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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Mystery and Music April 12

Music and Mystery Hypnotist Night Thursday April 126:00 PM at the Rochester Golf and Country Club

Not sure who to sit with?  Hesitant to sign up?  
By popular demand....  we will have specific tables set-aside for Lincoln K8 Parents to be paired with other parents by your child’s grade level...
Great opportunity to meet other parents with MUCH IN COMMON!  

Go to the Eventbrite site and purchase your tickets... in the comments make a note of your child(s) grade... or email 8th grade parent Donna Layton calldgl@aol.com

Why attend this event?   Events like these raise money to support new or help continue or expand programs that Lincoln currently provides to students. Lincoln has three new projects this year..
Drones in the Classroom - In this project, students will learn about drones which are unmanned aircraft, vehicle or ship that can navigate and perform complex tasks autonomously.  Drones are primarily grouped based on their propulsion – UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle) or AUV(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle).  Student will learn about the forces involved in flight and movement as well as Newton’s Laws of Motion. Then they will design, build, and test an experimental model glider and drones to find out how air and other forces affect its movement. In addition, they will apply a design process to a variety of problems such as delivering aid to an area where supplies must be and dropped to the ground from an aircraft or delivered on the ground.  There are two areas that actively engage students in STEM and they are robotics and drones.  Our proposal is to link coding to drones and robots so that students can see the real world application and future careers that would be available in these two areas. 
Seeds of Science - Seeds of Science / Roots of Reading is a collaborative effort of the Lawrence Hall of Science (FOSS), the University of California at Berkley and Delta Education. Seeds of Science/Roots of Reading is a program that integrates inquiry science with content rich-rich literacy instruction.  Updating to a new science curriculum is very expensive for a district so we would like to take the lead and start to purchase a science/literacy approach to science in grades two to five.  This would be the beginning of a transformation that will take a few years to implement and will eliminate most of our old  FOSS(Full Option Science System) kits and replace it with Seeds of Science/Roots of Reading.   Our other two programs(Project Lead the Way and InSciEd Out(Zebrafish)  give students inquiry science, literacy skill and this new curriculum will meld with these two programs.
Honey Bee - A Flow Hive is about more than just harvesting honey in a gentle way—it’s about creating community, educating people about the importance of bees, and empowering beekeepers both old and new to make a positive change to help protect these important little creatures.  Bees are tiny environmental champions! They are responsible for the pollination of 30 percent of the world's crops and up to 90 percent of our wild plants.This is a wonderful opportunity for our school to help students understand the job of pollinators in our world.  There are many books on bees and classroom lesson that are available for teacher in grades K -8.  A lot of curriculum we have access to is aligned to Next Generation Science Standards which we use in Project Lead the Way and InSciEd Out (zebrafish) lessons.   

So….why not purchase a ticket, have an evening of fun, get to know Lincoln teachers and parents and help raise money for truly unique projects that will enrich your child’s educational experience.  You selected Lincoln for the new and unique experience we offer,  so here is your chance to continue that legacy.