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The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Final Special Projects Funding Proposal 2013

The Special Projects Consensus meeting was held on February 26.  Thanks to all the participants. Through the consensus process, the below funding proposal was agreed on.  Funds will be released after March 8 for these projects:

Dollar amount
Amount of project funded
1.Gym Update
Partially funded - Basketball hoops
2.iPads for Primary Team
Partially funded $5,750 plus $1,200 for additional iPads
3.Class sets of skill/sport equipment  for gym
Fully funded
TOTAL $14,165

If you have any questions or would like further information on the funding proposal, please contact the PPT Co-Presidents.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Special Project Applications Available for Review - Consensus Meeting Tuesday, Feburary 26

Following a very successful auction and funding of the PPT budget, there is $14,165 available for Special Projects.
Three applications have been submitted for this year's Special Projects:
1. iPads - Cart for Lincoln (30 iPads + charging cart) - $13,000.
2. Gym Update (Basketball and Volleyball structure updates) - $13,000
3. iPads for Primary Team ( 25 iPads and charging cart) - $10,950



These three applications will be reviewed at a Consensus meeting on Tuesday, February 26 at 5:30 in the Lincoln Media Center. During the meeting, a funding proposal will be agreed on. All Lincoln parents, guardians and staff are welcome to attend the consensus meeting. If you are planning to attend the consensus meeting, please read the applications prior to the meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact Kindra Ramaker via email at ramaker_kindra@yahoo.com..

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Lincoln Chess Club - Interest Survey

We are working on identifying student and adult supervisors for Chess Club, but need to know how many students might be interested before we proceed. We are thinking of running Lincoln Chess Club once a week as part of the Rochester After-School Program (RAP) on Mondays from 3:35 to 4:45 from March 3 through March 24.

The Lincoln Chess Club would be open to ALL Lincoln students, grades K-8. Students may join at any time, but students would ALSO have to sign up for the Rochester After-School Program (RAP) to participate in Chess Club on Mondays. If your student is already signed up for RAP, then they can attend Chess Club on Mondays during RAP. There is no charge for either Chess Club or RAP.

Supervision would be provided by Rochester After-School Program (RAP) Staff and chess will be taught by members of the Century High School Chess Team and Lincoln Uppers students.
A typical chess club meeting will include a group lesson, a fun chess activity, and a game or two between players who are matched to be at a similar experience level.

If you are interested in joining the Chess Club this year, please reply to natecate13@charter.net. We will send out registration forms for both Chess Club and RAP as soon as we know the numbers and have confirmed the staffing, so watch the LincolnLincs next week!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Picture Day Parent Volunteers Needed

Parent volunteers are needed for the upcoming Picture Day on February 28.
Interested volunteers can contact Alex Morrissey at childrenragift@yahoo.com.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

PPT MEETING - Monday, February 11 - 7pm

The next PPT meeting is this Monday, February 11, at 7:00 p.m. in the Lincoln Media Center. Meeting discussion:  What to expect when you have a 4/5 student at Lincoln, featuring parent Cathy Nathan.  The Lincoln PPT is a great place for Lincoln parents, guardians and staff to get more involved at Lincoln.

Friday, February 1, 2013

New Feature on the LincolnLincs - Follow by Email!

How can you get notified directly when new articles are posted on the LincolnLincs? Enter your email address in the “Follow by Email” box at the left of the LincolnLincs main page. You will receive a confirmation email – follow the directions to complete your subscription. Once you are subscribed, you will receive an email every day that contains all the new articles on the LincolnLincs that were posted that day.  If no new articles were posted that day, you will not get an email that day.  It's a great way to keep up with Lincoln news!