Monday, March 22, 2010
Lincoln Auction: Save the Date…Lincoln Carnival: New Date!
Mark your calendar now for the 2010 Lincoln Auction to be held on Saturday, October 30th! With the Carnival now taking place in the Spring, some new family-friendly activities for Auction day are being discussed.
If you have ideas to contribute or are interested in becoming involved with the Auction, please contact Auction Co-Chairs: Juli Gifford at or Betsy Schroeder at
For the past two years Lincoln has hosted a school Carnival on the same day as the Lincoln Auction. At the February PPT meeting the option of splitting the Auction and Carnival into two separate events held on two separate days was discussed. After much input and feedback from everyone in attendance at the meeting, there was a general consensus that the Carnival and Auction might both benefit by being held on separate days.
The most significant reasons in favor of splitting the two events: the Auction/Carnival combined was a five hour event and perhaps too long for families with young children; both events required more physical space in the school than was available; and possibly each event would be better attended as a stand-alone event. In the end, it was decided that Lincoln will host a Carnival again in the Spring of 2011, and the Auction will take place, as always, each Fall during the month of October.
Good news for the Carnival...Lincoln parent, Stacie Beecham, has volunteered to lead the Carnival efforts for the Spring of 2011! New games and carnival attractions are already being discussed. If you have ideas to share or are interested in being part of the Carnival planning team, please contact Stacie Beecham at