Agriculture in the Classroom Grant - Lincoln was granted $300.00 for our gardening project by the Ag Literacy Grant Program to fund plantings in our greenhouse, the construction of an irrigation system by uppers students and the creation of a 15 bale straw bale garden next to our raised bed gardens. Learn more go to
Project Lead the Way Elementary Pilot (Phase 2) is under way. The following grade levels will be piloting new STEM modules for Project Lead the Way in February:
- Grade one – Light and sound module
- Grade three – Science of Flight module
- Grade five – Robotics and Automation module
Science Fair - We broke another record at Lincoln with a record setting 110 Uppers’ participating in the Regional Science Fair! We are very proud of the incredible efforts of our students and want to thank our parents in supporting this important educational opportunity.
Our Lincoln students will again take the Regional Science Fair by storm with the outstanding projects and huge number of students!
Special thanks to the Uppers’ staff that have been so instrumental in teaching the scientific process, working with the many projects, helping with the editing process, supporting with math concepts, obtaining materials, fish, resources, etc..
It is truly amazing to watch the process and I can proudly say our staff go way out of their way to help students excel!