There has been a change of this month's PPT agenda. Orginally, we planned to vote on the Special Projects applications on the 22nd. This year, we thought we'd be able to expedite the process to release the funds to the staff and students earlier in the year than in past years. Unfortunately, we were not able to get an official total in time to have the consensus meeting to allow for us to hold the vote at our PPT meeting on the 22nd.
Now, the consensus meeting will be held on Monday December 6th from 5:30 until finished. (roughly 4 hours) If you are interested in offering your voice as to which projects should be funded from the Auction surplus, please plan on coming to Lincoln on the 6th. Mary Hansen and Julie Wingert will walk you through the consensus project, and the options will be presented to the PPT after that date.
We apologize for this last minute change, and we will keep you up to date with the process as news is available!
We will still have our regularily scheduled PPT meeting on November 22nd at 7pm in the media center. We will get updates from the Auction committee, Carnival committee and from Community Relations, along with an opportunity for you to have any of your questions or concerns addressed. We look forward to seeing you all on November 22nd! Thank you!