First off, we are blessed to have so many wonderful volunteers at Lincoln. Each and every hour you put in is appreciated! In fact, we even keep track of all the hours put in by our great volunteers to show the district just how awesome our volunteers are. Just a quick reminder to be sure to sign in and out in the volunteer hours log book in the office when volunteering. Sadly, if you leave the sign out time blank we can only credit one hour. Also, while logging the hours, we have come across quite a few names of folks who are volunteering and signing in and out, which is great, but have not turned in the VIE form or for some reason are still not in our system. We can't log these hours. We will be working to get in touch with these volunteers, but next time you volunteer, take a minute to flip back though the log. If you see your name highlighted, you are not in our system. To fix this, just grab another form, fill it out, and ask that it be put in the VIE mail box.
Thanks again to all our volunteers who donate their time and energy to helping make Lincoln a special place to send our kids!