Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Monday, December 17, 2018

Lincoln LEGO Robotics Team Victory!

Our Uppers LEGO Robotics team brought home three first place trophies last weekend, and will be advancing to the regional tournament in January. Two of the trophies will be in the office. 

Students from Lincoln that participate are Jackson Brandt, Hayden Mathern, Ian Kisiel, Martin Salib, Logan Bakken, Landon Thompson-Jewell, and Rahul Kollu (prior student).

Mel Dickie Day at Lincoln

Mr. Mel Dickie celebrated his 98th birthday with a school-wide assembly of his family, friends and the school that loves him! The assembly at Lincoln on Tuesday was to thank one of the most positive substitute teachers in the universe!

Are you missing clothing? Check Lincoln’s Lost and Found.

The Lincoln Lost and Found Bins are overflowing with lost items! Once the bins get this full, we donate the clothes to SAVERS.  

The deadline is THIS Friday, December 21st, to claim any of your missing clothes; otherwise, they will be donated to SAVERS for other kids to wear.

Thank you for your assistance!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Calendar of Events

Friday, December 14 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym Drop off your HyVee Receipts
Some people live life looking to take rather than give. Being generous is an important attribute to teach and model for our children. Giving can fuel the general happiness and wellbeing in not only the person that we help, but also in us when we give. Generosity demonstrates that we truly value others and are willing to reach out and meet their needs
Tuesday, December 18 – Uppers Winter Concert Drop of those HyVee receipts
            School performance at 2:00 PM
            Choir – 6:30 PM
            Beginning and advanced band at 7:00 PM
            Beginning and advanced orchestra at 7:30 PM
Friday, January 11 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym Drop off your HyVee Receipts
Tuesday, January 22nd - Canvas and Cookies—NEW to Lincoln . Tap into your inner artist and be creative. More details to come!
Sunday, January 27 5-8 pm—Bring your child(ren) to a place to climb to new heights, take safe risks, and burn off some extra energy in the winter! Parents can keep both feet on the ground, or join in!
January 28-Program Planning Team Meeting in Media Center (PPT)
Friday, February 8 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
Thursday, February 28th - School Dance—Two dances on one night! Earlier in the evening our K5 students and family enjoy music and dancing. Later that night, our Up-per students have an opportunity to dance the night away with friends!
Friday, March 8 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
March 18- Program Planning Team Meeting PPT
Friday, April 5 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
Monday, April 29th - Family Game Night—Another new event for our Lincoln students and families. Join us for a variety of games and events
Friday, May 3 - All Pro Dads meeting in Gym
May 20-PPT Program Planning Team Meeting in Media Center

Lincoln Honey Bee Project Receives Recognition

We are pleased to announce that the Lincoln K-8 Bee-Keepers have been selected to receive an Environmental Achievement Award! Olmsted County and Rochester Public Utilities would like to recognize Jason Howes, James Kulzer and Beth Napton for their significant contribution to environmental quality in Olmsted County.

December All Pro Dads

All Pro Dads Meeting in December

Topic:  Generosity

Friday, December 14 at 8:00 AM in the Gym

Some people live life looking to take rather than give. Being generous is an important attribute to teach and model for our children. Giving can fuel the general happiness and well-being in not only the person that we help, but also in us when we give. Generosity demonstrates that we truly value others and are willing to reach out and meet their needs.