As you know, Rochester Public Schools is using Skylert as its district-wide emergency notification system. Skylert provides the district with the ability to quickly send mass communication via phone, SMS text message, and e-mail for such things as snow emergencies.
These are the instructions we are forwarding to parents to help them with the Skylert settings in Skyward Family Access. If you would like to modify your settings in Skylert, please follow these instructions:
• Log in to Skyward Family Access from the tab at the left of the Rochester Public Schools home page.
• Click on Skylert on the left navigation bar. Your Skylert settings will display.
• To make Skylert notification changes, click Edit on the right of the screen. Skylert settings are specific to each child in your family.
• Select the type of notification you would like to receive for each phone number you enter. For example, if you do not wish to receive Emergency notifications via telephone (for snow days, etc), de-select the check box for Emergencies.
• Do the same for emails and text message until you have your notifications specified as needed.
During the week of December 3-7, we will be running a test on Skylert to make sure that everything is running correctly.
Uppers Parents and Skyward:
Make sure you are checking Skyward a couple of times a week. This time of year it is very easy for students to get behind. Skyward will tell you the assignments that are missing, a description of the assignment, assign data and most importantly the due date.