Pumpkins Galore - Only $6 each!! Choose & Cut Fraser Firs has generously donated pumpkins to the Lincoln Auction! No need to wait, they are available NOW!!
1- Make your selection from the abundance of HUGE pumpkins in the entry way at Lincoln
2- Make check payable to Lincoln PPT and give to Amy in the office
3- Enjoy!
Keep sending in your Auction Donations! To make the catalog, items need to be delivered to school by Friday. Items delivered after that will be in the addendum available the day of the auction.
To be recognized for donating in the catalog PLEASE mark the items left with your name. There are donation receipts available in the office and on the stage for this purpose. If anyone has forgotten to do that, please email Donna Layton at calldgl@aol.com and she can add you to the donors list. Thank you!
CLASSROOM BASKETS-- PLEASE consider donating an item to your child’s homeroom classroom basket theme! Homeroom teachers themes are listed below. If you need help or don't know what to donate, contact the teacher. The classroom baskets are on the live auction and the more items the better !! Ideally classroom basket donation items should all be delivered to school by Friday. Here is the complete list of classroom baskets:
Lisa Robbins – Fun and Games
Karmen Frana – Everything Baby
Stephane Sirek – Fun & Games
Stephanie Koenig – Legos
Andi Harmon – Giftcards Galore!
Kristi Beeman – Fast, Friendly Meals
Ginelle Robertson – Tailgating
Carrie Graff – Chocolate/Coffee/Treats
Jason Howes – Book/Electronic/Movie
Mickey Laughland - Frozen
Beth Napton – Arts & Crafts
Kim Olson – Science & Nature
Will Ruffin – Sports
Linnea Archer – Camping
Alyse Schroeder– Get Fit/Health/Exercise
Corey Dornack – Vikings
Kyle Casper – Support your Local Businesses
If you can't be there on Auction Day- We do also understand that not every parent can be at the auction but there are many other ways you can support your school and the Auction:
- Donate cash to the Auction equal to what you would have spent or have spent in previous years
- Get a friend or relative to attend the auction
- Donate an item or service to the auction
- Donate to the classroom basket
- Give us a contact to someone that might donate
- Donate to Lincoln through GiveMn.org or donorchoose.org.
- Buy SCRIP and get other family members to purchase SCRIP
Where does the money go? With the Auction just over 2 weeks away we want to remind families why we do the auction, and answer the question “Where does the money go?” Money raised benefits students of all ages. At Lincoln we are a unique school, with a lot of unique expenses not covered by the school district. These are all big projects that make Lincoln uniquely different from other schools, but require financial support to continue.
- Cutting edge classroom technology – from iPads to microscopes to wifi cameras.
- InSciEd Out - Ongoing zebrafish experiments & aquarium maintenance. We have InSciEd Out zebrafish modules running at every grade level.
- Project Lead the Way – including new Student Engineering Modules and the new BioMedical and Computer Science Modules.
- The little playground, which is twenty years old need repair and eventually will need replacement.