Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Bingo/Pizza Night Order Form – Due February 8

The Bingo/Pizza Night Order Form is available here: Bingo/Pizza Night Order Form.

Join us on Friday February 11th for Pizza and Bingo!

PIZZA AVAILABLE BY PRE-ORDER ONLY! Advance notice of our order is required, so please return all forms with payment by Tuesday, February 8. We cannot guarantee that there will be any "extra" pizza, so please plan ahead. We will be offering pizza by the slice for $2 per slice, or a whole pizza for $18. Beverages and desserts available for purchase that night.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

PPT Minutes from January 24 Now Available

The minutes for the PPT Meeting from January 24 can be accessed here: PPT Minutes or on the PPT Minutes tab at the top of the page.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Uppers Ski Trip - Rescheduled

The Uppers' Ski Trip has been rescheduled to Friday, February 25.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Reminder to 8th Graders - Century Panther Night January 24

MONDAY January 24, 2011
7:00 – 9:00 pm

Panther Night is a special night just for incoming 9th grade students and parents/guardians. Learn about the transition to high school, discuss registration with your student in mind, and have a chance to meet some of the teachers. After a brief presentation in the auditorium, families will have the opportunity to meet with teachers in the café where they can learn more about course offerings and the differences between the levels of courses (honors/non-honors). It is a great time to have your registration and/or transition questions answered. Representatives of the Century PTSA and Volunteers in Education will also share information about opportunities for parent/guardians to be involved at Century.

Century guidance staff will be visiting Rochester middle schools between January 19-21 to provide students with registration forms and registration guides. Registration information and forms are also available on the Century website and the
Century Panther Press www.centurypantherpress.blogspot.com.
Go to the "Links to Registration Documents" on the left side of the home page, or the "Registration Documents Available Online" tab on the top of the home page.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January PPT Presidents' Letter

Happy 2011 from your Lincoln PPT where every parent is valued and welcome!

We would love to see you at our monthly PPT meetings. The next one is scheduled for Monday, January 24th. We will be discussing the Special Projects application process and timeline. This is important to the Lincoln community because it determines how we spend the proceeds from Lincoln's Auction. The process is finished for this year, but we will discuss any proposed changes to the process for next year. This is where your voice comes in. We value your input. Then at February's meeting, we will vote to put those possible changes in place.

It's been fun to see some new faces at our meetings. We are working hard to keep our meetings informative and pertinent. Please join us! It will be time well spent!

Thanks for all you do, Parents!
Chris Harmon
Lincoln PPT Co-President

Kindergarten Acceptance Forms Due Wednesday!

Lincoln parents - if you have a kindergartener entering Lincoln in the fall of 2011, you MUST turn in your green Kindergarten Acceptance Form to Amy by this WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19. There are 14 families who still need to turn in their form.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Skyward and Uppers Parents


Skyward offers each parent an up to date look at your child's progress.  Parents should be looking at Skyward at least once a week find out how your student is doing.  If you do not have skyward access, your student does or you can get your own access by contacting the office to set up a login and password.  It does not take too many missed assignments to get a student in real academic trouble.

Temple Grandin Coming to Rochester in February

There will be three opportunities for the public to hear Temple Grandin speak in Rochester in February. Temple Grandin is a world-famous animal scientist, autism self-advocate, author and one of Time Magazine's Top 100 People of 2010.

Friday, February 18 - RCTC Field House
12-12:45 pm - "My Science Teacher Got Me Turned Around" - Temple Grandin
addresses the Regional Science Fair participants and community members.
Free and Open to the Public!

Friday, February 18 - John Marshall High School Cafeteria*
5:30-7:30 pm - Dinner with Temple - Temple speaks on "Thinking in Pictures"
Class code: 8341.231
Fee: $10
Dinner includes turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, salad, and cookie.
Book signing will be held following dinner.
*Registration required with Rochester Community Education at 328-4000 or online at www.rochesterce.org/adults

Saturday, February 19 - John Marshall High School Auditorium
9-10 am - Temple will give the opening to the ISD 535 Science Fair Ceremony -
"The World Needs All Kinds of Minds."
Free and Open to the Public!

For more information, go to the Rochester Regional Science Fair page under the Community tab on the Rochester Public Schools website www.rochester.k12.mn.us.

InSciEd Out Video

Check out this wonderful video of InSciEd Out in action at Lincoln:

January No School Days

  • Monday, January 17 will be a No School day in recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
  • Friday, January 28 will be a No School day - District Day

Chok Koth Wins Science Award

Congratulations to Chok Koth! Chok is a seventh grade student at Lincoln and is one of three winners of the Science Museum of Minnesota's Science Fusion Series "Good Job Award". The Good Job Awards are given to young people who have shown exceptional facility and progress in STEM subjects. Chok's project was titled "I am a Scientist!", where he described how science transformed him into a scientist and explained how scientists work together to make things happen. On Saturday, January 15, Chok received his award and presented his project at the Science Museum of Minnesota's 19th Annual African Americans in Science event.

Click here to watch a KTTC story and interview with Chok.

GATEway Science Fair Registration Deadline – January 19

Parents, please encourage your students in grades 2-6 to enter the GATEway Science Fair. The GATEway Science Fair will be held Saturday, February 5, from 12:30 to 4:45 p.m. at the Gonda Building of the Mayo Clinic. Public viewing starts at 4:00 p.m. Entrants will present their projects to reviewers and enjoy a fun family presentation by the Science Museum of Minnesota.
Registration fee is $6, which includes a t-shirt if registration is received by January 19. Registration is available through the Winter Community Education brochure or online.

Financial help for individual students may be available in the form of student grants of up to $25 for students who may not otherwise have the funds for experiment and display materials. Teachers, please contact the Community Education Office if you know of a student who may benefit from a student grant. For more information, or to volunteer to help on the day of the science fair, see Rochester GATEway or contact Diane Hanson at 281-1498.

Math Help Needed

Interested in helping students with their math skills?  We are in need of a parent volunteer on Mondays from 12:00-1:00 to help students practice facts and reinforce their lessons learned in the class.  If you are able to help, please contact Megan at meoswald@rochester.k12.mn.us.

Vision and Hearing screenings – January 26

 Screenings will be provided for 1st graders, 3rd graders and students NEW to Rochester Public Schools on Wednesday,  January 26.  Vision and hearing impairment can affect learning so we strongly encourage all students to be screened.  However, if you would like your student to be excluded from either the vision or hearing screening, please contact the Health Office at 328-3550 by Friday January 21st

SCRIP - We now have TARGET Scrip Cards!

SCRIP is a technology fund raiser that costs nothing to you but is a treasure to Lincoln! We work with Great Lakes Scrip Company and purchase gift cards at discount. The amount of discount is our profit – usually 2 to 4% of the value of the card. Here is how it works…You purchase SCRIP cards for the stores you normally frequent - buy a $25.00 gift card and you get a $25.00 gift card. Use it like cash, a credit card or a check. Make your normal purchases, but pay for them with the SCRIP gift card. We have cards for all the major retailers in town in a variety of denominations in the office. Maybe you make purchases at Target each week. Figure out how much money you spend each week at Target each month and purchase a SCRIP card for that amount. Each time you purchase groceries of clothing, use the SCRIP card to make your purchases. It is that easy. Work downtown and eat at the same restaurant each week? Check in the office- we probably have a card for them.

If you are interested in ordering online or want to see all the cards that are available, go to www.shopwithscrip.com. You can also register and order online and pickup your cards in the office - use the Lincoln enrollment code 58A65CB818487.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Century Panther Night - January 24

MONDAY January 24, 2011
7:00 – 9:00 pm

Panther Night is a special night just for incoming 9th grade students and parents/guardians. Learn about the transition to high school, discuss registration with your student in mind, and have a chance to meet some of the teachers. After a brief presentation in the auditorium, families will have the opportunity to meet with teachers in the café where they can learn more about course offerings and the differences between the levels of courses (honors/non-honors). It is a great time to have your registration and/or transition questions answered. Representatives of the Century PTSA and Volunteers in Education will also share information about opportunities for parent/guardians to be involved at Century.

Century guidance staff will be visiting Rochester middle schools between January 19-21 to provide students with registration forms and registration guides. Registration information and forms are also available on the Century website and the
Century Panther Press www.centurypantherpress.blogspot.com.
Go to the "Links to Registration Documents" on the left side of the home page, or the "Registration Documents Available Online" tab on the top of the home page.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bingo and Pizza Night

Bingo and Pizza Night

Join us for family fun on

Friday February 11th

5:30 – 7:30 pm

Lincoln Gym

Pre order pizza (forms coming soon) and have dinner ready when you arrive! Soda and dessert available for purchase.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Honk! Squeak! Scratch! Boom!

Saturday, January 22 · 9:00am - 3:00pm

Mark your calendars, Honk!Squeak!Scratch!Boom returns to the Mayo Civic Center on Saturday, January 22nd, 2011!

4th, 5th and 6th grade future musicians are invited to come try out the band and orchestra instruments they might want to play with the help of the professional musicians of the Rochester Symphony Orchestra. Musicians will provide hands-on mini lessons for each student. There is no pre-registration required. Students need to be accompanied by parents or other interested adults.

For more information, please contact the RSOC office at 286-8742 or visit http://www.rochestersymphony.org/.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January Late Start and No School Days

  • Monday January 10 will be a Late Start day for Staff Development. Classes will begin at 11:15 am. Students should not arrive at Lincoln before 10:50am.
  • Monday, January 17 will be a No School day in recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ski Club

Ski Club Starts this Friday, January 7. We leave right after school and will return to Lincoln at about 11:15. Ski club meets January 7, 14, 21, 28, February 4 and 11. If you have not signed up and are interested, contact Community Education. If you have signed up, remember warm clothes, food or money for supper, your HELMET, and ski or snowboarding equipment.
Looking forward to seeing you on the slopes.
For more information please contact Elizabeth Glowac, Lincoln Ski Club Advisor, calisabel@me.com

Monday, January 3, 2011

Box Tops and Milk Caps and Labels, Oh My!

Will's class won the December Labels for Lincoln Classroom Competition. They collected 82.70 dollars of labels.
Their popcorn party will be Tuesday Jan. 4th at 1:15.

A big Thank You to Brenda Baker for saving labels from the Lincoln kitchen to benefit the school.