IMPORTANT PARENT INFORMATION - Busing and pick-up/drop off areas will be EXCHANGING places beginning NOVEMBER 29. This decision was made based on safety for our students. County road 14 will be undergoing changes which will increase the traffic on 8th Avenue in front of our school – which creates the need to change the pickup and drop off and location of busses. PLEASE READ the attached documents that can be found at these links:
Pickup and Parking Information
Pickup and Parking Map
PARENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We are looking for parent volunteers who are able to help out for about 15-20 minutes at the end of the day Monday, Nov. 29th and Tuesday, Nov. 30th to help guide students with the new pick up procedures. Parents that are able to help will meet at the office at 3:20 to be given instructions. Please let me know at if you are able to help one or both days. Many thanks - April Eckblad