Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Monday, December 23, 2013

AUCTION 2014 – Help needed!

It’s hard to believe, but it's recruiting season for team Auction 2014. In the next few months, you will see a lot of information about the leadership opportunities open for Auction 2014.
We realize that there is an auction “lingo” that many may not be familiar with, so we thought an overview of the Auction process would be helpful. There are 6 phases to the Lincoln Auction: Coordination, Getting items donated, Grouping items, Describing items for the catalog, Creating the catalog/tags/labels AND Auction weekend. There are important positions open in every phase for Auction 2014. In order to continue with this incredible fundraiser we need your help!

Currently we need to fill the Coordination role. We are in need of 2 people for Auction co-chairs.
Job description: The Auction Co-Chair(s) serves as the “project manager” for the Auction as a whole. They plan and lead Auction committee meetings; give regular reports to the PPT, complete the Auction budget, determine Auction day schedule of events, are the point of contact for all Auction coordinators and managers (IE: live/platinum, solicitation, poofing, etc) and are responsible for ensuring that all areas are on schedule and completing tasks on time.
Skills Needed: Great organization and communication skills, ability to work with and track many different people, ability to troubleshoot issues as they arise.
Timeframe: March thru November (Emphasis July-October)

This role has training, materials, and experienced individuals available to answer questions and provide guidance. If we are unable to find people to step into these positions before February, we will need to look at other fundraising and PPT budgeting alternatives. This could mean selling gift wrap, magazines, cookie dough etc. We would love to keep the uniqueness of our Lincoln Auction so please consider helping in some capacity… Additionally there will be no special projects meeting until we have chairs for next years auction or an alternate fundraising plan is in place.

Please contact us with any questions you have regarding this volunteer opportunity, or any other auction area you may be interested in.

PPT Co-Presidents Donna Layton (calldgl@aol.com) Jodi Kruse (jmkruse22@gmail.com)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Help with A Donation for Staff Appreciation - December 16 and in January

On December 16 we would like to provide staff with holiday cookies, candies or other yummy treats to thank them for all they do and wish them a great winter break.
Donations should be brought (cut and ready to serve) to the staff lounge on Monday, December 16 at 8:45am. (If you need to bring them latter, just add them to the table as soon as you can.) If you need to make other delivery arrangements please let us know.

We will also be having Melted Snowmen in the staff lounge in January to help warm the staff up in this cold month!! Please consider dropping off any of the following items in December (labeled for staff appreciation committee) so that we are ready to serve right away after break:
Hot Chocolate mix
Mini Marshmallows
Peppermint Candy Canes
Hershey Kisses
Cups for hot drinks

We will also need a larger hot beverage server/maker to keep the hot water ready to go throughout the day. (This would be borrowed for January and returned after we are done - we will keep doing this for a few weeks until supplies run out).

Please e-mail dani.nikolai@gmail.com or call Dani at 254-3594 if you are able to help in one of these areas.
Thank you all in advance for your generosity and supporting our staff!
Lincoln Staff Appreciation Committee

Monday, December 2, 2013

Community Awareness Sessions - School Safety and Security - December 4 and 5

Dear RPS Families,
Over the course of the last several months we have been working to continually evolve our practices with respect to safety and security. We are enhancing the ways in which we respond to certain events that may occur within our schools. We have been working with The Educator's School Safety Network to provide training to all of our RPS staff.

We would like to invite you to a presentation by The Educator's School Safety Network to learn more about our evolving practices with respect to emergency response. We are offering the community awareness sessions this week on December 4th and December 5th. This is a mature discussion about safety and is suitable for adults only.

December 4 - John Marshall High School Auditorium - 5-7pm
December 5 - Mayo High School Auditorium - 6-8pm


Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Please join us for the November PPT meeting next Monday, November 25 from 7-8 pm in the Lincoln Media Center.  James Kulzer will talk about Project Lead The Way.  The PPT is a great way to learn more about Lincoln and how you can get involved.  All parents, staff and guardians are encouraged to attend!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Action 100 Reading Program - New Resource Page on LincolnLincs

At the top of the main page of the LincolnLincs is a new page tab titled "Action 100 Reading Program".  It has all of the information that has been sent out on e-files about the new Action 100 reading program at Lincoln, including quick links to the video powerpoints Katie Schaefer narrates about the program and links to informational websites and links to databases to help you find books at your child's level.


Labels for Education - It is is time to vote again!

Please submit your vote for your teacher of choice to receive points from the Labels for Education catalog. In the past teachers have gotten gym equipment, class supplies, and art supplies. This is a great way for teachers to get some fun extras for your child's classroom.
Thank you to all that send in the Labels for Education points!
Voting ends November 21, 2013. Voting can be submitted to katiedid159@gmail.com.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This Thursday - Give to Lincoln on GiveMN.org - and Watch Mr. Sonju Swim With the Sharks!

Lincoln is now on www.GiveMN.org so that people throughout Minnesota can contribute to our projects. Please forward the link to anyone you know that would be interested supporting our projects. If you were unable to attend the auction or purchase SCRIP and you want to support Lincoln…here is the place.


This Thursday, November 14, every donation you make gives Lincoln the chance to win even more money. Hundreds of organizations will offer the opportunity to double your dollars with matching grants throughout the 24 hours. And, TODAY through November 13, you can schedule your donation. Simply go to Lincoln's page and look for the checkbox that says "Make this donation count for Give to the Max Day." The donation will be deducted from your credit or debit card at 12 a.m. on November 14.

Also on Thursday, Mr. Sonju will Swim With the Sharks at at the Sea Life Minnesota Aquarium at the Mall of America to support Lincoln on Give to the Max Day! Mr. Sonju's swim (no, really - there's a wetsuit and snorkel involved) and an interview will be broadcast on Thursday between 5:00 and 6:00pm on the www.GiveMN.org  LiveStream! Make sure to tune in and watch our brave principal share "the greatest school in the universe" with all of Minnesota!

GiveMN is a collaborative venture to transform philanthropy in Minnesota by growing overall giving and moving more of it online. The idea is actually simple – GiveMN.org is a website that features Minnesota nonprofits and schools. GiveMN markets giving opportunities and donor tools to people who care about Minnesota. GiveMN helps them find, connect and engage with the causes that they care about. The GiveMN model combines a state-of-the-art national technology platform with local knowledge and trust-based relationships. The result is a uniquely dynamic nonprofit marketplace that has quickly established itself as the destination for online giving in Minnesota.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

25th Anniversary GATEway Science Fair and Upcoming Workshops

Calling all students in grades 3-6 - GATEway is proud to announce the 25th Annual GATEway Science Fair. This is a great chance to be a scientist! There are three ways to get involved:
1) Register for the fair,
2) Sign-up for a Free Workshop,
3) Help design the 2014 Science Fair T-shirt.

To begin, the GATEway Science Fair will be held Sat. Feb. 22, 2014 from 12:30 to 4:30 PM in the Gonda Building of the Mayo Clinic. You can register now at www.rochester.thatscommunityed.com and start thinking about project ideas. You can also find more information about the GATEway Science Fair at www.rochestergateway.com.

If you need a little help getting started or are curious about how to put a science project together, then sign up for one of our free “How-To” Workshops. You'll learn what a science fair project is and get ideas for one of your own. You will also learn how to prepare the display board and get tips on how to explain it to reviewers at the science fair. Scientists will be on hand to demonstrate some sample experiments and help you get started.

Our “How-To” Workshops are free, but pre-registration is required. Workshops are open to students in grades 3-6 and their parents and will be held in the RCTC Heintz Center in the Commons.
Choose between two available times:
Tuesday, December 3, 2013, 6:30-8:00 PM or
Saturday December 7, 2013, 1:00-2:30 PM.
Sign up online at www.rochestergateway.com and click on “Science Fair” in the left hand column and look for the “Workshops” link in the left column. Science Fair Workshops are co-sponsored by RCTC Community & Youth Programs, in collaboration with Mayo Research Fellows’ Association and the Century High School STEM Society.

Last but not least, to commemorate our 25th anniversary, we are having a contest to create the 2014 Science Fair T-shirt design. We are looking for ideas in the form of a description, a sketch, or actual artwork. Please check in the Science Fair link of our website at www.rochestergateway.com for more details. Entry deadline is Wed. Nov 20, 2013.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Motivate Unmotivated Kids - Featuring Kirk Martin - Coming to Lincoln November 4 and 5

Motivate Unmotivated Kids: Ignite Internal Motivation & Passion in Your Children
Featuring America's Calm Coach, Kirk Martin
Where: Lincoln K-8 Choice School, 1122 8th Ave. SE, Rochester, MN
When - 2 Events:
  • Monday, November 4 from 7:00-9:00pm 
  • Tuesday, November 5 from 9:15-11:15am 
The Workshop is free and there is no need to register.
Do you need help calming your explosive household? Tired of yelling at, negotiating with and bribing your child? Do you want your child to take responsibility for his assignments, chores and attitude? We promise you will laugh and leave with a dozen practical strategies that really work. Seventy percent of parents say they attended the workshop solely because they identified so strongly with Kirk's message.

Kirk will show you how to:
  • Get your kids to listen the first time. 
  • Say no and stop the entitlement mentality. 
  • Stop the eye rolling and backtalk immediately. 
  • Motivate kids who are angry, negative or overwhelmed. 
  • Get your kids to stop playing video games and texting non-stop. 
Visit www.CelebrateCalm.com to learn more.
Watch this short video to see why parents connect so strongly with Kirk.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Lincoln RAP (Rochester After School Program) - Starts November 4 - Registration Open!

RAP will be starting on Nov. 4th at Lincoln from 3:35-4:50. All students in grades 1-8 are welcome to attend. There is homework help, extra enrichments, and learning activities all taught by Lincoln Staff. The best part is it is FREE!! There is late busing available (students will be making a transfer) or you can pick your child up in the front of school. RAP runs Mon.-Thursdays. You must attend at a minimum of two days a week. At this time snacks will not be provided so send a snack along. Students must also have a book at their level in their backpacks each day. To register, ask your child’s teacher.
If you have further questions regarding the program email Andi Harmon at anharmon@rochester.k12.mn.us.

Lincoln Apocalyptic Zoo at Haunted Hallways a Success!

Thank you to all that attended Haunted Hallways this year at Golden Hill. Our Lincoln kids had fun haunting people as they went through the Lincoln Apocalyptic Zoo. We had a room full of zombie animals (lion, monkey, penguin and wolf) that broke free from their cages and a Zoo Keeper that were looking for donations- an arm or leg would do- and a few zombies left behind in the zoo. The kids got some really good scares!

 A big thank you goes out to:
  • Rochester Public School Foundation for setting up this event for a 3rd year. 
  • KimSue for helping with the sign in the Lincoln space
  • Construction Plus (Brandon Henderson) for sponsoring Lincoln’s Hall of Haunts room this year. 
We could not have put together our great space without you!
Above all, thank you to the following for planning, building, sewing, setting up, haunting and clean up- you made it happen!
Jayden Engelken, Megan Engelken, Maria Fichtinger, Melissa Fichtinger, Drew Fredrickson, Kayla Godfrey, Tristyn Hildman, Kari Makoutz, Jason Makoutz, Julien Makoutz, Ethan Makoutz, Saffron Makoutz, Kylie McFarland, Kate Murphy, Celia Napton, Jared Nathan, Cathy Nathan, Tara Olson, Jasmine Olson, Ella Schornack, Nikki Sterns, Al Sterns, Ethan Thompson-Jewell, Landon Thompson-Jewell, Sylvia Thompson-Jewell, Ryan Thompson-Jewell, Kate Thompson-Jewell, and all the parents and grandparents that helped bring kids to and from meetings and the volunteer time slots.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

PPT MEETING -- Monday, October 28 -- 7:00-8:00 p.m. -- Lincoln Media Center

Please join the Lincoln PPT on Monday, October 28, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the Lincoln Media Center. We will celebrate the Lincoln Auction success and learn more about how you can get involved with the Special Projects process for distributing the fundraising proceeds through Special Projects applications. All Lincoln parents, guardians and staff are welcome. The Lincoln PPT is a great way to get involved in the Lincoln community!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Haunted Hallways Schedule of Events - October 24-26 - Don't Miss It!

Come Thursday, October 24 from 7:00-7:30pm to 
Haunted Hallways at Golden Hill to see 
Mr. S in Mummy-Mania! 
Principals on the loose; trapped at Haunted Hallways!
We trap 'em - you wrap 'em! 
(Mummy materials provided on-site)

Haunted Hallways General Information 
Complete details can be found on our website: www.rpsfevents.org
Crawl the halls in our NEW LOCATION:
Golden Hill Education Center at 2220 – 3rd Avenue SE, Rochester
100% of the proceeds from the event support Rochester schools! 

Schedule of Events
Thursday - October 24
6-9pm Hall of Fun/Trick or Treating/Pumpkin Carving
6-9pm Hall of Haunts/Horrors

Friday - October 25
6-9pm Hall of Fun/Trick or Treating/Pumpkin Carving 
6-11pm Hall of Haunts/Horrors

Saturday - October 26
10am-9pm Hall of Fun/Trick or Treating/Pumpkin Carving
Noon-11pm Hall of Haunts/Horrors

Haunted Paintball open all event days!

Event highlights include fright levels for ALL ages!
  • The Hall of Fun is not scary and for the youngest of ghouls! 
  • Hall of Haunts is sure to SCARE but all ages are welcome if you dare! Check out Lincoln's space: Zoo Apocalypse! 
  • Hall of Horrors will frighten even the bravest of guests...Enter at your own risk! Parental Discretion is advised! 
You won’t want to miss our exciting Live Entertainment including live reptiles, mummy mania, magic, massages, snacks and drinks --find the schedule posted on www.rpsfevents.org

Remember to vote for your favorite room at the end of Haunted Hallways. The school who decorated the winning room from each hallway will win a trophy!

Sunday, October 6, 2013


See Amy for your discounted Haunted Hallways wrist band.
They are $5 from Amy for a limited time!
Please spread the word about Haunted Hallways and the new location at GOLDEN HILL.
Visit www.rpsfevents.org for more information

Monday, September 30, 2013

Food Donations Needed for Lincoln Staff Appreciation Events - October 8 & 28 and November 14 & 19

We have several opportunities to show our Lincoln Staff how much we appreciate all that they do for our kids. (Please note that the Uppers Conference is an immediate need.) Please consider donating for the upcoming staff appreciation events:

October 8 - Uppers Conference (for 5 staff) (Please bring to the staff lounge by 3:15pm).  Items needed:
October 28 - Auction Thank You - Because Our Staff is Spooktacular! (Please bring to the staff lounge by 8:15am or make arrangements with Erica Yahn).  Items needed:
                  Treats - Candy, baked goods and the like; Halloween theme suggested but not required.

November 14- K-5 Conferences (Please bring to the staff lounge by 3:15pm).  Items needed:

November 19 - K-5 Conferences (Please bring to the staff lounge by 3:15pm).  Items needed:
                  Veggies and dip

General Items needed:
Paper plates
Disposable bowls
Disposable cups
Plastic utensils

If you are able to donate any of these items, please contact Erica Yahn (206-0089) or ericayahn@gmail.com and let her know which items you plan to bring on which dates.

Please bring all items to the staff lounge and label "for staff appreciation".  Please have items pre-cut if necessary and ready to serve.  Thank you so much for volunteering and showing our incredible staff how much we appreciate them!

PPT Staff Appreciation Committee

Friday, September 27, 2013

Junior First Lego League - Registration is Open through October 11!

“Prepare. Respond. Recover.”
Lincoln 1st – 3rd graders can register on line HERE for the Jr FLL 2013 DISASTER BLASTER Challenge
In the 2013 DISASTER BLASTER℠ Challenge children will explore the awe-inspiring storms, quakes, waves and more that we call natural disasters. Teams will learn how science, technology, engineering, and math impact our everyday lives while they get excited about future innovations. Teams will learn about simple machines as they build a model made of LEGO® elements with a motorized part and learn to present information through a Show Me Poster.
For more information:  http://www.jrfirstlegoleague.org/2013-disaster-blaster-challenge.html

Registration: September 26th – October 11th
Season: Late October – January 11/12 - Regional Tournament will either be January 11th or 12th.

Team Structure:
  • Lincoln Jr.FLL is for 1st - 3rd graders
  • Most teams meet over a 6-8 week period, once or twice a week
  • Payment $25  - Jr. FLL registration fee to be paid after the teams are formed.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lincoln Auction Update - Donations and Auction Day Volunteers Needed!

Auction Donations Needed!!! 
The Auction has really taken some major hits just in the past couple of days. A LARGE number of our staple silent and platinum room items just fell through at the last minute. We are suddenly VERY short on items.  If you know of any company who might donate, or a friend with a special skill or talent that they could offer, please contact them and ask.  They worst they can say is no!  
Also, PLEASE, PLEASE get the word out that we are suddenly SHORT on donations and encourage other families, grandparents - anyone to donate a basket or item. Even a small item will make a big difference this year.  
As always, thank you for supporting our students.
Contact Nicci Watson if you have any items to donate at onawat@aol.com.
Auction Volunteers Needed for Auction Day, October 26.
Volunteers are needed for the following slots on Auction Day. Please consider fitting in some volunteer time around your auction bidding!
Contact Christina Darrington at chdarrington@gmail.com if you are able to do any of these shifts.

Room Monitors

Bake Sale


Child Care
2:00-end of live auction

Prize pick up
After live auction

Take down after live auction.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Give With Target Contest - Deadline Extended through September 30! Vote Today!

We made our goal of 500 votes this weekend and have raised $500.00. The contest was supposed to end on Saturday, September 21, but they still have about $300,000.00 more to give away so the contest has been extended to September 30, 2013. Please vote again this week and let’s see if we can make it to $600.00!
enter zipcode 55904
select next and click on Lincoln K-8 Choice School

We are still in first place in the city...let's keep it that way!

Volunteers Needed to Level Books

Hello Everyone! Our Reading Specialist (Katie Schafer) is looking for some help getting some books leveled according to the new Action 100 levels. It looks to be something that can be done at school or even at home. This information is from her... if you are able/willing to help even a little with this project, please contact Katie (KASCHAFER@rochester.k12.mn.us or 328-3547)

From Katie: We have a leveled library that our teachers use for their reading groups. It contains multiple copy sets (Ex. Six copies of Clifford Goes to School). These books were housed in the media center but are now in a very small room inside the reading room which is located between the Kindergarten classroom. The books are leveled using our old system and now need to be leveled using our colored system. SOOoooo, we need volunteers to take home or come to school and label books. I have goodies all ready to roll if you might be interested in this project.

Thank you so much for all you do to help make Lincoln Great!
Tammy Szewczynski
Lincoln VIE Co-Coordinator

Friday, September 20, 2013


All Lincoln families and staff are invited to the PPT Fall Kickoff Meeting this Monday, September 23, from 7-8pm in the Lincoln Media Center. PPT is a great way for parents, guardians and staff to get more involved in the Lincoln community. All parents and staff are members of the Lincoln PPT. Come meet other members, get an update on the PPT classroom fundraiser, and learn how you can get more involved in the Lincoln auction and other important committees.


Parents - Help Our Students Be Healthy - Message from Mr. Will

Dear parents and guardians who represent the students that attend the greatest school in the universe -
Please help us reach our goal of having 100% of our students at a healthy level of fitness in all assessments. With your help, I am confident that we can smash our record of 93.8% of Lincoln students at a healthy level of fitness in ALL assessments. Yes, what we have already achieved is incredible, but I know that with your additional help outside of school, we can get EVERY student there!!!
Please have non-marking gym shoes, and please have your Lincoln student wear clothing that is comfortable to participate in fast-paced physical activity on their PE days.

Please email me with any questions or concerns at wischulz@rochester.k12.mn.us.
It’s going to be a great year at Lincoln! Thank you for all you do for our students.
Mr. Will

Please Help - Donations Needed for the Auction!

Donations are still GREATLY needed for this year’s auction. Please consider donating an item or items that we can bundle into a basket. Below are samples just to foster ideas. Feel free to use your own creativity. Donations can be dropped off at school anytime now through Oct 7th. Please include your name or company on the donation so we can recognize you in our catalog. If you have any questions, please contact Nicci Watson at onawat@aol.com.
We still need many volunteers for the day of the auction, Oct.26th . Please contact Christina Darrington at chdarrington@gmail.com if you are able to help 

Basket Ideas - Be creative! The ideas are endless...
  • Gardening: pots, tools, gloves, seeds, stakes, bulbs, plant food, gloves, how to books 
  • Man Cave: cooler, poker chips, deck of cards, sport memorabilia, bottle opener, signs 
  • Tailgate: small grill, grilling utensils, cooler, football platters, cups, anything with Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Vikings or Green Bay on it. 
  • Hobby: scrapbooking supplies, paints, yarn, knitting or stitching supplies, gift cards to Michael’s 
  • Home and Auto: Power tools, tool belt, work gloves, snake lamp, gift card to home Depot or Lowes, car wash, ice scrapper, emergency kits 
  • Home Office: sticky notes, colorful paper, fun colorful desk supplies, flash drives, mouse pad, pens, highlighters, desk lamp 
  • Teen Basket: Electronic games, ipod or itune gift cards, posters, books, trendy fashion items 
  • Kitchen: kitchenware, cooking tools, platters, cheese trays 
  • Foods: specialty teas, coffees, or chocolates. Gift cards to Z-zest, Trader Joes, Apollo Liquor Store Exercise: Yoga Mats, water bottles, small weights, workout videos
  • Sports: equipment or gear, event tickets, water bottle, power snacks, gift cards 
  • Babies and Toddlers: toys and games, books, blankets, carrying sling, diaper bag 
  • Books: a collection of your favorite author. Example: Dr. Seuss Books 
  • Hiker’s basket: bug spray, first aid kit, trail mix, sunscreen, gift card
  • Cabelas Italian Basket: oversized bread, olive oils, Alfredo or red sauce, pasta maker, pasta, cheese grater, gourmet olives
  • Summer fun: bubbles, slip and slide, sidewalk chalk, sand box, shovel and pail, beach towel, sunscreen 
  • Kid’s crafts: stickers, color paper, pipe cleaners, glue sticks, markers, glitter, smock, paint 
  • Movie Night: popcorn containers, microwave popcorn packages, movie rental or theater gift cards, candy, dvd’s 
  • Ice Cream Sundae basket: hot fudge, carmel , cherries, sprinkles, small dishes, nuts 
  • MAYO / CENTURY / JM baskets: spirit wear or items of any kind in school theme or colors.

Haunted Hallways October 24 - 26

The Rochester Public School Foundation (RPSF) is hosting the haunted Hallways again this year in a new location. Come Crawl the Halls at Golden Hill, 2220 3rd Ave SE.

Buy your discount tickets from Amy in the office.
  • Advance tickets are $5 and available until October 15th. 
  • Door tickets are $7. 
50% of net proceeds are distributed directly to participating schools and 50% go to RPSF for future distribution to schools.

There are three levels of scare.
  • Hall of Fun for a non-frightening fun for the little ghouls
  • Hall of Haunts for frightening fun for all ages - Lincoln Uppers are working on a room in the Hall of Haunts this year!
  • Hall of Horrors that will torments and fill you with terror! 
  • Hall of Fun hours are Oct. 24 and 25 6-9pm and Oct 26 10am – 9pm 
  • Hall of Haunts and Horrors hours are Oct 24 6-9pm, Oct 25 6-11 pm and Oct 26 noon – 11 pm
Trick or Treating, music, and line entertainment as well as sale items will be available at Golden Hill as well.  Please come and support Lincoln by touring the Halls and voting for Lincoln’s room! Help us get the word out by inviting friends and liking us on Facebook. Visit http://www.rpsfevents.org/ for more information.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Reminder - Uppers Parent Orientation Night - Tuesday, September 17 6:00-8:00pm

Uppers Parent Orientation Night – September 17 6:00-8:00pm 

NOTE TO ALL UPPERS PARENTS IN GRADES 6,7 & 8 – It is very important that you make plans to attend this event so that you can meet all the new staff and hear details about the changes to existing classes and opportunities in the new classes being offered.
Parent Orientation Nights are for parents/guardians only – please leave students at home.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ice Cream Scoopers Needed!

This Friday, September 13, we will be celebrating our Summer Readers with an Ice Cream Sundae Party and we could use some help and supplies.  If you'd like to provide any ice cream, syrup, sprinkles, or your assistance scooping up the delicious treat from 2:30 - 3:30, please call or email Dani Nikolai.  She would LOVE to hear from you!!!  dani.nikolai@gmail.com or 254-3594

Monday, September 9, 2013


Please help support the Lincoln Library and the classroom libraries by shopping at the Book Fair this week!
  • Sept 11th 9-4:30 
  • Sept 12th 9-4:30 and then again from 6-8pm for K-5 parent orientation 
  • Sept 13th from 9-4:30 
The Book Fair will be located on the Lincoln stage. 
All forms of payment accepted.
If you can't make the book fair you can shop online! Online shopping available until Sept. 25th, FREE shipping to the school, every purchase benefits the school!

Volunteers Needed

At Lincoln Choice School we value our parent, family, and community volunteers.  There are numerous needs throughout the school including classroom help.  If you'd be willing to help with any of the following needs, please contact Lincoln VIE Coordinators: lincolnschoolvie@gmail.com 

Also be sure to fill out the online volunteer form http://www.rochester.k12.mn.us/page/3430

Book Fair – Help with set up, take down, sales, and/or assisting students in finding books.

Lunchroom Helper – From 12pm to 1pm daily help is needed in the lunchroom helping students as they eat and cleaning up afterward including wiping down the tables.  If you have an hour you can be at the school once a week, once every other week, once a month or periodically.

Lego League – Volunteer to be a coach - engineering or programming skills are a plus!

Media Center Helper – Assist in the media center by shelving books, checking books in and out and assisting Media Center Staff as needed. 

Lynx Reading Program – Help students record their lynx reading material.   Regular volunteers and substitutes.

Staff Appreciation – Bring in something for conference meals or monthly teacher treats.

Community Relations/Tours – Work to promote Lincoln to the public, organize school tours and meet the teacher event, facilitate application and lottery/waiting list process.

Social Committee – Help organize various special events throughout the school year.

Vision and Hearing Screening – November 14, 9:30-12pm and 12:30-3pm Assist with screening under the supervision of a nurse or get kids from classrooms.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Lincoln Parent Orientation Nights: September 12 for K-5 and September 17 for Uppers

Because we want to communicate all the exciting opportunities for K-5 and Uppers this school year, separate Parent Orientation Nights have been scheduled for K-5 and Uppers (6-8).

K-5 Parent Orientation Night – September 12 6:00-8:00pm
Uppers Parent Orientation Night – September 17 6:00-8:00pm 

Parent Orientation Nights are for parents/guardians only – please leave students at home.

NOTE TO ALL UPPERS PARENTS IN GRADES 6,7 & 8 – It is very important that you make plans to attend this event so that you can meet all the new staff and hear details about the changes to existing classes and opportunities in the new classes being offered.

Monday, September 2, 2013

It's the First Day of School News Digest - Welcome Back!

School starts tomorrow for grades 1-8: Tuesday, September 3 at 9:10am. 
Please leave home a few minutes early so that you have time to park. Do not double park and let your child cross the street. This is dangerous for any aged student. All students should cross at intersections. Please look at the parking signs before you park. There are no parking signs near each intersection so that motorists can see students when they cross the street.
We have a new security system installed, so if you come to school during the day you will have to enter through the front door.

Target Fundraiser
This year, Target will give money to schools all over the country for one simple act: a vote. Our school needs just 25 votes to earn a $25 donation from Target. But that's only the beginning. For each additional vote, our school will get $1 more. We have a lot of classroom and technology needs with new classrooms, apps for ipads, wireless access points with all the wireless devices and smart phones. We would like to raise $1000.00 through this if possible. You can vote once a week, and you will need a Facebook account as far as I can tell to vote. Go to www.GiveWith.Target.com to vote for Lincoln K-8 Choice Elementary School once a week through September 21 or until Target has given away all $5 million. Vote, see rules and see the leader board from across the nation at www.GiveWith.Target.com.
Last week we had thirty parents login and vote. We made $50.00. If you would vote this week we could make even more. The activity goes until September 21 or until $5,000,000 is gone. So far 1.8 million has been voted on by schools.

Gifted Education Parent Informational Meeting September 26, 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Riverside Elementary, 506 5th Ave. SE Parents who are interested in learning more about Elementary Gifted Services in Rochester Public Schools are invited to attend this informational meeting. Our elementary Gifted Services Specialists will be present to meet you and answer questions.

The Lincoln K-8 Choice School Directory
The Lincoln K-8 Choice School Directory will soon be made available on Skyward Family Access. All student families will automatically be included in the school directory unless they have chosen to opt out. To opt out, please complete and return the Online School Directory – Opt-Out Form (click here) and return the form to the school office. This form can also be found in your Family Access account under District Link or you can request a form from your school. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Krahn at the Main Office at {328-3550} or amkrahn@rochester.k12.mn.us

SCRIP Purchases
It is time to remind everyone that SCRIP cards are a great investment in Lincoln. This is a non-fund raiser fund raiser. You purchase SCRIP cards for local stores and spend them like cash. We get a percentage off the top and you get all of your investment in the form of a gift card that spends like cash. With advent of ipads in most classroom there will be a need to purchase apps for those devices. This money is spent on all grade levels for needs they have that are not covered regular sources. Please consider purchasing some SCRIP each week. Amy has a great supply of cards in the office.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

August LincolnLincs Now Available - Back to School Edition!

It’s back to school time, and important information is available in the August LincolnLincs! The August LincolnLincs is available to you in three ways:
  1. CLICK HERE FOR A PDF copy of the August LincolnLincs
  2. The August LincolnLincs newsletter will be mailed to every Lincoln family household on August 16. Watch for it in your mailbox! The August LincolnLincs is the only paper edition of the LincolnLincs published during the school year.
  3. Attached to this week's Parent e-files is a PDF file of the August LincolnLincs.
The LincolnLincs ONLINE newsletter is your source for information throughout the school year. Visit www.lincolnlincs.blogspot.com frequently for updates on news, events and notifications from Lincoln K-8 Choice School.

How can you get notified directly when new articles are posted on the LincolnLincs? Enter your email address in the “Follow by Email” box at the left of the LincolnLincs main page. You will receive a confirmation email – follow the directions to complete your subscription. Once you are subscribed, you will receive an email every day that contains all the new articles on the LincolnLincs that were posted that day.
If no new articles were posted that day, you will not get an email that day. It's a great way to keep up with Lincoln news!
Note: Information can be sent home on paper for families with barriers to internet access – please contact your teacher for more information.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Lincoln Projects Need Volunteers

Please look at the two requests below and see if you can help out.

Project 1 - IBM On Demand Community Hours for 2013 
If you know of a friend, family member, relative, or neighbor that works for IBM and has On Demand Community hours for 2013 and has not designated them to another organization and would be willing to use them toward Lincoln please contact Michelle Schlicht at 258-1258 or email schlicht@us.ibm.com.
We need 200 hours or more in order to qualify for an IBM Grant. We currently have about 60 hours.
IBM has a limited amount of money it gives out, so we need this information ASAP. If you or anyone you know anyone that has On Demand Community Hours and is willing to designate them to Lincoln, please contact Michelle.

Project 2 - Attention Lincoln Gardeners, Big & Small!
What: Back-to-School Garden Spruce-Up
When: Tuesday afternoon, August 20th Time: 3pm-5pm
Where: Meet at the Butterfly Garden
Bring: garden gloves, a weeding tool, & drinking water
What needs to be done? weeding the Butterfly Garden, entrance to Lincoln & front of school landscape, clean out the green house, put supplies in our new garden shed if it arrives.
Troop Leader, Donna Layton and Master Gardener, Jane Barton will be there too!
Please let Donna or Jane know if you're able to attend at bartonjane@charter.net OR Calldgl@aol.com

Friday, August 2, 2013

School Age Child Care (SACC) at Lincoln for the 2013-2014 Year

School Age Child Care (SACC) will be available at Lincoln for the upcoming 2013-2014 school year for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. There are still a lot of openings and registration is ongoing. If you are interested please see the web site at www.rochesterce.org/sacc or call 507-328-4040 for further information.

School Age Child Care (SACC) provides the highest quality enrichment opportunities in a nurturing and safe environment for children in kindergarten through 5th grade. This includes before and after school, Non-School Enrichment Days (NSEDs), Scheduled District Early Dismissal Days, Scheduled District Late Start Days, Inclement Weather Days and Summer Care. The School Age Child Care Program is available at Holy Spirit Catholic School and at Rochester public elementary schools where registration numbers will support an operating site. Contact the web site or the School Age Child Care Office for additional information.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Lincoln School Supply List 2013-14

Hope you are all having a great summer!
Watch your US Mail in August for the special edition of the LincolnLincs newsletter and bookmark this LincolnLincs Online Newsletter for Back to School News!

Just a reminder:
You can get notified directly when new articles are posted on the LincolnLincs. Enter your email address in the “Follow by Email” box at the left of the LincolnLincs main page. You will receive a confirmation email – follow the directions to complete your subscription. Once you are subscribed, you will receive an email every day that contains all the new articles on the LincolnLincs that were posted that day.  If no new articles were posted that day, you will not get an email that day.  It's a great way to keep up with Lincoln news!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Thousands of Thanks!!!!

Thanks to the dedication of 155 volunteers, our students benefited from 4,286.6 volunteer service hours! Lincoln is the great school that it is because of the commitment of staff, students, parents, families, and community members who make our students a priority.  A big heartfelt thank you to each of you who helped make the school year a success and especially to those who donated their time to make a difference. Watch for more VIE news coming later this summer!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Greatest School in the Universe and just getting better and better! - A Letter from Principal Sonju

We are very excited as we look ahead to the new opportunities we will have next year at Lincoln K-8! We have some very positive new additions to course offerings and impressive new staff joining us!

Uppers Program Changes
  • To meet the growing amount of state standards we are changing the way we are addressing Science classes in grades six through eight. Similar to the way we have taught math as specific grade levels, we will also have single grade classes in the Uppers’ Science Program. This will be highly advantageous for many reasons in the areas of Math and Science as we meet the needs of our students. 
  • Corey Dornack will be teaching 6th grade Science, Math and STEM as well as continuing with his grade 6-8 homeroom. 
  • Kyle Casper will be our 7th and 8th grade Science teacher. Kyle comes to us after teaching seven years in Alaska and is a native of Winona.
  • Andy Roth will be teaching 7th and 8th grade Math. Andy is joining us from Willow Creek Middle School and has outstanding teaching experience having taught 14 years.
  • Social Studies and Language Arts will continue to be grade six through eight multi-aged classrooms that will travel as homerooms to give the program the continuity of the multi-age opportunities. 
  • Linnea Archer will continue teaching grade six through eight multi-age Language Arts, homeroom as well as a Communication Arts class to 7th and 8th graders each for a quarter. 
  • Alyse Schroeder will be our Social Studies teacher coming to us from John Marshall High School. Alyse will also be a fantastic homeroom teacher as well.
  • Students will continue to have Phy Ed/Music every other day. 
  • Music- Rebecca Mealey will be our Elementary and Uppers’ Music teacher which will create a nice continuity in music programming. Michelle Mogensen has done a phenomenal job and we look to find her a more fulltime position in the district. Scot Schwark will be back as our Band teacher and Lori Ringen will have a little more time available for students for lessons with Orchestra. 
  • Students will also continue to Art with KimSue at least one quarter for each grade. 
  • Andrea Wheeler will be our Uppers’ Spanish teacher as we are adding Spanish to our Uppers’ Program. The 7th and 8th grade classes will have a quarter of Spanish each year at Lincoln.
  • James will continue our Project Lead the Way Course which are very challenging classes involving Robotics and Design for 7th and 8th graders. We will have new sets of robotics materials ready to go in the Fall. James will be also be teaching a technology class to 6th graders including an emphasis with ipads and technology integration. 6th grade will also have a STEM Class that will be working with experimental design implementing our Fish Lab and other science areas. This class will be taught by James, Corey and Kyle. 
Elementary Changes
  • Liz Koehler will be working as a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) with students in grades 1-5. Liz will help our students meet state standards through this STEM approach and her innovative teaching. 
  • Carrie Graff will be replacing Liz Koehler in the 2/3 classroom. Carrie has been our Social Studies teacher for years and is now looking forward to getting back with an elementary classroom. 
  • Laura Jacobs will be our halftime Kindergarten teacher joining us from Gibbs Elementary. Laura is replacing Monica Cookman that has taken a leave from the district to run a daycare.
Meet the Teacher will be August 29th and will be a very important time in which parents can meet these new staff and be part of the growing opportunities for learning at Lincoln.
Parent orientation will be sometime in September.
Stay tuned to E-files and Lincoln news throughout the summer as we will give further updates and share ways to learn more about these new opportunities and staff at Lincoln!

Thank you for another fantastic year!
Together we will continue making this school the Best School in the universe for our kids!
Jim Sonju

Friday, May 31, 2013

May - A Very Busy Month at Lincoln - Read E-files and Lincoln Lincs!

We are approaching the end of the school year and a lot of activities are being planned. Please make sure you read each and every Parent E-File and check the Lincoln Lincs often so you area aware of each event. We have a lot of events and we REALLY need your help and support.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Volunteers Needed

Next year Rochester Public Schools will be utilizing a new leveling system for books. 
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to level Lincoln's books under the new system.
If you are willing to help you can:  Let us know what date and time works for you from May 29 to the end of the school year to come in and level books in a classroom OR pick up a box of books and labels to work on from home, following the simple directions provided. 
If you would like a brief orientation on how to level books you can sign up to come in on May 30 at 9:15am or May 31 at 1pm to meet with Katie Schafer.
As we need to level books in every classroom we will need help from many people - Please consider volunteering!

Sign up by e-mailing dani.nikolai@gmail.com or calling Dani at 216-4124.
Thank you!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Lincoln's FIRST LEGO League (FLL) - Registration Through May 31 - Information Meeting May 29

May 31, 2013 is the deadline for registration for Lincoln's First Lego League (FLL) 2013-2014 season. FLL is an exciting and fun global robotics program that ignites an enthusiasm for discovery, science, and technology in kids in 4th - 8th grade. The season runs September - December. We pair coaches since it is a big commitment for team members and coaches. The registration fee will be around $160 this year and it will be collected in Aug/Sept.

You can attend an Informational Meeting on Wednesday 5/29 at 7:00pm in the Media Center.
 Please feel free to call or e-mail me with questions about FLL:
Cheryl Kliewer at cheryl@wiseraccoon.net
Cathy Nathan at natecate13@charter.net



UPDATE:  We also need at least two coaches for each team since it is a big commitment for team members and coaches. The registration fee will be around $160 this year and it will be collected in Aug/Sept.

Also look for registration information about Jr FLL at "Meet the Teacher Day." We will register kids in Jr. FLL and run the Jr. FLL program in fall 2013. Jr FLL is for kids in 1st - 3rd grade.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Butterfly Garden Volunteers Needed

In the not too distant future we will need to re-mulch the butterfly garden and the walking space between the raised bed gardens.  If you would like to help spread mulch, please let us know.  We are requesting between 10 and 15 yards so we have a lot to spread.  Again contact Jakulzer@rochester.k12.mn.us or jabarton@rochester.k12.mn.us if you would like to help.  We will be spreading the mulch the week after it arrives.  Not sure of the exact day due to changing weather conditions.

Volunteers Needed! Lincoln Rummage Sale!

The sale runs from 8:00 to 2:00 on Saturday, May 18, with a $2.00 "Bag Sale" at 1:00.

Volunteers Needed!!
Please sign up to help with the Lincoln Rummage Sale.  Volunteer jobs and times are listed below.  Please e-mail dani.nikolai@gmail.com or call Dani at 216-4124 and let us know what time/roll you could help with and include your name, e-mail and phone number.  Thank you for supporting Lincoln!













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