Hello! My name is April Knipfer. I want to take a moment to introduce myself to you!
This school year I will be working one on one with students at Lincoln K-8 Choice School. I will provide daily 15-20 minute sessions of extra support to help students practice their reading skills so they can become proficient readers. I am not an employee of Lincoln, or of the Rochester School District. I am an AmeriCorps member and part of a program called Minnesota Reading Corps. Minnesota Reading Corps is a statewide initiative to help every Minnesota child become a successful reader by the end of third grade.
I will provide one on one reading interventions daily to those students whose reading scores indicate additional practice is needed. Testing, or benchmarking, will be done to determine which students I will work with throughout the year. Students’ progress will be monitored weekly while they are in the program. Students exit the Minnesota Reading Corps program when they are on target for four consecutive weeks.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact my supervisor, Katie Schafer. She is the reading specialist at Lincoln. Her contact information is: Katie Schafer 507-328-3561 kaschafer@rochester.k12.mn.us
I am so excited to help support readers at Lincoln this year!
April Knipfer, Literacy Tutor