Summer is fast approaching. We will again be sending home several books with each child. Research suggests that children who read over the summer maintain or improve their reading skills!!! However, children who do not read often lose 3 or more months of instruction. This loss can amount to 2 years of regression by 8th grade. Yikes! We have all worked too hard to let this happen! Start thinking now about how you can make reading part of your child's summer routine.
Lincoln prides itself on our researched based summer reading program for ALL students.
Your child will be able to choose several books to take home for the summer. This year, we are looking to expand our collection of books for summer reading. We are in need of gently used books for children in grades K-7 and gallon Ziploc bags. If you are interested in donating, there is the box outside the office or your child's classroom teacher can deliver them to Katie or Janis in the Media Center. Thank you for your donation this year