Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Lincoln Shirts are Here!

Lincoln spirit wear is here! Your children have their shirts, and now you can have one too.

Spirit wear is available in both short- and long-sleeve in ADULT sizes in the Office. 

Abe says, “Get them while they last!”

Use Amazon Smile to Raise Funds for Lincoln

Amazon Smile—When you use this link https://smile.amazon.com/ch/32-0026789 , Amazon donates a portion of your purchase to Lincoln.

Calendar of Events

Calendar Of Events
Saturday, October 27 – Lincoln All School Auction
Wednesday, November 7 – Veterans Day Program at 10:00 AM
Wednesday, November 7 – Facilities Task Force Citizen’s Voice Meeting  5:30 to 7:30 Edison Board Room
Thursday, November 8th - Pizza Bingo night—You will have an opportunity to order pizza. Then stay and play free Bingo to win fabulous prizes! Fun for all ages!
Tuesday, November 13 3rd grade Production
Friday, November 16 – All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
November 19 – Program Planning Team meeting in Media Center
Tuesday, December 4- Book Fair opens
Wednesday, December 5- Book Fair Grandparent day
Thursday, December 6 -Book Fair open during Movie NIght
Thursday, December 6th - Movie Night—Join us for a family friendly movie in the gym. Meet old or new friends.
Air Insanity—Saturday, December 8 from 4-8—Trampolines, dodgeball, warrior course, and more!
Friday, December 14 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
Friday, January 11 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
Tuesday, January 22nd - Canvas and Cookies—NEW to Lincoln . Tap into your inner artist and be creative. More details to come!
Sunday, January 27 5-8 pm—Bring your child(ren) to a place to climb to new heights, take safe risks, and burn off some extra energy in the winter! Parents can keep both feet on the ground, or join in!
January 28-Program Planning Team Meeting in Media Center (PPT)
Friday, February 8 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
Thursday, February 28th - School Dance—Two dances on one night! Earlier in the evening our K5 students and family enjoy music and dancing. Later that night, our Up-per students have an opportunity to dance the night away with friends!
Friday, March 8 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
March 18- Program Planning Team Meeting PPT
Friday, April 5 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
Monday, April 29th - Family Game Night—Another new event for our Lincoln students and families. Join us for a variety of games and events
Friday, May 3 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
May 20-PPT Program Planning Team Meeting in Media Center

Local Saw-Whet Owl Goes to Kindergarten

It was a hooting good time in Mrs. Sirek’s Kindergarten room when Greg Munson showed up with a Saw-Whet owl!

Another Day Closer to the Auction!

Another day closer to the Lincoln K-8 Auction! (Saturday)
Classroom baskets are nearly completed and “poofed," if you have not yet brought in your classroom basket donation please do so ASAP!
Have you and your kids marked your favorite items in your catalog yet? We have few more great items to highlight!
·       Wine tasting for 6-8 people donated by Apollo Liquor! Live #19Apollo Liquor
·       Two-day Scrapbooking Retreat donated by Lincoln grandparent, Kelly Gangelhoff! Platinum #56
·       Four-hour tutoring package donated by Tutor Doctor! Platinum #39Tutor Doctor
·       K9 experience and tour of the police station donated by the Rochester Police Department! Live Auction #26

Locked In at Lincoln

While at the Auction - don’t forget to purchase your tickets for the "Locked In at Lincoln" event! Students will take part in six different stations including gym time, Maker's Space creations and other fun activities. A light snack will be included. 

This event will be limited to the first 120 Lincoln K-5 students. All activities will be led by Lincoln staff.

December 7th 6:00-8:30 PM

Cost $20 per child or $50 maximum per family. Look for the ticket table at the auction.

A great way to get your holiday shopping completed! (If any spots remain after the auction, further purchase options will be available.)

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Two Days to the Lincoln Auction!

Only two days to the Auction!

While we have lots of amazing items to bid on at the auction - there are a surplus of other activities and items to buy at the event!
Concessions! 11:30 -2:15
Located inside the gym - Mr. Pizza South, Great Harvest and Berry Blendz will be selling pizza, sandwiches, cookies and smoothies!
Marketplace! 11:30 – 1:30
Located in Mrs. Olson’s room near the school entrance, our marketplace will be full of bake sale, buy it now, farmers market, handmade items and other point of purchase options! Cash only in this area please.  
Kid Activities! 11:30 - 1:30
New this year - a photo booth donated by Divanyx Design & Photographywill be located in Mr. Ruffin’s classroom. Also! Face painting, henna, tattoos and scratch off art will be available in the front hallway of the school. Tickets for these activities are available for $1 apiece. Each activity will have a varied ticket cost. Cash only in this area please.

HyVee Receipts Update

Last year we were the Top School in the contest. Our total received back from HyVee was $305.81, and we submitted nearly $77,000.00 in receipts!  We can do even better.  

Bring in your receipts when you attend the auction.  The box will be in the foyer.  Anyone can contribute: your family, relatives, and neighbors. The more receipts we receive the more money for Lincoln!

Veteran’s Day Celebration

Let's celebrate the Veterans in our lives! Complete the form (below) and send it to school so we can once again line the hallway with our heroes.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Auction Countdown Continues!

We are getting closer and closer to auction day! Just 4 days to go!
This year, we have many Lincoln K-8 staff-involved items and experiences! Make sure to look for these in the Gold experience room and in the Live Auction! Everything from bedtime stories, canoeing, gingerbread house experience, chicken and berry picking experience, organizational help and more!!
We also are excited that we have two opportunities to spoil our amazing Lincoln K-8 Staff! $5 Pizza is donating a pizza a month for a YEAR for your favorite Lincoln Staff member (no limit on type of pizza/toppings)!! Item Gold 23!
That’s not all! Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Sirek is providing a Spoil-a-Staff Member!You choose your favorite staff member and they will receive a surprise gift ten times this school year, tailor made to his/her preferences. Item Gold 30!
We are so incredibly lucky to have the best staff in the district! Get your bids ready – all of these experiences are going to be really popular items!
Doors open at 11 am - you will be able to begin bidding immediately after checking in at the Bank! Live Auction starts at 2 pm in the gym!
Wanting to volunteer? There are still time slots available!

HyVee Cash4Students Reminder

Get your Receipts turned in from this weekend’s shopping trips!

Lincoln Spirit Week Dress-up Days

Dress-up Days for students this week will be……………
Monday: PJ Day
Tuesday: Backwards Day
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday
Thursday: Sports Day
Friday: Lincoln T-Shirt

It's Auction Week!

The Lincoln Auction online Catalog is online


We cannot wait to see everyone this Saturday at the annual Lincoln K-8 School Auction!! Bring your kids, extended family, neighbors, coworkers and more! The event is FREE to attend and open to the public! FREE childcare is also provided!

But first - we still NEED some volunteers! If you haven't signed up yet, please do so as soon as possible. We need these time slots filled to ensure a smoothly run event! All positions are very simple and short time frames - please help with this!

Bake Sale items can be brought in this week! You can start bringing items in on Wednesday. Our amazing Marketplace volunteers are able to price them for you. If they are gluten and/or nut free please label them so our Lincoln K-8 families with specific dietary needs can have in on the fun!

Keep an eye out for more bonus emails this week with updates and info on amazing items to bid on!

See you Saturday!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

URGENT! All Lincoln Parents! Your voices are needed!

Yesterday, an email from Rochester Public Schools with the subject, "Facilities Task Force Video Update" was sent to RPS families. In that note, there is a link to a video delivered by Superintendent Muñoz explaining some brainstorming ideas the facilities task force has explored to address school capacity, diversity, and walking zones. At the 1:40 mark, Superintendent Muñoz explains one idea being explored is "making Lincoln a K-5 building." Here's a link:

In the same video, Muñoz emphasizes these are brainstorming ideas only. Decisions must be approved by the school board, and the preliminary discussion with the school board will occur on Tuesday, October 16. The public is welcome to attend a Citizen Voice Meeting at the Edison Board Room (615 7th Street SW) on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 5:30 PM. You may also live stream the meeting on YouTube (@ISD535).

As Lincoln parents and friends, many of you may have an opinion to share with the task force or school board. At this stage in the process, I'll offer these options which you may choose to pursue:

1. Attend the Lincoln PPT meeting on Monday, October 15th at 7:00 in the school library. More information and organization efforts may be shared there.
2. Attend the Citizen Voice Meeting at the Edison Board Room (615 7th Street SW) on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 5:30 PM. Share your concern in person!
3. Contact RPS board members directly. Contact information (including email addresses) can be found here: http://www.rochester.k12.mn.us/departments/school_board/elected_school_board_members
4. Share awareness and concern with other Lincoln families. Spread the word!

Thanks for your attention to this community discussion. With enough awareness and voice of concern, I'm confident Lincoln will remain the K-8 choice school we know and love today.

-Mike Vance

Friday, October 12, 2018

Upcoming Events

Monday,October 15 – PPT (Program Planning Team Meeting –Media Center

Saturday, October 27 – Lincoln All School Auction

Thursday, November 8th - Pizza Bingo night—You will have an opportunity to order pizza. Then stay and play free Bingo to win fabulous prizes! Fun for all ages!
Tuesday, November 13 3rd grade Production
Friday, November 16 – All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
November 19 – Program Planning Team meeting in Media Center
Tuesday, December 4- Book Fair opens
Wednesday, December 5- Book Fair Grandparent day
Thursday, December 6 -Book Fair open during Movie Night

Thursday, December 6th - Movie Night—Join us for a family friendly movie in the gym. Meet old or new friends.
Air Insanity—Saturday, December 8 from 4-8—Trampolines, dodgeball, warrior course, and more!
Friday, December 14 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
Friday, January 11 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
Tuesday, January 22nd - Canvas and Cookies—NEW to Lincoln . Tap into your inner artist and be creative. More details to come! 
Sunday, January 27 5-8 pm—Bring your child(ren) to a place to climb to new heights, take safe risks, and burn off some extra energy in the winter! Parents can keep both feet on the ground, or join in!
January 28-Program Planning Team Meeting in Media Center (PPT)
Friday, February 8 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
Thursday, February 28th - School Dance—Two dances on one night! Earlier in the evening our K5 students and family enjoy music and dancing. Later that night, our Up-per students have an opportunity to dance the night away with friends!
Friday, March 8 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
March 18- Program Planning Team Meeting PPT
Friday, April 5 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
Monday, April 29th - Family Game Night—Another new event for our Lincoln students and families. Join us for a variety of games and events 
Friday, May 3 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
May 20-PPT Program Planning Team Meeting in Media Center

Chipotle Night Update

We raised $487.44 for our school!!! That’s a whole lot of burritos! Thank you so much to everyone that supported this fundraiser! Keep an eye on the calendar for more family friendly opportunities throughout the year!   Please do not forget to turn in your HyVee receipts.  There is a box in the foyer and tonight at conference would be a good time to drop them off.  Like Chipotle Night this is an easy way for YOU to participate and for us to raise money for our school.  
Next big EVENT is Auction 2018 on October 27

World Class Learning Opportunity with Mayo Clinic Simulation Center

We are in an amazing collaboration with the Mayo Clinic SIM Center as we have our entire Uppers’ Program participating in hands-on learning at our site and also at the SIM Center itself.

Students are learning about various medical procedures and techniques at the SIM Center at the Stabile Building downtown Rochester.
Students experience 8 hands-on learning stations which are 10 minutes in length.
Stations include: Ultra sound, Identify pulses and pupillary responses, basic anatomy, FLS training, CPR, AED, stop the bleed, and knot tying.

We are working on this pilot program creating curriculum and the partnership to hopefully expand to more grades and opportunities to come.

            The group of instructors are incredibly diverse, from around the world and phenomenal in sharing their expertise.  The mannequins can speak many languages and the technology is incredible as our students are learning in the midst where top surgeons and doctors train.

Please contact Mr. Sonju if you are interesting in helping fund the cost of the transportation and materials needed for this program.
We would like to maximize these amazing  learning opportunities for our students and would like to remove any barriers such as cost of bussing and materials to continue this learning back at our school.

Program Planning Team Meeting Monday – You are a member because your kids are enrolled at Lincoln

Please join us on Monday, October 15th at 7pm in the Media Center at Lincoln for the first PPT meeting of the 2018-2019 school year!  We'll be having Lincoln Instructional Coach Alison Krinke and Reading Specialist Nicole Voss coming to explain the reading program at Lincoln.  If you have questions about what the levels are, how to find appropriate books, or anything else about the reading program at Lincoln, please come!  There is no cost to you - all Lincoln families are PPT members and welcome to attend!  See you on Monday!
This is your chance to learn more about what is happening at your school and allows you to participate and become involved.


Friday, December 7th
6:00-8:30 PM
Parents, enjoy a night out while your child is "Locked In at Lincoln".  Students will take part in 6 different stations including gym time, Maker's Space creations and other fun activities.  A light snack will be included.  This event will be limited to the first 120 Lincoln K-5 students.  All activities will be led by Lincoln staff.
Cost $20 per child or $50 maximum per family. Purchase your tickets at the Auction
Look for the ticket table at the auction. If spots still remain after auction day, further ticket purchase options will be available.

Auction Updates

Are you following us on Social Media? Tons of Auction updates, including announcements of new & returning items to bid on, are being made on the Facebook page! Make sure to follow us there! Facebook.com/LincolnK8 

·       VOLUNTEERS! Please sign up to volunteer for a shift by clicking on the link below. Several opportunities are still available – the day is not possible without your help! Thank you for donating your time to support our amazing school. 

Currently our greatest needs are covering shifts monitoring silent auction rooms and helping with item pick up. We also need a few extra hands to help with take down after the event.

·       Large donations need to be in by this FRIDAY the 12thDonations made after that date will not be in the printed catalog that goes home with each Lincoln family. Please have all other non-perishable donations in by October 23rd.

A limited amount of catalog copies will be available at the auction in the bank for $1 apiece.

·       BAKE SALE! The bake sale is returning to the Lincoln Marketplace! We welcome any baked goods, canned goods, farmers market style items, handmade goods etc.! Perishable items for the bake sale can be brought in starting October 22nd through the early morning of the auction. All other items can be brought in now.

·       ONLINE CATALOG will be available on the auction website on Wednesday, October 17th!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Auction Updates!

We are only 23 days away from Auction Day!!!
Please take a moment to sign up to volunteer on auction day! If you have a preference on where you'd like to devote your time, make sure to sign up soon as spots are filling quickly! Follow the link below, or click the volunteer tab on the auction website.
* Special note, if you volunteer for the same position each year – please still sign up on Sign Up Genius, this helps our volunteer coordinator immensely! Thank you!
Please have all large donations in by October 12th! Any donations made after that date will not be in the printed catalog that goes out to each Lincoln family.
Classroom Baskets
$5,279. That is the total that classroom baskets alone raised last year!!
Conferences over the next two weeks are a perfect time to bring in this donation!! Not only does it raise a ton of money - our kids LOVE seeing what their classroom raised and what donations have been brought in.
Let's try to beat last year's numbers! We know we can do it!
If you need a reminder, classroom themes are listed below:
Karmen Frana: Crayola Creativity
Lisa Robbins: Games GaloreStephanie Sirek: STEM Explorers
Andi Harmon: Gift Card ExtravaganzaStephanie Koenig: Legos
Kristi Beeman: Art LoversGinelle Robertson: Tailgating
Carrie Graff: PetsJason Howes: Nerf
Mickey Laughland: Family Fun DayBeth Napton: Legos
Kimberly Olson: Wisconsin SportsWill Ruffin II: Minnesota Sports
Linnea Archer: Warm & CozyKyle Casper: Auto Enthusiasts
Corey Dornack: Fishing/CampingAlyse Keller: Renew & Relax
Andy Roth: Snow Fun
Liz Koehler: High School Sports

Mitten and Glove Donations Needed!

Colder weather is on the way, and the media center is asking for donations of new or gently used mittens and gloves to loan out during recess to students who forget theirs at home or don't otherwise have a pair to use.  

If you are cleaning out closets or gathering up outgrown items to take to Goodwill, please send mittens and gloves our way.  All sizes are greatly needed and appreciated!  Waterproof varieties are especially needed.  Thank you for considering! Janis, Dawn, and Ms. B.