Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Important Notice if Your Student Takes Medication at School

Please print out the PDF if your child does or will be taking any medication at school this year or next.

Playground Donations Needed

We are getting closer and closer to reaching our goal of getting a new playground equipment on the north end of the building. This is the old "Small toy" that needs to be replaced. This new playground toy would be a new and improved area with tile and a fun playground renovating a much need area for kids.
Sue Lindsey (Lincoln Parent) and Ron and Linda Fess (Lincoln Grandparents) are making sizable donations to the cause. If others would like to join in on the effort it would be greatly appreciated so we can add more components to the playground. Big or small we will take them all :)
Please let Principal Sonju know if any Lincoln families would be interested in helping make this happen jasonju@rochester.k12.mn.us.

LINCOLN SCHOOL CARNIVAL - May 16 - Volunteers and Donations Needed

Save The Date!!!
Lincoln School Carnival
Saturday, May 16th – 10 AM to 1 PM
We are in need of VOLUNTEERS to help make the carnival a success !!
We have created a SignUp Genius account for volunteers to sign up for the carnival.
Go to http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0948afad2ca1fb6-lincoln to volunteer for any of the many events.

We are also looking for donations for cakes, cupcakes and books for the cakewalk/book walk. Drop off Friday May 15th, 2015 in office or staff lounge.
RSVP to lincolnk8social@yahoo.com or call or text 507-951-9178 on if you will donate.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Project Family Scheduled for May 27 - Volunteers Needed to Lead Mini Sessions

Project Family is scheduled for May 27 from about 1:00-3:20.

Project Family is a school-wide elective day started by student government to build school community. Students are put into small groups with 5-6 students from a variety of grades in the group. This group travels together to do fun activities that support their multiple intelligences. All staff and many parents teach 20 to 40 minute classes on a variety of topics. Some previous sessions have been: geocaching, rugby, butterfly magnets, crepe making, banking, first aid, Bananagrams, yoga, fly fishing, chalk drawings, community service, i-movies, bead making, etc.

Linnea Archer is looking for volunteers to lead mini sessions on a topic of your choice. Please consider leading a session. We would love to have your expertise and enthusiasm. Linnea is also looking for a parent to take pictures of the afternoon. Please contact Linnea to volunteer. This is a great way to foster the amazing community at Lincoln. liarcher@rochester.k12.mn.us

Talent Show News

Talent show auditions are May 4, 5, and 6. Sign-ups for these will be at the Student Government Bulletin Board the last two weeks of April. Acts should be no longer than 2 minutes but shorter acts are appreciated.
The Talent Show will be May 27 from 9:30-11:30 in the gymnasium.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Adult Volunteers Needed to Participate in Lincoln InSciEd Out Health Study

Students are learning how nutrition and physical activity can affect health through the InSciEd Out program. InSciEd Out is a partnership with Mayo Clinic, University of Minnesota, and Rochester Public Schools.
We are looking for 6 adults, 2 per classroom, who would be willing to allow 4th grade students to direct their nutrition and physical activities. The participants will look to set nutrition and fitness goals. The 4th graders would be guided with the support of a dietitian, and a personal trainer to help them design healthy nutrition and physical activity plans for those who participate.


If you are interested in participating in this project to support the 4th grade learning, please fill out the application form (CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM) and return it back to us as soon as possible. Please contact Karim Mustafa at 612-913-2559 or Mustafa.karim@mayo.edu if you have any questions about the 4th Grade Health and Fitness Project.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Lincoln at the Movies - April 25

Come join other Lincoln Friends and Family at the Lincoln Morning at the Movies
Cinemagic Movie Theatre
Saturday, April 25th Doors Open at 8:30 AM - Movies Start at 9:00 AM
Movie Choices are: Home, Paul Blart - Mall Cop 2, or Cinderella
Cost is only $3 per Person
Concession Specials are Available
Sponsored partially by Lincoln Social Committee

Help Needed with Mulching Butterfly Garden - April 27

Help Needed! We are having 8 yards of mulch delivered on Friday, April 24 and would like some help on Monday April 27 to spread it around the butterfly garden and the raised beds. If you could help on Monday morning we would really appreciate it. Starting about 9:30. If you have a wheelbarrow and could bring it in the morning that would make our work a lot easier. Contact jabarton@rochester.k12.mn.us if you can help.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

APRIL PPT MEETING - April 20 7-8pm

Please join us for the April PPT meeting, this Monday, April 20, from 7-8pm in the Lincoln Media Center.
Uppers parents Cathy Nathan and Melissa Murphy will talk about "What To Expect When You Have An Uppers" Student at Lincoln. The PPT will also discuss proposed amendments to the PPT bylaws.
All Lincoln parents, guardians and staff are welcome. If you have any questions, please contact your PPT Co-Presidents, Jodi Kruse (jmkruse22@gmail.com or 269-6344) or Cinnamon Marxen (cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527).

Mr. Sonju Honored With Outstanding Educator Award

At a school assembly this morning, Mr. Sonju was surprised with the 2015 WEM Outstanding Educator Award for Ethics in Education, presented by the WEM Foundation and Synergy and Leadership Exchange.
The Ethics in Education Award recognizes educators who exemplify ethical behavior for the teaching profession and promote ethical practices and development for their students through classroom or school activities, policies or curriculum.
Mr. Sonju was awarded a certificate, a crystal apple and will receive a $15,000 gift at the awards brunch later this Spring. Congratulations to Mr. Sonju!
For more information on the WEM Outstanding Educator Awards, go to http://www.synergyexchange.org/Celebrate/WEM.aspx

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

LINCOLN BOOK FAIR IS BACK - April 15, 16, 17 and "Grand" Lunch April 16

Open April 15th 9-4:30, April 16th 9-4:30, April 17th 9-4:30
Held on the Lincoln stage.
Media Center gets ALL profits.
Online shopping is also available from 4/9 to 4/22 with FREE SHIPPING to the school. http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/homepage/lincolnk8choiceschool

April 16, 2015 KIDS- Bring your grandparent or "grand" person in your life for lunch and to shop at the book fair. Check with your student on their lunch hour time.
Hot lunch is available for $3.45- cash (exact amount only) or check, or cold lunch may be brought in. Please RSVP with how many guests to jpalmerj2000@yahoo.com by April 14th.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Community Input Session on Graduation Requirements - This Monday, April 6

The School Board is holding a session to receive community input on proposed changes to the Graduation Requirements.
Important if you have Uppers and want to know what is coming up for them in high school.
For a draft of the graduation requirements and proposed changes, CLICK HERE.
Post Bulletin article on the meeting and the issues: CLICK HERE