At Lincoln Choice School we value our parent, family, and community volunteers. There are numerous needs throughout the school including classroom help. If you'd be willing to help with any of the following needs, please contact Lincoln VIE Coordinators:
Also be sure to fill out the online volunteer form
Book Fair – Help with set up, take down, sales, and/or assisting students in finding books.
Lunchroom Helper – From 12pm to 1pm daily help is needed in the lunchroom helping students as they eat and cleaning up afterward including wiping down the tables. If you have an hour you can be at the school once a week, once every other week, once a month or periodically.
Lego League – Volunteer to be a coach - engineering or programming skills are a plus!
Media Center Helper – Assist in the media center by shelving books, checking books in and out and assisting Media Center Staff as needed.
Staff Appreciation – Bring in something for conference meals or monthly teacher treats.
Community Relations/Tours – Work to promote Lincoln to the public, organize school tours and meet the teacher event, facilitate application and lottery/waiting list process.
Social Committee – Help organize various special events throughout the school year.
Vision and Hearing Screening – November 14, 9:30-12pm and 12:30-3pm Assist with screening under the supervision of a nurse or get kids from classrooms.