Some updates for the summer:
- The blog will not be updated very much during the summer. Watch your U.S. mailboxes for a print edition of the LincolnLincs in mid-August and come back in August to the LincolnLincs online to view all the August LincolnLincs articles online.
- Watch your e-mail in-boxes this summer for the Lincoln Parent E-Files. As news happens, it will be sent out, not every week but as often as needed.
- If you know of someone that is not getting the Lincoln Parent E-Files, have them send an email to and he will put them on the distribution list. We have had issues this year with our lists, SPAM and other things that have resulted in parents being deleted from our database.
- If you are leaving Lincoln and no longer need or want these e-files, send an email to and put REMOVE ME in the subject line.