New Classroom Fish Habitats
- This summer Lincoln teachers and Mayo Clinic scientists wrote a proposal for new
Portable Fish Habitat system. We were awarded the this system for use in classrooms
and in the fish room. It will be monitored, maintained, and supervised by
Intermediate students (4/5). Interested students will go through as series
of trainings so that they will be able to monitor and operate this system.
- Mayo Clinic has also donated a fish habitat which we have placed in the
Basement science room. This habitat will be for growing and studying freshwater
fish found in Minnesota. We waiting for a few cabinets to be moved so that we can
get this system in place and up and running,
Other Grants - We have also been notified that we are going to receive two grants in January:
- Dianne Arneson and Aurora Kubach will receive a grant from The Rochester Public School Foundation for $2,500 to purchase iPads for their students.
- Jane Barton received $1500 to fix the greenhouse and to build a storage shed by the raised bed gardens.
Thank you to the staff who worked on these grants and to our community partners for their support of Lincoln!