Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Lincoln Auction 2015!!!

 (Saturday, October 24 starting at 11:30 AM)

Yesterday three students rang my doorbell during the evening asking me to purchase a discount card, magazine subscription and a coupon book for local businesses. This reminded me of why we have the Lincoln Auction. It was many years ago that our students were selling Humanities T-Shirts, plastic designs for windows, wrapping paper and magazine subscriptions. Most parents hated having their children going door to door selling and ended up just purchasing the items themselves. A group of parents thought there was a better way to fund the unique things we do at Lincoln and the auction was born. In the beginning it was a small auction that eventually grew and grew to meet the constantly changing needs of the students and staff. It was always a group of parents that took on the auction and got people to perform the myriad of tasks involved. It takes a lot of people giving up their precious time to make this happen. If every parent helped just a little or a lot - a couple of hours a week or just a couple of days the tasks would be easier. We have to raise money –every school does - but the parents do the fund raising not the students which makes us unique. Please consider volunteering by clicking the Signup button above. It takes a community to make this happen. Finally, encourage your friends, neighbors, and relatives to attend the auction.

The money raised at the auction directly benefits all kids, your kids…we need your help

New for 2015!
· CLASSROOM BASKET CHANGES – (contact your child’s teacher for your classroom theme)
· NEW FACEBOOK Auction page! Lincoln K-8 Auction

Thank you for supporting our #1 Lincoln Fundraiser!

Donna Layton (507) 254-5579 calldgl@aol.com

Heidi Sonju (651) 600-4279 heidisonju@gmail.com

Sara Mason (507) 226-1723


All-Pro Dads is coming soon! We are gearing up for another great year of All-Pro Dads set to start on Friday, Oct 9th. We will be in the Gym at 8:00am with Dads, Grandpas, Father figures along with the students.

Perkins will again be sponsoring these events and donating muffins and juice. 

Please send an email to Amy amkrahn@rochester.k12.mn.us to RSVP for Oct 9th so we can order the appropriate amount of food and juice. 

The other scheduled days for All-Pro Dads will be: Nov 6, Dec 18, Jan 15, Feb 12, Mar 11, April 22, May 20

School Flu Shots

Preventing disease and keeping our children healthy is a priority for all of us.   One of the best ways to protect our children’s health is by vaccinating them against known illnesses.  Influenza is a serious disease that can spread quickly among children, especially in schools, yet most of us tend to think it is a disease that only affects our older populations.  Not true!  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children typically have the highest attack rates during community outbreaks of the flu and children can spread the illness very quickly to their friends, neighbors and family members.  Protecting our children from influenza protects all of us.  The CDC now recommends that everyone 6 months and older get the flu vaccine every year, as soon as it is available.

Schools can play an important role in helping to keep our children healthy and in stopping the spread of the flu.  That’s  why Lincoln K-8  has partnered with a team of nurses from Olmsted Medical Center, Mayo Clinic and Olmsted County Public Health to offer the flu vaccine (both the shot and nasal spray) to students this fall. 

Lincoln K-8’s school located influenza clinic will be on October 5th, 2016 in the afternoon, in the school Media Center.  Registration is required and can be completed through our registration link that can be found at http://www.semnic.org/schoolfluclinics.aspx. This is a fast, easy and convenient way to keep our children, our school and our community healthy throughout the year.  Paper registration forms are also available in the main office.  We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this important opportunity.  All forms of registration are due 2 business days prior to the clinic.

If you have any questions about the vaccine please visit the CDC’s influenza website:  www.flu.gov  and http://www.cdc.gov/flu/parents/     

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lynx Reading Volunteers Needed!

Janis is looking for a few volunteers willing to to come in one day a week from 8:45-9:30am to help the Lynx readers with the incentive program.  Volunteers will stamp student cards, write their name on a paw print when they have a full sheet, and help with prizes, etc.  This is a great opportunity if you already drive your child to school in the morning and can stay an extra 45 minutes once a week.

Janis is hoping to find 3 regular volunteers (Monday, Thursday, and Friday) as well as a few subs who would be willing to come in when regular volunteers are unavailable.

You can also team up with another parent to share a day if you would rather only come in twice a month.

Please email the VIE Coordinators at lincolnschoolvie@gmail.com or stop by the library to talk to Janis if you are interested.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

LINCOLN PPT MEETING - Monday, September 21 - 7-8pm – Alyse’s room 102

Monday, September 21 - 7-8pm
Alyse’s Room 102
Please join the Lincoln PPT as we welcome parents, guardians and staff back for the new school year.  
Lincoln parent Cathy Nathan, representing the Alliance for Strong Rochester Public Schools, will also join us to give an update on the important school district referendum scheduled for a vote on November 3.

Also, don't forget to make your classroom fundraiser donations, if you have not already done so.  Suggested donation is $20/child.  This fundraiser helps defray the costs of basic classroom supplies such as Kleenex, wipes, etc.  Make checks out to Lincoln PPT.  You can bring your donation to the PPT meeting, drop a check in the office, or the PPT will be accepting checks at the K-5 parent orientation on Sept. 24.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Lincoln Parent Orientation Nights - September 15 and 24

Because we want to communicate all the exciting opportunities for K-5 and Uppers this school year, separate Parent Orientation Nights have been scheduled for K-5 and Uppers (6-8).

Uppers Parent Orientation Night September 15 6:00-8:00pm
K-5 Parent Orientation Night September 24 6:00-7:30pm

Parent Orientation Nights are for parents/guardians only – please leave students at home.

NOTE TO ALL UPPERS PARENTS IN GRADES 6, 7 & 8 - It is very important that you make plans to attend this event so that you hear details about the Uppers classes and opportunities. At the orientation, you will follow your student’s schedule hour by hour and hear from each of your child’s teachers

Saturday, September 12, 2015


The PPT is excited to welcome everyone back for another exciting school year! We enjoyed seeing so many of you at Meet the Teacher. Also, welcome to our new families! We are looking forward to meeting you!

Due to a change in district policy Lincoln teachers are no longer able to ask parents/guardians to assist with defraying the cost of various necessary classroom supplies. Therefore, the Lincoln PPT has taken over the responsibility to collect donations and raise funds to cover these costs. We need your help!

Please consider making a voluntary donation of $20.00 per child to the Lincoln PPT to help cover the costs of these classroom supplies. Cash or checks are accepted. Make checks payable to “Lincoln PPT” and write “PPT Classroom Fundraiser” on the memo line. Donations can be left in the Lincoln office.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Thank you for your attention to this important change to our school, and thank you for your continued support of Lincoln students.

Your PPT leadership team,
Cinnamon Marxen cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com
Giuseppe Accardo giuseppeppt@gmail.com
Karen MacLaughlin karenhome@charter.net
Karen Anderson yoderanderson@yahoo.com

Mini Plant Sale Tuesday, September 24, 2015

Mini Plant Sale
Tuesday, September 24, 2015
3:35 pm - Meet at the Lincoln Greenhouse
$1.00 per pot….must be planted this fall
Japanese Iris (blue flower) Full to part sun – Spring Bloom 

Stella D’Oro Day Lily (yellow flower) Full Sun