It’s hard to believe, but it's recruiting season for team Auction 2014. In the next few months, you will see a lot of information about the leadership opportunities open for Auction 2014.
We realize that there is an auction “lingo” that many may not be familiar with, so we thought an overview of the Auction process would be helpful. There are 6 phases to the Lincoln Auction:
Coordination, Getting items donated, Grouping items, Describing items for the catalog, Creating the catalog/tags/labels AND Auction weekend. There are important positions open in every phase for Auction 2014.
In order to continue with this incredible fundraiser we need your help!
Currently we need to fill the Coordination role. We are in need of 2 people for Auction co-chairs.
Job description: The Auction Co-Chair(s) serves as the “project manager” for the Auction as a whole. They plan and lead Auction committee meetings; give regular reports to the PPT, complete the Auction budget, determine Auction day schedule of events, are the point of contact for all Auction coordinators and managers (IE: live/platinum, solicitation, poofing, etc) and are responsible for ensuring that all areas are on schedule and completing tasks on time.
Skills Needed: Great organization and communication skills, ability to work with and track many different people, ability to troubleshoot issues as they arise.
Timeframe: March thru November (Emphasis July-October)
This role has training, materials, and experienced individuals available to answer questions and provide guidance.
If we are unable to find people to step into these positions before February, we will need to look at other fundraising and PPT budgeting alternatives. This could mean selling gift wrap, magazines, cookie dough etc. We would love to keep the uniqueness of our Lincoln Auction so please consider helping in some capacity… Additionally there will be no special projects meeting until we have chairs for next years auction or an alternate fundraising plan is in place.
Please contact us with any questions you have regarding this volunteer opportunity, or any other auction area you may be interested in.
PPT Co-Presidents
Donna Layton (
Jodi Kruse (