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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Principal’s Letter - May

Main Entry: world–class

Function: adjective

Date: 1950

: being of the highest caliber in the world <a world–class athlete>


As the principal at Lincoln, one of my goals is to provide a world class education for each and every student at Lincoln. That is a daunting task in our current situation in which our district's funding lags far behind other districts. There is a task force working on preparing for a referendum next year that could hopefully prevent us from falling further behind. Please let me know if you would be willing to be part of the referendum committee work.

I always believe that we need to do whatever possible to control the destiny for a successful result for our children as much as we can. The technology initiative is an example of that as there are so many tools we need to provide our students to better succeed. I would really like to get a SMART table for our younger students and I am working on a grant to get one for about half price.

We also want to continue the amazing success with the laptop program as it is making a tremendous impact even though we are only a third of the way to full implementation.

We truly need world class efforts from all to provide that world class education for our students. Thank you for your support through efforts such as buying SCRIP, attending events like Evening of Improv, Auction, Carnival, Garage Sale, volunteering in the classroom, sharing your expertise, etc..

Together, and I mean all together, we can make the education for our students that they need and deserve. Jim Sonju