Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Children's Mental Health Presentation - Next PPT Meeting, 11/18/19

A message from the PPT leadership team
Parents/Guardians - we wanted to invite you to our next PPT (Program Planning Team - Lincoln's version of Parent-Teacher-Student-Organization) meeting.  

It will be on Monday, November 18th at 7 o'clock in the Media Center.  

We will be joined by Jenny Chonis (Lincoln school social worker) and Abbie Maxfield (Lincoln school counselor) to share with us information about anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues in children.  We will learn about how to recognize signs, what we can do to help at home, and what supports there may be at school and in the community.

We will also get school updates, have a chance to connect, and there will be a prize drawing!  Bring a friend and join us for a night together. There is no charge to attend, simply by being a parent at Lincoln, you are automatically a member of our PPT.  We solicited parent feedback this fall, and are moving forward with your suggestions. This is an event for adults, so we request that your child(ren) stay at home.

We hope to see you on Monday! 
Your PPT leadership team (Mindy, Robert, Ling, Paige, and Sara)

Lost and Found

Lost and Found
Is your child missing an article of clothing? Can’t find a jacket, sweatshirt or mittens? Chances are it is the Lincoln Lost and Found. All of the lost and found items are on tables in the hallways by the media center. Please stop by and take a look before Monday, or have your child check it out because….. anything left by end of day Monday will be packed up and donated.  

Thank you!!

Spartan Girls Basketball Youth Night, 12/5/19


Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Lincoln Fall Cleanup – November 8, 4:00-6:00 pm

Auction Gratitude


Thank you so much to the generosity, dedication, and hard work to pull of such an amazing Lincoln Auction!
It truly take a village to make an event shine as the auction did last week! Thank you to all of the parents, students, staff, families, area businesses and Lincoln community!
I truly can’t thank everyone enough for all of their efforts in collaborating to create such a successful auction that continues to be wonderful Lincoln tradition.
Special thanks go to the Co-Chairs of the auction for their incredible leadership! Thank you Jen Groettum, Molly Jepson, Sara Mason, and Elizabeth Ahern!

Thank you so very much!
Jim Sonju

Winter Bookfair

Winter bookfair

The winter book fair will be held in the Media Center (Library) again this year December 3-5. Wednesday, December 4th, will be bring a grandparent/special person to lunch and book fair day. Your child will receive a letter and flyer with information about book fair and their lunch times mid-November. 

Calendar of Events

Calendar Of Events
November 5 – Lincoln night at Chipotle  4-8 PM
November 7 – End of first Quarter for Uppers (Uppers parents check skyward)
November 7 – Uppers Dance in the gym (see attachment) 6:30 to 8:30 PM
November 8 – Lincoln School Grounds Fall Cleanup  4:00 to 6:00 PM
November 15 – All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
December 3-5 – Winter Book Fair
December 4 -  bring a grandparent/special person to lunch and book fair day
December 13 -All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
January 10 -    All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
February 21-   All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
March 20 -      All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM

RAP Program

RAP Begins Tuesday, Nov. 5

RAP is a free after-school program for K-5 students. It runs from 3:35-5:00 pm Tuesday through Thursday beginning Nov. 5 and ending April 16.  Students are grouped by grade levels based on the number and grade levels of enrolled students (uUsually
K-1, 2-3, 4-5). 

The RAP teachers love it because we get to see the kids in a different light.  The students love it because they get homework help and to do fun activities.  In fact, every year, the students are very sad to see it end, and former RAP students are constantly asking about when it will begin in the fall.

Each day begins with students doing homework or reading for about 30 minutes while eating a snack (3:35-4:05).   This is an opportunity for students to get extra help from a teacher with their homework if they need it.  Then, students participate in an activity that lasts for about 40 minutes (4:05-4:45). These activities are planned around the teacher’s talents and student’s interests and include many possibilities.  Some activities we have done in the past are: cooking, games, outdoor play, appropriate computer games/activities, crafts, puzzles, science experiments, etc.  Then students are walked to the front door to be picked up while staff monitors.

If you are interested, ask your child’s teacher, Amy, or Mickey for an enrollment form.
Contact Mickey Laughland, the Lincoln RAP coordinator/grade 4 teacher, if you have any other questions:  sudunne-laug@rochester.k12.mn.us.

Uppers Dance - Permission Slip

Uppers Dance Permission slip Attached
November 7, 6:30 to 8:30 PM  DJ music
See attached permission slip.

Shopping for Dollars

Shopping for Dollars
We need your help getting to $400,000.00 in receipts by the end of May.  Anyone can donate HyVee receipts to Lincoln.  The receipts have to be from a Rochester HyVee Store.  So relatives, friends people at work can donate receipts.
Remember, to bring any receipts you have collected to school and deposit in our HyVee Receipt Box in the foyer.  Attached is the HyVee poster if you want to place it  at work.

Double your Dollars
We are already able to benefit from every Hy-Vee receipt turned in to Lincoln. We can ALSO get Box Tops earnings on those receipts, but YOU have to scan them before you send them to Lincoln! Receipts must be scanned within 14 days of purchase in order to get Box Tops earnings.
  1. Shop at Hy-Vee                                                                                          
  2. Scan your receipt in the Box Tops app within 14 days
  3. Send your receipt to Lincoln
If every Lincoln family downloads the Box Tops app and scans their receipts AS WELL AS sending receipts to Lincoln, we will DOUBLE or TRIPLE our school’s proceeds in these two programs!!  I did this last night and it is amazing how it will pick out the correct products and upload the Box Top value.