We are working on identifying student and adult supervisors for Chess Club, but need to know how many students might be interested before we proceed. We are thinking of running Lincoln Chess Club once a week as part of the Rochester After-School Program (RAP) on Mondays from 3:35 to 4:45 from March 3 through March 24.
The Lincoln Chess Club would be open to ALL Lincoln students, grades K-8. Students may join at any time, but students would ALSO have to sign up for the Rochester After-School Program (RAP) to participate in Chess Club on Mondays. If your student is already signed up for RAP, then they can attend Chess Club on Mondays during RAP. There is no charge for either Chess Club or RAP.
Supervision would be provided by Rochester After-School Program (RAP) Staff and chess will be taught by members of the Century High School Chess Team and Lincoln Uppers students.
A typical chess club meeting will include a group lesson, a fun chess activity, and a game or two between players who are matched to be at a similar experience level.
If you are interested in joining the Chess Club this year, please reply to natecate13@charter.net. We will send out registration forms for both Chess Club and RAP as soon as we know the numbers and have confirmed the staffing, so watch the LincolnLincs next week!