Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Turn in those HyVee Receipts!

We are approaching the end of our collection on HyVee receipts.  The deadline is June 1 for us to accept HyVee receipts.  We are on our way to a very successful campaign to collect these receipts. We receive $1.00 for each 250.00 in receipts
Please get us your receipts prior to June 1

Shopping for the long weekend?  If you shop at HyVee, be sure to save your receipts

2019 Auction Changes!

SPONSORSHIP: This year we will be offering three tiers of sponsorships in the following denominations: $100, $250, $500. These will help to cover expenses allowing more funds to directly impact our students and staff. Sponsors will be recognized in our social media campaigns, Efiles, our website, the catalog and more. If you own a business, or work for a business, who would like to be recognized as a sponsor for the 2019 Lincoln K-8 Auction please contact the auction committee at LincolnSchoolAuction@gmail.com.
CHILDCARE: Please note that for the 2019 Auction (October 26th), free childcare will be provided to current Lincoln families that have preregistered for care. A fee will be assessed to families utilizing childcare that are not current Lincoln families or have not preregistered. Childcare will also be limited to three hours per family and children must be full potty trained, our volunteers will be unable to provide infant care due to liability restrictions.
This change was necessary to abide by teacher/child ratios and to allow our volunteers to properly prepare for the children in care.  There will be a limited amount of spaces provided for those who have not preregistered or who are not families currently enrolled at Lincoln – it will be on a first come, first served basis. A registration form (with a due date) will be provided via Efiles in September, please keep an eye out for it when the next school year begins.
We know that a new school year can be chaotic for many of us, and the auction committee wanted to make Lincoln families aware of this change far in advance. Thank you for your understanding!

Third Grade Cabbage Project

Hopefully, your cabbages are doing fine with all this rain and cold weather.  Remember, we need a picture of the plant and your child before you harvest it this fall.  We would also appreciate a description of how you prepared the cabbage.  A recipe would be great.  Here are a couple of pictures of students and the current state of their cabbage plants.

Camp Invention

Register for Camp Invention!
Exciting STEM Summer Opportunity for your Child:
Unmask your child’s creativity this summer in the Camp Invention program.  This year, Rochester Gibbs will host 2 different weeks, each with different themes and activities.

Camp Invention is an awesome program where children build confidence, learn to collaborate and transform their wild imaginations into epic creations.  Campers in grades K-6 will learn creative problem-solving skills.  Mickey Laughland, a Lincoln 4th grade teacher will direct the camps, and local certified educators will lead this action-packed program featuring exhilarating, hands-on STEM activities teaching children to question, explore, break through obstacles and embrace failure! Early registration discounts are available and listed below! Register and find current promotions atinvent.org/camp or call 800.968.4332.  If you have any additional questions, please contact Mickey Laughland at sudunne-laug@rochester.k12.mn.us or by calling (507) 328-3550.

Here are the topics for each week and a short description:
June 17th -21st  - Supercharged Program:  Gibbs Elementary School –In this program campers will be coding and programming futuristic robots, uncovering ancient fossils, designing high-tech superhero gadgets and exploring radio frequencies.
June 24th -28th  - Create Program:  Gibbs Elementary School –During this week, campers will be will spend their time connecting Sir Isaac Newton’s Three Laws of Motion with amusement park rides as creativity goes full throttle, rebuilding a ruined, polluted city to make it ecofriendly, and building original prototypes using real tools! Lessons explore connections between science, technology, engineering and innovation.

These are the following available discounts:
·       SIBLING: $25 off per sibling when registering 2 or more children. No expiration.
·        HOST: $30 off each registration for employees of the Rochester school district. No expiration.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Summer Construction at Lincoln

This summer the district will be resurfacing the playground and sloping it so the rain water drains off instead of forming puddles.  They will also be removing the three trees in the parking lot and resurfacing that area also. 
The outdoor classroom will also begin this summer.  The grass will be removed on the north end of the school and the walking path, classroom area and benches will be installed this summer. 

If you or someone you know of has access to large boulders, please let us know as part of the classroom area will require boulders to sit and play on next year.

Uppers Spring Concert Series (TONIGHT)

The final concert of the season for our Orchestra, Choir and Band will be on Thursday, May 16th.   

The 2:00 PM performance is for our student body and parents and other family members are invited  to the evening performance.

Choir will perform at 6:30
Bands will perform at 7:00
Orchestra will perform at 7:30

Join us for the last PPT Meeting!

Monday is SCIENCE night at our PPT meeting. 

Join us on Monday, May 20th at 7:00 pm in the Lincoln Library for our last PPT meeting of the year.  Join Kyle Casper & James Kulzer to learn and experience the science activities that are unique to Lincoln.  Get all your questions answered.  What is InSciEd out?  What do Zebra fish have to do with anything?  I've heard about PLTW, but what is it?  What is this new science curriculum?  

See you Monday as we learn together!!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Calendar of Events

Calendar Of Events

May 16 – Uppers Music Concert
                        2:00 PM for the school
                        6:30 Choir
                        7:00 Bands
                        7:30 Orchestra
May 20-PPT Program Planning Meeting in Media Center – All parents welcome and invited to attend
May 23 – Uppers Ipad turn in day.  All upper students  must turn in an ipad, case, charging block and cord.
May 27 - Memorial Day – No School
May 31 – 8th grade Recognition/School Celebration
May 31 – Last day of School
June 4 – Report Cards Mailed home

HyVee Cash for Students DEADLINE!

HyVee Cash for Students
We are approaching the end of our collection on HyVee receipts.  The deadline is June 1 for us to accept HyVee receipts.  

We are on our way to a very successful campaign to collect these receipts.  As of today, we have collected and totaled
$301,353.79 in receipts.  We receive $1.00 for each 250.00 in receipts

Please get us your receipts prior to June 1,
as the goal is to reach $350,000.00 by that date.

Planting Gardens

Planting Gardens

The PPT has been funding our raised bed garden, butterfly garden and school beautification projects for many years.  We currently have six raised bed gardens that are planted and maintained by classrooms, a new Bee Pollinator garden planted by 2nd grade, a new strawberry patch maintained by Carrie Graff’s 3rd grade classroom, a greenhouse and storage shed.  We start plants in the classroom and then move them to the greenhouse to harden them off before transplanting to the gardens.

This week 2nd graders, as part of their new Amplify Science curriculum (again funded by your PPT dollars!) created Seed Dispersal Systems and used those devices to spread 8,000 Bee friendly seeds.  Thanks to the rains yesterday and today, they should be well-watered.

This week and next week we will be setting out cabbage plants, onions, tomatoes. peppers, mini gourds, pumpkins, flowers and watermelons. 

Uppers Spring Concert Series

Uppers Spring Concert Series
The final concert of the season for our Orchestra, Choir and Band will be on Thursday, May 16th.  

The 2:00 PM performance is for our student body and parents; other family members are invited to the evening performance.

Choir will perform at 6:30 pm.
Bands will perform at 7:00 pm.
Orchestra will perform at 7:30 pm.

Box Top Approaching Deadline

Take Note…
Lincoln students are encouraged to turn in their Box Tops throughout the year, either in their classroom collection bag or in the white bin in the main entry. The final deadline for Box Tops is May 9, 2019.

K-5 Competition!
The entire grade (K-5) with the most Box Tops turned in by May 9 will win a popcorn or popsicle party.

Easy to Turn In!
1. Collect Box Tops and Bonus Box Tops.
2. Place in Ziploc bag or envelope with the grade level written on the outside. (They do not need to be counted, but they must have a visible product code and cannot be expired).
3. Add to classroom collection bag or place in school collection bin in main entry.