Parents, please encourage your students in grades 2-6 to enter the GATEway Science Fair. The GATEway Science Fair will be held Saturday, February 5, from 12:30 to 4:45 p.m. at the Gonda Building of the Mayo Clinic. Public viewing starts at 4:00 p.m. Entrants will present their projects to reviewers and enjoy a fun family presentation by the Science Museum of Minnesota.
Registration fee is $6, which includes a t-shirt if registration is received by January 19. Registration is available through the Winter Community Education brochure or online.
Financial help for individual students may be available in the form of student grants of up to $25 for students who may not otherwise have the funds for experiment and display materials. Teachers, please contact the Community Education Office if you know of a student who may benefit from a student grant. For more information, or to volunteer to help on the day of the science fair, see Rochester GATEway or contact Diane Hanson at 281-1498.