Dear Fellow Lincoln Families-
Welcome back to another great year at Lincoln from the ViE Coordinators! If you are new to Lincoln, we welcome you as one of the many members of our great Lincoln community. Just one of many things that make Lincoln stand out are the amazing family volunteers we have. Volunteers in Education, or ViE, links parents to the volunteer opportunities we have available at Lincoln, and within the district, to support our children's learning. A small sample of the volunteer opportunities at Lincoln include helping a teacher in the classroom, leading after school activities, media helper, reading with a student at the end of the day or before school and lunchtime math help. These are just a few of the many ways we make Lincoln the greatest school in the universe!The VIE Coordinators will be at Meet the Teacher day in the gym to talk further with you about the opportunities available for volunteering at Lincoln. We have an interest inventory that will be coming to your inbox via email to print and bring with you to meet the teacher day. If you did not get this copy one will be available for you to complete that day. We ask that every parent fill this out if you think at any time during the year you will be volunteering at the school in any way.
We look forward to seeing each of you at Meet the Teacher day!
ViE Coordinators,
April Ekblad
Kara Short
Melissa Engelken