Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Friday, February 24, 2012

PPT Meeting – MONDAY - February 27 – Special Topic: MCAs and No Child Left Behind

Join us at the next PPT meeting on Monday, February 27 at 7:00 pm in the Media Center. Principal Sonju will be sharing information about the upcoming MCA testing and the changes to "No Child Left Behind" as a result of Minnesota receiving a waiver from the Federal government. We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We Need Your Help!

It’s hard to believe, but work is already underway for the 2012 Lincoln Auction.

Looking for an easy, yet helpful way to get involved? We are in need of parent / grandparent volunteers to help us contact local businesses (through either emails, phone calls or quick visits) to generate donations for our amazing auction. Come join the fun and help us once again make Lincoln’s biggest fundraiser a huge success.   Contact Melissa Murphy (mfmurphy1@charter.net) or Nicci Watson ( onawat@aol.com ) for more information.  Any assistance you can offer is greatly appreciated!

Monday, February 13, 2012

RCTC Physics Demo Show - February 25 and 26

RCTC's 5th Annual Physics Demo Show
"All About Waves"
Saturday Feb 25th at 2pm and 7pm
Sunday Feb 26th at 2pm
Hill Theatre, University Center Rochester

Tickets are $6.00 at the door, RCTC students free with ID
Bring a non-perishable food item for Channel One and receive $1.00 off admission!


Calling all Volunteers!

There is a new need for help in the lunchroom on Mondays.
It can be a weekly, every other week, or a once per month commitment. 
Whatever fits into your busy schedules.
The staff really appreciate it.  The students love to see you! 
Hours: 11:50am - 1:00pm.
Please contact Cinnamon Marxen, cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com if you are interested.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Special Projects Consensus Meeting - February 13

Come to the Special Project Consensus Meeting on Monday, February 13th starting at 6pm in the Lincoln Media Center.  We will review the submitted project applications and put together a spending proposal for the $13,500.  Submitted projects include Uppers books for the Media center, Netbooks, iPads, Literacy Library, Videocams and Media Center furniture!  The consensus meeting is open to any Lincoln parent or guardian and Lincoln staff.  The submitted applications are attached for you to review and start thinking about what projects you feel would most benefit Lincoln students!   If you have any questions, contact Mary at rmhansen2002@yahoo.com


Monday, February 6, 2012


The “Get Smart” Mindset Efficacy team is offering a FREE one (1) hour meeting on Friday, February 17, 2012, from 12 noon – 1 pm.  The topic of discussion will focus on “Anti-Bullying.”  In this session, special guest Vangie Castro will help us explore bullying, who bullies, who gets bullied, and why they do it. In addition, how you can help your child create a safe school environment and bully free zone.

·        Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from California State University
·        Currently Works at the Diversity Council as the Youth Education Program Manager
·        Developed Anti-Bullying Curriculum for:
         1.     John Adams Middle School
         2.     Century High School
         3.     Lourdes High School

Please join us on Friday, February 17, 2012 from 12 noon – 1 pm at the Northrop Community Education Center, located at 201 8th St NW, Room 109. 

To register, please e-mail Juan Vasquez at juvasquez@rochester.k12.mn.us  **Space is Limited**

Special Project Applications Submitted

Special Project applications are in! The funding that has been requested is in the chart below.  Remember to come to the Consensus meeting on Monday Feb 13th starting at 6pm and help decide which prjects are funding - we have $13,500 available. The full applications will be posted shortly so you can read the full details of all the requests.   Any questions?  Contact Mary at 285-9047 or rmhansen2002@yahoo.com

Project numberTitleBrief descriptionFull dollar amount requestedPartial funding option?  
1Uppers BooksPurchase books to be available in the media center for uppers$3,628.88 Any funding would purchase some of the listed books
2Library Media Center furnitureFour Adult size bean bag chairs for the Uppers section in the media center$300.05  
3Key Links Literacy LibraryUnique balanced collection of books for K-3 Grades$7,233.00 Any funding would purchase some of the listed books.
4Camcorders for Video ProductionCamcorders to be used for videos $2,500 $250 each per camcorder
5iPads for the Middles TeamiPads for use in various educational ways by middles teachers$5,000 $500 each per iPad
6Netbooks for UppersAdditional Netbooks to have enough so there are Netbooks for individual use as well as classroom$5,000 $449 each per Netbook
Total  23,661.93 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Memory Books

A dedicated team of students has started working on the Memory Book.  Our book is done completely online.  Each page is created with uploaded images and pictures of students imported from Lifetouch.  Students also us a sales tracking program in which they record the student’s name, homeroom, money sent in so that we get an accurate count and make sure all students that ordered a book – get a book.  In order to keep our costs down we only order the books we need and therefore rarely have extras.  Please consider ordering a book.  They are $12.50 and the money can be sent in the memory book order form envelope sent home last week or in a plain envelope.  Please include students name,, homeroom, number of books wanted and we will take care of the rest.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pennies for Patients and Pets, Jeans for Teens

Pennies for Patients and Pennies for Pets
Student Government and Lincoln’s Save the Animals group are sponsoring a penny challenge January 30-February 10. Half of the proceeds will go to Pennies for Patients which helps children with leukemia. The other half goes to the ASPCA. A group of students have been meeting at lunch for 10 weeks to decide the best way to save animals and decided on this penny challenge.
January 30-February 10 jars for money will be located in the office. Each classroom will have ajar designated.  Pennies and dollar bills in each jar will count positively towards each classroom total. Silver coins will count negatively towards the classroom total. The classroom with the greatest positive total as of February 10 will win a pizza and popcorn party.

Jeans for Teens
January 26-February 10 bring in your old jeans. A group of Lincoln kids will donate them to help homeless teens. The school that donates the most jeans wins $500 from Aeropostale. There will be a box outside the office to collect jeans.

NO RAP February 2 and 7

There will be no RAP on Thursday, February 2nd or Tuesday, February 7 due to conferences. Please make sure your child has a plan for transportation after school.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Senator Klobuchar To Visit Lincoln K-8 Choice School

U.S. Senator from Minnesota, Amy Klobuchar, will visit Rochester’s Lincoln K-8 Choice School on Friday, February 3.  Senator Klobuchar is proposing an Innovation Bill to congress in 2012 that contains several provisions focused on fostering STEM education. The bill allocates $50 million per year to the Department of Education with the goal of doubling the number of STEM high schools in America from 100 to 200 and provides grants to colleges and universities that succeed in dramatically increasing the number of students that stay in STEM majors through graduation.

Senator Klobuchar is the Chair of the Subcommittee on Competitiveness, Innovation, and Export Promotion and understands how important it is to develop a strong science and engineering education and workforce. She will be at Lincoln to observe the Zebrafish Project at 10:45 a.m., Friday, February 3.

Special Projects - $13,500 Available!

Do you have a great idea for something that would benefit the Lincoln students, but just need some money to make it happen? If so, Special Projects could be the way to make it happen. Following a very successful auction and funding of the PPT budget, there is $13,500 available for Special Projects.
What are Special Projects?
* Special Projects can be any project or item that will benefit the school Special Projects can be submitted by parents, teachers or students of Lincoln.
* Special Projects are paid for by money that is raised from the annual Lincoln Auction after the PPT budget has been funded.
* Special projects funded in the past include: the Smart Boards in the classrooms, the "big toy" playground equipment, the Lincoln information sign, the popcorn popper, baseball bats and gloves and many more.

To apply for Special Projects funding, fill in the attached application and return to Mary Hansen at rmhansen2002@yahoo.comApplications must be received by Monday Feb 6th.   All received applications will be reviewed at a Consensus meeting on Monday, February 13th starting at 6pm.  During the meeting, a funding proposal will be agreed on. All Lincoln parents, guardians and staff are welcome to attend the consensus meeting.

Please contact Mary Hansen at 285-9047 or
rmhansen2002@yahoo.com if you have any questions.