative learning system. It will be available at Lincoln on Wednesday, May 18 from 8:00 AM to Noon. Stop in for a few minutes or for an hour.
Look for Truck!!!

We would like to invite ­­­­­you to participate in the first ever zSpace Virtual Reality Classroom Tour. May 18th, 8am-12pm As many school districts are undergoing a new phase of innovation and transformation with the creation of STEAM focused programs, we’re traveling to schools to demonstrate the latest in virtual reality-based learning experiences. Parents and students are invited hop on board this innovative mobile classroom to discover how over 250 K-12 school districts, universities, and medical schools today are effectively incorporating zSpace into their lesson plans and curriculum. Each visit on the zSpace Virtual Reality Classroom includes: 
-         Exclusive time on board the 12 System Mobile Virtual Reality Classroom at Lincoln 
-         Hands-on demonstrations to for Parents, and students to experience zSpace 

 We’re looking forward to bringing zSpace to you!

The zSpace Virtual Reality Mobile Classroom provides hands-on, VR-based learning experiences in which students use 21st century skills collaboratively to solve real world problems. The objective is to bring zSpace’s Virtual Reality STEM Desktops, and all our latest, most advanced applications right to Lincoln.

Monday, May 16, 2016

The Spring Online Auction is OPEN through Thursday, May 19

Please check out this year's auction at www.32auctions.com/lincolnschool
Bidding is now open, and the auction will close on Thursday evening at 8:00pm. Many great items this year including:

  • Twins tickets
  • Hot air balloon ride
  • Renaissance Festival Tickets, 
  • Skyline Raceway Certificates,
  • Costco Gift Card
  • And much more! 

 If you have any questions please contact Donna Layton at calldgl@aol.com

Sunday, May 15, 2016

MAY PPT MEETING - Monday, May 16 - 7-8pm - Lincoln Media Center

Please join the Lincoln PPT for our annual Business Meeting.  We will review and vote on the 2016-17 PPT Budget, elect officers and hear committee updates.  All Lincoln parents, guardians and staff are welcome.  Please plan to attend! 

Questions?  Contact your PPT Co-Presidents, Cinnamon Marxen (cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527) or Giuseppe Accardo (giuseppePPT@gmail.com or 250-0968).

Thursday, May 12, 2016

40th ANNIVERSARY is TODAY! MAY 13th!!!

FAMILY PICNIC | 2K RUN/WALK | dunk tank | photo booth | face painting | games & fun
Friday, May 13, 2016 | 4:30 - 7:30 pm
ALL current, former and future Lincoln families, teachers, substitutes, and staff are invited to
celebrate the 40th Anniversary of our school! Lincoln K-8 is hosting an evening of fun for the
whole family including a 2K run/walk, games, and activities followed by a community picnic on
the playground.i

Lincoln Garden Club will have plants for sale at the 40th Anniversary Celebration!

The Lincoln Garden Club has over 100 transplanted perennials available for sale, at a really good price.

Here’s the list:    Astilbe, “Autumn Light”
                             Rudbeckia, “Black-eyed Susan”
                             Yarrow, “Summer Pastels”
                             Daylily, “Stella de “Oro”
                             Primrose, “Sundrops”
                             Sedum, “Autumn Joy”
                             Bloody Cranesbill, “Max frei”
                             Nepita Walker’s Low, “Catmint"
                             Hosta…Large leafed, solid green

We may have two water barrels for sale as well and 8 hand-painted flower pots too!

Where a Project Idea and Creativity will take You

When Abby, Kylee, Samantha, and Zoe found out over 2.4 million healthy cats and dogs were being “put down” each year, after not being adopted, they decided to do something about it.  For their “Genius Hour” project, they decided to launch a website dedicated to bringing awareness to this problem.  Their site, Animals United, also provides links to local businesses for pet adoption.  Check out their site, Animals United, to learn more.  http://pegasuslover25.wix.com/animals-united