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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

All Pro Dads Meeting (Friday, October 27)

The main objective for All Pro Dad is to get fathers (or a significant person in the child’s life) a chance to spend time with their child (children) here at school.  With varying topics of discussion every month, the All Pro Dads program allows time for fathers to have meaningful discussion with the child while having a muffin and juice.  This month’s topic is responsibility.  The world needs responsible people to take action, follow through, and be the role models people can trust. A responsible person takes ownership of the role they’ve been given but also asks for help when the going gets tough. cid:image004.jpg@01D34CE0.22A52570Let’s rise up and show our communities what it means to be responsible.  See you Friday, in the gym, at 8:00am
The All Pro Dads are creating a basket for the Auction.  Our Theme is Star Wars and any items you could bring on Friday would be greatly appreciated.