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The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Food Donations Needed for Lincoln Staff Appreciation Events - October 8 & 28 and November 14 & 19

We have several opportunities to show our Lincoln Staff how much we appreciate all that they do for our kids. (Please note that the Uppers Conference is an immediate need.) Please consider donating for the upcoming staff appreciation events:

October 8 - Uppers Conference (for 5 staff) (Please bring to the staff lounge by 3:15pm).  Items needed:
October 28 - Auction Thank You - Because Our Staff is Spooktacular! (Please bring to the staff lounge by 8:15am or make arrangements with Erica Yahn).  Items needed:
                  Treats - Candy, baked goods and the like; Halloween theme suggested but not required.

November 14- K-5 Conferences (Please bring to the staff lounge by 3:15pm).  Items needed:

November 19 - K-5 Conferences (Please bring to the staff lounge by 3:15pm).  Items needed:
                  Veggies and dip

General Items needed:
Paper plates
Disposable bowls
Disposable cups
Plastic utensils

If you are able to donate any of these items, please contact Erica Yahn (206-0089) or ericayahn@gmail.com and let her know which items you plan to bring on which dates.

Please bring all items to the staff lounge and label "for staff appreciation".  Please have items pre-cut if necessary and ready to serve.  Thank you so much for volunteering and showing our incredible staff how much we appreciate them!

PPT Staff Appreciation Committee