School starts tomorrow for grades 1-8: Tuesday, September 3 at 9:10am.
Please leave home a few minutes early so that you have time to park. Do not double park and let your child cross the street. This is dangerous for any aged student. All students should cross at intersections.
Please look at the parking signs before you park. There are no parking signs near each intersection so that motorists can see students when they cross the street.
We have a new security system installed, so if you come to school during the day you will have to enter through the front door.
Target Fundraiser
This year, Target will give money to schools all over the country for one simple act: a vote. Our school needs just 25 votes to earn a $25 donation from Target. But that's only the beginning. For each additional vote, our school will get $1 more. We have a lot of classroom and technology needs with new classrooms, apps for ipads, wireless access points with all the wireless devices and smart phones. We would like to raise $1000.00 through this if possible. You can vote once a week, and you will need a Facebook account as far as I can tell to vote.
Go to to vote for Lincoln K-8 Choice Elementary School once a week through September 21 or until Target has given away all $5 million. Vote, see rules and see the leader board from across the nation at
Last week we had thirty parents login and vote. We made $50.00. If you would vote this week we could make even more. The activity goes until September 21 or until $5,000,000 is gone. So far 1.8 million has been voted on by schools.
Gifted Education Parent Informational Meeting September 26, 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Riverside Elementary, 506 5th Ave. SE
Parents who are interested in learning more about Elementary Gifted Services in Rochester Public Schools are invited to attend this informational meeting. Our elementary Gifted Services Specialists will be present to meet you and answer questions.
The Lincoln K-8 Choice School Directory
The Lincoln K-8 Choice School Directory will soon be made available on Skyward Family Access. All student families will automatically be included in the school directory unless they have chosen to opt out. To opt out, please complete and return the Online School Directory – Opt-Out Form (click here) and return the form to the school office. This form can also be found in your Family Access account under District Link or you can request a form from your school.
If you have any questions, please contact Amy Krahn at the Main Office at {328-3550} or
SCRIP Purchases
It is time to remind everyone that SCRIP cards are a great investment in Lincoln. This is a non-fund raiser fund raiser. You purchase SCRIP cards for local stores and spend them like cash. We get a percentage off the top and you get all of your investment in the form of a gift card that spends like cash. With advent of ipads in most classroom there will be a need to purchase apps for those devices. This money is spent on all grade levels for needs they have that are not covered regular sources. Please consider purchasing some SCRIP each week. Amy has a great supply of cards in the office.