Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Friday, December 19, 2014


Uppers parents please check skyward to find out if you student is missing any work.   They can collect it next week and get it done over break.  It is a great feeling to start the new year without missing work.

Rochester After School Program (RAP)

There will be no RAP next week.  Today, Dec 18th,  was the last day of RAP for 2014 and we will begin again when school starts in January.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Uppers’ Information Night (5th grade Parents) - December 11

Thursday, December 11th
5:15pm-6:15pm Science Lab Downstairs
6:30pm- 4/5 Production

All 5th grade parents are invited to an opportunity to hear from the Uppers’ Staff and current students on the dynamic program we offer all students in grades six through eight at Lincoln. We will share specifics of our Lincoln Uppers’ program and how we create amazing opportunities for our students.

We will present information that many of you may or may not know about our impressive Lincoln Uppers’ Program.
  • Did you know we have had some of the highest science test scores in the entire state the past few years? 
  • Did you know we have incredible support for students to perform at the highest levels in all areas? 
  • Did you know our Uppers’ students perform in a Rocktown Tour each year performing in front of nearly 1,000 students in a single day? 
  • Did you know we have had over 50 Uppers’ students and staff publish their novel science in professional scientific journals over the past couple years? 
  • Did you know we have nearly twenty Uppers’ taking high school Math here at Lincoln having accelerated multiple levels in the math program? 
  • Did you know our Uppers’ students have a multitude of leadership opportunities? 
Come join us to hear about the awesome program that is awaiting your soon to be Uppers’ student. Students are also welcome, but not required, to attend the informational meeting with you before the production.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Uppers Parents

Now is a good time to check Skyward to see if your student has any missing work.  We are well into the second quarter so missing work becomes an issue.  Please check Skyward and discuss any missing work with your son or daughter.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

ACTION 100 Q and A: How often are students’ color levels tested by teachers?

Teachers are continuously recording data on the skills your child has mastered along with those skills needing additional practice to exit the level. Students are tested for the next color level once they have mastered the entry/exit level requirements, foundational skills, and comprehension at that particular level. If you are uncertain of what these skills are, ask your child’s teacher. Bookmarks or skills cards are available from classroom teachers listing these components.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Order Your Lincoln Spirit Wear!

 CLICK HERE for the Lincoln Spirit Wear Order form.
If you are interested in ordering T-shirts and Sweatshirts with the Lincoln Logo – please use the order form.

Lunchtime Math Help

Did you know your child has access to math help during their lunchtime?
Andy Roth, Liz Koehler and Jane Barton are available in the STEM room of the media center Monday through Thursday for homework help, regular classroom assignments, bonus IXL time or to work on any specific math topic. Teachers have passes available. If you think your child would benefit with some extra math tutoring talk to your child’s teacher.

ACTION 100 Q and A

Q: How do I get my child interested in reading if he has trouble finding books he likes?
  • Librarians, reading specialists, classroom teachers and recommendations from other children can most likely help you with this task. • Attached is a document called “Hook Books” . This attachment contains some of the most popular and engaging series for readers at each levels.
  • For older children, it can be beneficial to read the first few chapters together . Provide them with support in understanding the story. Explain to them what is happening in your brain while you read the story together (Are you making predictions? Is the story a bit biased? What do you know about the characters without the author explicitly telling you?) When the story starts “getting good” tell your reader to go read independently and fill you in on what happened. 
  • The search engine below is also helpful. It will let you pick the book level , interest level , book topic. 

There is a great website called AR BookFinder that will help you find thousands of books at your child’s reading level. Here’s how:
  • Click this link: http://www.arbookfind.com/. Select “parent” and submit.
  • Click on the “Advanced Search” tab. Now, find where it says ATOS Level (similar to grade-equivalent).
  • Estimate your child’s reading level. A 3.1 equates to a book that is third grade, first month of school. Let’s say your fourth grader was reading on grade level this year. You might want to search 4.0- 5.0 Or maybe you have a third grader reading about a half year behind in which case you would search 2.5-3.0. If you’re uncertain of your child’s level, estimate on the low side. Children and adults lose interest quickly when reading is too difficult. Reading needs to be FAST, FUN and EASY for children to enjoy it.
  • You can also select additional criteria such as “Interest Level,” “Non-fiction,” “Topics,” etc. 
  • Click “Go” and a list will be generated for you. Use the “AR BookBag” buttons and to create your list to print for the library.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

NOVEMBER PPT MEETING - Monday, Nov. 17, 7-8pm, Lincoln Media Center

Please join us for the November PPT Meeting!   Lincoln technology instructor James Kulzer will join us to talk about Project Lead the Way.  We will also hear an update on the Lincoln Family Auction, learn about the special projects process to decide how to best use auction funds, and other fun activities planned for the Lincoln community this year.  The Lincoln PPT is the parent, guardian and staff planning team at Lincoln, and all are automatically PPT members.  If you have any questions, please contact your PPT Co-Presidents, Jodi Kruse (jmkruse22@gmail.com or 269-6344) or Cinnamon Marxen (cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527).  Hope to see you Monday!

Friday, November 7, 2014

LINCOLN BOOK FAIR - November 18 - 21


Hours will be:
  • November 18th 4 pm-8 pm -- teacher conference night 
  • November 19th 9 am-5 pm 
  • November 20th 9 am -8 pm -- teacher confernce night 
  • November 21st 8 am - 4:30 pm -- All Pro Dad's 
All proceeds from the book fair go directly back to the Media Center at Lincoln! The district gives very little funding for library or classroom books, so please help support your child's reading.

You can also shop online if you can't attend- FREE shipping right to the school !
Great way to get a start on your holiday shopping!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Veterans Day Program at Lincoln - Monday, Novmember 10, 10:00 AM

All veterans are invited to our Veterans Day Program on Monday November 10th at 10:00 am in the Lincoln Gym. We want to honor those who have served our country. If you know veterans, please invite them to attend.
Students are asked to share a picture of a veteran they know.
CLICK HERE for a form that families can fill out.
Please attach a picture of a veteran.
These pictures will be hung around our school in honor of our veterans.

Thank you for your help to make this a special day for our students and veterans.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 328-3550 or email: amkrahn@rochester.k12.mn.us

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Staff Appreciation Donations Needed for K-5 Conferences November 18 and 20 - Can You Help?

Please help donate items for Staff Appreciation conference dinners for teachers on November 18 and 20.  .
If you would like to donate, contact dani.nikolai@gmail.com or call Dani at 254-3594 and we will give you access to a Google doc to sign up for an item.

Thank you for helping to show our staff how much we appreciate them!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

BINGO/PIZZA NIGHT November 6 - Pizza Available by Pre-Order Only!

Join us on Thursday, November 6 from 5:30p-7:30p for Pizza and Bingo.
Pizza will be served at 5:30p and Bingo will start at 6p.
All Pizza orders must be placed in advance, so please return your completed form with payment by Friday, October 31st.
We cannot guarantee that there will be any “extra” pizza, so please plan ahead.
Pizza will be provided by Zadeos and you can order either a whole pizza or by the slice.
1 Slice is $2
14” Large Pizza (6 slices) is $12
Beverages and cookies will be available for purchase that night.
Order forms with payment should be returned to your teacher or Amy in the office by Friday, October 31. Make checks payable to Lincoln PPT.

Monday, October 27, 2014

ACTION 100 Q and A: Color Level Expectation

Q: What is the color level expectation for my child?
A: See the chart. It explains grade level expectations matched to each IRLA color level.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Backpack Program Available for Lincoln K-8 Students

Free Weekend Food For Your Child Available through the Lincoln Backpack Program

Lincoln K-8 Choice School is teaming up with volunteers from the community to offer a supply of nutritious meals and snacks for children over their weekends and extended breaks, free of charge. Backpacks are distributed on the last school day before the weekend or break. Any child enrolled at Lincoln is able to receive these weekly bags of food.

If you believe your child could benefit from this program, we encourage you to sign them up by completing the attached form and returning it to the office. Only one form is needed for all the children in your family, but please include information for each child when completing the form. This information is kept confidential between Lincoln and the Backpack Program.

Once your child is signed up, they will receive bags of food each week until they leave the school or until you no longer wish to participate.

We encourage you to take advantage of this program for your family and your children.
Questions or concerns? Please contact the office.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Auction 2014 - Saturday, October 25 - That's Tomorrow!

Doors open at 11:30am
Silent rooms begin closing at 12:30 and the last room closes at 1:35pm.
Heads or Tails at 1:40pm in the Gym.
Live auction excitement starts at 2:00pm in the Gym.
Child care available starting at noon, and kids activities are from 11.30-1.30.

Come hungry!
The Bake Sale will open at 11.30. Pie and Carrot Cake and numerous other goodies as well as fresh apples from Sekapp will be for sale.
Mr. Pizza South will have fresh pizza available 11.30-1.30 and The Lost Cajun will serve their homemade gumbo starting at 11.30. These restaurants are both owned by Lincoln Families, and both are donating proceeds TO LINCOLN. So enjoy great food, and support Lincoln in the process.

Volunteer Reminders:
1. Set up volunteers, meet in the gym right after school Friday
2. Baked sale items can be left in the office on Friday, or dropped off auction day after 9.30
3. Volunteers day of Auction: Please check in at volunteer registration upon arriving at the auction.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Cast Your Cash Vote for Which Staff Musical Act Will Perform!

We found a way to bring in our musical smarts to raise some money with the auction. You get to vote for which staff group you would like to sing a song at a school assembly.
Cast your money vote on who you would like to hear sing at the next school assembly. The group with most money raised will have to perform. If we reach our goal of $600 with this auction fun all six groups will have to perform at the all school assembly in the near future!

Vote and donate starting in the office on Friday and continues through the auction.
We will announce the group(s) that will have to perform during the Live Auction.
  • Team #1 Amy and Carrie (Singing Farm Chicks) Song choice: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun 
  • Team #2 Katie/Scot (Music Makers) Song choice: Summer Nights from Grease 
  • Team #3 Beth, Mickey and Kim (4/5 Wonders) Song choice: Sugar Sugar 
  • Team #4 Linnea (Solo Artist) Song choice: It’s All about the Bass 
  • Team #5 Lisa, Stephanie and Karmen (Kindergarten Sensations) Song choice: Tooty Ta
  • Team #6 Mr. Ruffin, Mr. Will and Mr. S (Tenor Trifecta) Song choice: Mystery Song

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Spirit Week at Lincoln Choice School October 20-25

Student Government is sponsoring a spirit week at Lincoln.
Dress up each day in a way that matches the theme.
Monday: Tie-Dye/Wacky
Tuesday: Sports
Wednesday: Favorite character from a book/DEAR day
Thursday: Pajama Day
Friday: School spirit wear (College, High School or Lincoln)
           2:00 pm Staff versus grade 8 football game. Cheer for your favorite team.
Saturday: Auction. Bring your neighbors, friends, and family members to our version of Homecoming! Visit alumni, staff and current families while supporting our amazing Lincoln community.

Rochester After School Program (RAP) at Lincoln Starts November 3

It’s time for RAP (Rochester After School Program) At Lincoln K-8 and we are looking for you!
November 3 will be the first day of RAP at Lincoln. RAP runs from 3:35-4:45pm.
There is no RAP on Friday.
This is a time where our rock star staff stay after school to work on homework and skill building with the students. There is a snack provided but feel free to pack your own if needed. There will be a juice box and a snack. (This is a donation so no alternative snacks are available for purchase.)
The calendar will be given out on the first day of RAP after we confirm our number of students and staff.
Questions concerning RAP can go to anharmon@rochester.k12.mn.us
Your student’s classroom teacher can provide you with a form to sign up.

Calling All Bakers! It’s Time for the Auction Bake Sale!

It’s time to start thinking about the annual Auction bake sale!
When: Auction day 10/25/2014.
Time: 11:30 until sold out!
 Donations can be dropped off in the office on Friday 10/24 or before the auction on Saturday.
 Please package items in counts of 6 or 12. Decorative packaging makes for a sure sellout!
This is the perfect opportunity to make a last minute donation to the Lincoln Auction.
For questions contact Julie Wingert at (507) 421-9305, djnwingert@aol.com or
Robin Stearns at (507) 951-9798, stearnsfamily53@yahoo.com.

We will also have beautifully painted pumpkins at the bake sale available to purchase for $13 or simply spend $10 at the bake sale and enter to win them in a raffle. Painted pumpkins will include Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sponge Bob, Hello Kitty, Elmo, a witch, Frankenstein and Dracula.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Lincoln Auction 2014 Catalog is Here!

Here it is..the Lincoln Auction Catalog!
Spend some time selecting the items to receive your bid.
Get together with friends and bid together.
Forward this link to friends, neighbors, co-workers and relatives and invite them to join us on October 25!

A map of Auction Day events and locations is also available - CLICK HERE

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Volunteers needed to help with vision/hearing screening on Oct. 23

We are looking for 4 to 6 volunteers to assist with vision/hearing screens on Thursday, October 23 from 9:30-noon.  Volunteers will assist with escorting 1st, 3rd, and 7th graders to the screening area and then back to class.  Please contact the VIE coordinators at lincolnschoolvie@gmail.com if you are interested in helping.

Gloves and Mittens Needed in Media Center

We have been providing gloves and mittens for loan in the Media Center for those boys and girls who need them for outside breaks. We are almost out of gloves/mittens for the students to borrow. If you have gloves/mittens that you would be willing do donate for this purpose, would you please bring them to the Media Center??
Thanks!!!! Jean & Janis

Monday, October 13, 2014

OCTOBER PPT MEETING - Monday, October 20 - 7-8pm - Lincoln Media Center

Please join us as we hear from Lincoln Reading Specialist Katie Schafer.  Katie will speak about ERLA -- Lincoln's level reading program.  Katie encourages you to come and ask her questions about the program.  We will also hear an update on the Lincoln Family Auction and other fun activities planned for the Lincoln community this year.  The Lincoln PPT is the parent, guardian and staff planning team at Lincoln, and all are automatically PPT members.  If you have any questions, please contact your PPT Co-Presidents, Jodi Kruse (jmkruse22@gmail.com or 269-6344) or Cinnamon Marxen (cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527).  Hope to see you Monday!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Auction 2014 Update - 16 Days!

Spread the Word - Our auction is open to the public - help spread the word to your co-workers, friends and family! CLICK HERE for a marketing flyer for the Auction. Copies are also available in the Lincoln office.

Pumpkins Galore - Only $6 each!! Choose & Cut Fraser Firs has generously donated pumpkins to the Lincoln Auction! No need to wait, they are available NOW!!
1- Make your selection from the abundance of HUGE pumpkins in the entry way at Lincoln
2- Make check payable to Lincoln PPT and give to Amy in the office
3- Enjoy!

Keep sending in your Auction Donations! To make the catalog, items need to be delivered to school by Friday. Items delivered after that will be in the addendum available the day of the auction.
To be recognized for donating in the catalog PLEASE mark the items left with your name. There are donation receipts available in the office and on the stage for this purpose. If anyone has forgotten to do that, please email Donna Layton at calldgl@aol.com and she can add you to the donors list. Thank you!

CLASSROOM BASKETS-- PLEASE consider donating an item to your child’s homeroom classroom basket theme! Homeroom teachers themes are listed below. If you need help or don't know what to donate, contact the teacher. The classroom baskets are on the live auction and the more items the better !! Ideally classroom basket donation items should all be delivered to school by Friday. Here is the complete list of classroom baskets:
Lisa Robbins – Fun and Games
Karmen Frana – Everything Baby
Stephane Sirek – Fun & Games
Stephanie Koenig – Legos
Andi Harmon – Giftcards Galore!
Kristi Beeman – Fast, Friendly Meals
Ginelle Robertson – Tailgating
Carrie Graff – Chocolate/Coffee/Treats
Jason Howes – Book/Electronic/Movie
Mickey Laughland - Frozen
Beth Napton – Arts & Crafts
Kim Olson – Science & Nature
Will Ruffin – Sports
Linnea Archer – Camping
Alyse Schroeder– Get Fit/Health/Exercise
Corey Dornack – Vikings
Kyle Casper – Support your Local Businesses

If you can't be there on Auction Day- We do also understand that not every parent can be at the auction but there are many other ways you can support your school and the Auction:
  • Donate cash to the Auction equal to what you would have spent or have spent in previous years
  • Get a friend or relative to attend the auction
  • Donate an item or service to the auction
  • Donate to the classroom basket
  • Give us a contact to someone that might donate
  • Donate to Lincoln through GiveMn.org or donorchoose.org. 
  • Buy SCRIP and get other family members to purchase SCRIP
…so many ways you can support your school and its unique programs!  

Where does the money go? With the Auction just over 2 weeks away we want to remind families why we do the auction, and answer the question “Where does the money go?” Money raised benefits students of all ages. At Lincoln we are a unique school, with a lot of unique expenses not covered by the school district. These are all big projects that make Lincoln uniquely different from other schools, but require financial support to continue.
  • Cutting edge classroom technology – from iPads to microscopes to wifi cameras.
  • InSciEd Out - Ongoing zebrafish experiments & aquarium maintenance. We have InSciEd Out zebrafish modules running at every grade level. 
  • Project Lead the Way – including new Student Engineering Modules and the new BioMedical and Computer Science Modules.
  • The little playground, which is twenty years old need repair and eventually will need replacement. 
We really do appreciate your support of the auction, and in turn all of the projects that make Lincoln the Greatest School in the Universe!

Volunteers Needed to be Project Lead the Way “Module Mentors”

New Project Lead the Way (PLTW) modules are being introduced at Lincoln this year. We need about 10 to 15 parents/volunteers to provide specific help in Kindergarten through 5th grade classrooms when these modules are being done. K and 1st grade classrooms will need the most help. These modules involve a lot of hands-on activities by the students, and volunteers trained in the PLTW curriculum and methods will be important to support student success.
If you are interested, please contact James Kulzer at jakulzer@rochester.k12.mn.us by October 16.

Time commitment:
  1. Attend a 2-hour training session (by James Kulzer) on the PLTW curriculum, project-based instruction methods and how to facilitate the students in their work.
  2. Work in the classroom 1-2 days, about two hours each day, for each module.
  3. The first set of modules will run October-December. A second set of modules will begin after winter break.
What kinds of projects would you be helping with in the classroom?
  • Kindergarten students will need help building an arm model to show muscles, creating an x-ray of their hand and building a cast for a student with a broken wrist.
  • First Graders will need help with programming in Scratch Jr.
  • Second Graders will need help with their final project designing a traveler and equipping them with supplies and clothing to take a journey through a variety of environments. 
  • Third  - Fifth Graders will be working on projects with data collection.
  • Fifth Graders will be working on robotics.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Auction 2014 - 23 Days Away!

We have many fabulous donations to offer at our upcoming event…but we need more! We ask that ALL families find ways to effectively and uniquely contribute to the auction, which is our biggest fundraiser of the year.

Auction Item Ideas - Often, the most sought after items are things that only you can provide because of a special talent or relationship. Here are a few examples to get your creativity flowing:
  • One of a Kind Items: Concert or Sporting event tickets 
  • Travel: Hotel points or stays, frequent flyer miles, use of family cabin, use of time share 
  • Gift Certificates to anything from pizza takeout to the nail salon 
  • Lessons/Crafts: works of art, floral arrangements, music lessons, one-on-one soccer coaching, picture framing, cooking lessons 
  • Children’s Items: New Toys, DVD’s, books Practical & Professional Services: Yard services, house painting, landscape design, home repair, carpenter, handyman 
Silent Auction: Donated items are displayed on tables and auction attendees win by outbidding each other on a written bid sheet. This includes Platinum and Diamond Experience Rooms.
Live Auction: A small number of donated items are sold to the highest bidder by a professional auctioneer.

Q: How do you get these donations in the first place? 
A. From YOU… and your employers… and your friends… and your family… and your neighbors and our local businesses. Both our kids and our school are community assets, and this is truly a community effort.

Q: How do I donate to the Auction? 
A. There is a location in the office where you can leave your item and pick up a donation receipt.

Q: I’m not sure what to donate. What kinds of items would you like for the Auction? 
A. Your imagination is the limit! We are looking for everything from vacation getaways, to restaurant gift certificates. If it’s something you would bid on- it’s something worth donating. We are especially interested in unique experiences!

Q: Do you still need volunteers? 
A. Yes! There are still volunteer opportunities. Please let us know your interests and availability, and we’ll be sure to find a position for you. Additionally there is a sign-up board outside of the school office for day of auction 1 hour time slots.

Q: Why an auction? Why not try other ways of raising funds?
A. There are a number of ways for a school to raise money and we use some of them. SCRIP, www.GiveMN.org , www.DonorsChoose.org , Grants. The majority of the other methods involve door-to-door sales of wrapping paper, magazines or popcorn. While each of these methods does create income, no combination of these type of fund raisers can make as much money for our school as the annual auction does.

Q: Can I bring my child/children to the event?
A. There will be child care from noon until the end of the live auction and a kid’s fun area with face painting, pumpkin decorating, tattooing and more. Kids fun area hours are 11:30-1:30.

Q: Will there be food at the event?
A. The bake sale will be open from 11:30 until items are sold out. Caribou will be providing coffee. Mr. Pizza South will have pizza by the slice for sale, and The Lost Cajun will have delicious gumbo tastings available.

Q: How can I find out what has been donated?
A. Every family will receive an auction catalog before the event. Additionally it will be available online at that time. Updates will be posted to our facebook page at Lincoln K8 Choice School Auction

DOORS OPEN AT 11.30, LIVE AUCTION AT 2. Let's have record attendance this year!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

New Lincoln and District Websites Launch Tomorrow, October 1

Lincoln K-8 School and Rochester Public Schools will be launching new websites tomorrow, October 1.  The web addresses for the websites are:
NEW! Lincoln K-8: www.rochester.k12.mn.us/lincoln 
Rochester Public Schools:  www.rochester.k12.mn.us (same as the current address)

Please change your bookmarks accordingly.

Friday, September 26, 2014


The success of our auction depends on the creativity and generosity of Lincoln parents.
Please check out the ideas below and see where you can help. Thank you for your support!

Donation of Experience Ideas 
  • Lefse Making Experience (if you can make this treat, please consider donating a 2 hour lefse making experience) 
  • Home visit from Santa in December (anyone have a costume that could create this experience?) 
  • Gather the ingredients for a great unique meal and deliver with the recipe 
Items needed for baskets this week:
  • Bath products 
  • Favorite cook books 
  • Pet toys/treats 
  • Favorite children’s books 
  • American Girl doll clothes hangers

Volunteer Needs:
Volunteers still needed for 1 hour, day of auction shifts – sign up board with specific time slots available outside of Lincoln Office ·

Volunteers to help create display boards for specific items – this can be done at home.

Please like our Facebook page "Lincoln K8 Choice School Auction" – updates will start next week on some of our great donations!

Contact Donna Layton at calldgl@aol.com if you can help with any of these items or tasks!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Flu Shot Clinic at Lincoln - Volunteers Needed!

The Lincoln School Flu Shot Clinic is looking for six volunteers to help on Monday, October 6, from 12:00-2:30.  Volunteers will assist in bringing groups of students to the media center to be vaccinated and then returning them to their classrooms.

If you are available to help, please contact the Lincoln VIE coordinators at: lincolnschoolvie@gmail.com

AUCTION 2014 - Wish List for the Week

It's time to get busy for Auction 2014! Here's the main items on our wish list:
  • Silent Auction Basket Items (there is a display with ideas by the front door AND a drop off area for items/baskets in the office) 
  • Volunteers to help - There is a sign-up board by the office with specific time slots for auction day... note all volunteer time slots are around 1 hour.
  • Donate to the classroom baskets - teachers have their themes and will be sharing their ideas in the next week.
  • Help with Auction Set-up and tear-down - contact Coordinator Vicki Pierret pierret@usa.com 
  • "Like" the "Lincoln K8 Choice School Auction" page on Facebook... updates on awesome items and packages will be posted periodically.
  • Mark your calendars and tell your friends about the Auction
Let's have record attendance this year!
Questions? Contact Donna Layton at calldgl@aol.com.

Lincoln PPT News, Notes and Needs

Some needs and notes from your Lincoln PPT:
  • Donations are still being accepted for the PPT Classroom Fundraiser. Please consider making a voluntary donation of $20.00 per child to the Lincoln PPT to help defray the costs of necessary classroom supplies. Checks can be made out to "Lincoln PPT" and write "PPT Classroom Fundraiser" and your student's name on the check. Donations can be dropped off in the main office. Thanks for your support!
  • PPT Leadership needs - we are still looking for some committee chairs/coordinators/members or leaders-in training:
    • Staff Appreciation Committee Co-Chair
    • Volunteers in Education (ViE) - coordinator-in-training needed
    • PTA Reflections Contest Coordinator
    • Community Relations Committee members
If you have any interest in any of these positions or questions about PPT, please contact PPT Co-Presidents Jodi Kruse jmkruse22@gmail.com or Cinnamon Marxen cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com.
Thanks for your support of Lincoln!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Flu Shot Clinic at Lincoln - October 6 - Registration Required!

Lincoln K-8 Choice School has partnered with a team of nurses from Olmsted Medical Center, Mayo Clinic and Olmsted County Public Health to offer the flu vaccine (both injectable and mist) to students this fall.

The Lincoln K-8 flu vaccine clinic will be at Lincoln on October 6 from 12:30 to 2:30.
Registration is required and can be completed through our registration link that can be found here: CLICK HERE FOR FLU CLINIC REGISTRATION
Paper registration forms are also available in the main office.

This is a fast, easy and convenient way to keep our children, our school and our community healthy throughout the year.  We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this important opportunity.

If you have any questions about the vaccine please visit the CDC’s influenza website:
www.flu.gov and http://www.cdc.gov/flu/parents

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Channel One Food and Funds Drive - Donations Accepted September 23 to October 3

Channel One Food Bank and Food Shelf served 100,000 people last year. I am sponsoring a Food and Funds Drive for Channel One at Lincoln as part of my Communication Arts service project. The drive will run from Tuesday, September 23 to Friday, October 3. Please bring canned or boxed foods such as peanut butter, packaged meals, soups, crackers/ snacks, canned vegetables or fruits, noodles, or fresh produce (that will keep) to the bin in the front foyer.  No glass or perishable foods. Monetary donations are also being accepted - checks can be made out to Channel One Regional Food Bank and dropped off in Linnea Archer's room.

Let's fill the bin! Thank you for helping - Jared Nathan

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lincoln Parent Orientation Nights - September 16 and 18

Separate Parent Orientation Nights have been scheduled for K-5 and Uppers (6-8):
  • Uppers Parent Orientation Night – September 16 6:00pm-8:30pm
  • K-5 Parent Orientation Night – September 18 6:00pm-8:00pm 
Parent Orientation Nights are for parents/guardians only – please leave students at home.
Both Parent Orientation Nights will start in the gym.

It is very important that you make plans to attend this event so that you can hear details about the uppers classes and opportunities.
At the orientation, you will follow your student's schedule and meet each of your child’s teachers.
A copy of your student’s schedule will be sent home the first week of school.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Lincoln Lingo 2014!

We've compiled a list of acronyms and terms to help all parents/families understand the Lincoln Lingo!
CLICK HERE for a PDF document of the Lincoln Lingo!, or
CLICK HERE for the Lincoln Lingo! page on the LincolnLincs.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


The Lincoln PPT welcomes all new and returning families to the new school year!  The PPT is the parent, guardian and staff planning team at Lincoln, and all are automatically PPT members.  Please join us for our kick-off meeting next Monday, September 15, from 7-8pm in the Lincoln media center.  We will learn about ways to get involved in the upcoming Lincoln Family Auction and other Lincoln activities and committees.  If you have any questions, please contact your PPT Co-Presidents, Jodi Kruse (jmkruse22@gmail.com or 269-6344) or Cinnamon Marxen (cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527).

Hope to see you there!