Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Christmas is Coming and SCRIP is the perfect gift!!!

Christmas is around the corner and SCRIP is great for gift-giving!

What Is Scrip?  
cid:image004.png@01CFDE5B.CB936B20Scrip is a term that means “substitute money”.  When you purchase scrip, you’re purchasing negotiable gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used just like cash. You can use scrip to purchase everyday expenses like food, gas, clothing, and other essentials, and with every purchase, you earn revenue for our organization to support technology and PLTW at Lincoln. .
How scrip generates revenue for you
The Great Lakes Scrip Center acts on behalf of churches, schools and other non‑profit organizations to purchase large amounts of scrip from grocery stores, department stores, and other retailers.  Because the scrip is purchased with cash up front, the participating retailers offer a substantial discount.  Our organization buys the scrip from Great Lakes Scrip Center at a discount, and re-sells the certificates to families like yours for full face value.  The discount ‑ from two to fifteen percent or more –  is Lincoln’s revenue.  Remember, If you purchase a 10.00 Kwik Trip card you get the full amount.  So spend 10.00 and get 10.00.  Use SCRIP to purchase thing you would usually purchase with cash or check. 

SCRIP is always available with Amy in the office or online at:

No RAP next week!

The RAP program will be off the following week, Nov. 23-27.
RAP resumes Monday, Nov. 30. and will run until Dec. 17th.
Thank you for being so prompt with pickups this year. It is getting very dark and it allows us time to make sure everyone can get to the cars safely with supervision.
Also, as we head into the beginning of winter be aware that if school closes there will be no RAP and there are days where transportation will not run late buses due to weather concerns after school hours. I will make sure you are notified by Skyward Alert if this occurs and it will likely be announced on other media sources.
Happy November!

Study Island and Sumdog are up!

StudyIsland.com  is opening up for Grades 3 – 8.
Look out for a Super Hero challenge coming soon!
Sumdog.com is a fun place to learn, too. All students grades K-5 have already been entered into the system so far. We can enter more as needed.
All you have to do to sign in is enter your computer number as the username. lincoln.1 as the password and lincoln1 as the school name.
Need more information? Email Liz Koehler @ elkoehler@rochester.k12.mn.us

Super Students and Super Heroes!

We are looking at an exciting theme to encourage student effort and hard work with Study Island and IXl this year. 

We are looking for some unique and motivational super hero items for drawings for students.

Please let us know if you could donate or connect us with some motivational items for the kids.  Please send an email to Jim Sonju if you have any ideas or possibilities. jasonju@rochester.k12.mn.us

Book Fair! Another chance before Christmas!

In case you missed the book fair this week, you can still order online!!!
Please help support the Lincoln library and classroom libraries by shopping at the online book fair. The online store is available until November 30th.

Bigger selection of books online and free shipping right to the school!
Get a start on some holiday shopping!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

NOVEMBER PPT MEETING - tomorrow night, Monday, November 16, 7-8pm- Lincoln STEM classroom (near Media Center)

Just a reminder about the PPT meeting tomorrow night!

Please join the PPT this month to learn more about Project Lead the Way and InSciEdout.  James Kulzer and Kyle Casper will be presenting.  They are hoping to do a two part series, starting with Part 1 on November 16 and continuing with Part 2 in January (Monday, Jan. 11).

James Kulzer is a master level teacher for Project Lead the Way (PLTW) and the building lead teacher on Launch the elementary PLTW program and teaches the middle school PLTW program.  Kyle Casper is a gold master teacher for InSciEdout.
For November they will give an overview of each program:
    1. Address the PLTW modules that are being taught at Lincoln K-8.
    2. The use of iPads in these programs.
    3. Length of modules and extensions.
    4. Overview of InSciEdout modules K-8.
    5. Why the emphasis on Science?
We will also hear an update on the Lincoln Family Auction, the Special Projects process to disperse the auction proceeds, and other fun activities planned for the Lincoln community this year.  The Lincoln PPT is the parent, guardian and staff planning team at Lincoln, and all are automatically PPT members.  We will have a Spanish interpreter and a Somali interpreter available for this meeting.  
If you have any questions, please contact your PPT Co-Presidents, Cinnamon Marxen (cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527) or Giuseppe Accardo (giuseppePPT@gmail.com or 250-0968).  Hope to see you on the 16th!

Friday, November 13, 2015

STEM Super Heroes In School!


More proof that Lincoln is the Greatest School in the Universe:
  • Model cars designed and programmed by 13/14 year old students.
  • Creations designed and printed on our new 3D printers by 11/12 year old students.
  • Water filters designed and created to clean water taken from Silver Lake enough for zebrafish embryos to survive by 9/10 year old students.
  • Imagination gone wild using Green Screen technology by 8/9 year old students.
  • Computer coding by 7/8 year old students.
It is amazing what can happen when you give students the ability to learn.
Learning is their super powers! What is yours?

Healthy Eating

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
Healthy eating is important for children. Research states that children who eat three meals daily are higher achievers in school and have a lower rate of absenteeism. At Lincoln we work hard to ensure students receive a healthy snack and lunch each day to support their developing brains. But, the healthy eating should not stop when money is tight. We want to help.
Lincoln works with Channel One Food Shelf and Zumbro Lutheran Church in Rochester to provide food to Lincoln families.
If you are interested, any Lincoln child and family are eligible to take home food each Thursday. A variety of food is available, including peanut butter, juice, bread, crackers, and fruit. Confidentiality is important. Bags and backpacks that are provided to transport the food will be unmarked. We ask that any backpacks that are borrowed to transport food be brought back to the office on Monday to be filled for the following Thursday.
If you are interested in receiving food through Channel One, or have questions or concerns, please email Amy Krahn at AMKRAHN@rochester.k12.mn.us or call Lincoln at (507) 328-3550. Your child will be bringing home food beginning on Tuesday November 24.

Jim Sonju                     Stephanie Sirek                     Bridget Dean          
Principal                       Educator                               MN Reading Corps Literacy Tutor

Volunteers at Zumbro Lutheran          Channel One Rochester, MN          

NOVEMBER PPT MEETING - Monday, November 16, 7-8pm- Lincoln STEM classroom (near Media Center)

Please join the PPT this month to learn more about Project Lead the Way and InSciEdout.  James Kulzer and Kyle Casper will be presenting.  They are hoping to do a two part series, starting with Part 1 on November 16 and continuing with Part 2 in January (Monday, Jan. 11).

James Kulzer is a master level teacher for Project Lead the Way (PLTW) and the building lead teacher on Launch the elementary PLTW program and teaches the middle school PLTW program.  Kyle Casper is a gold master teacher for InSciEdout.
For November they will give an overview of each program:
    1. Address the PLTW modules that are being taught at Lincoln K-8.
    2. The use of iPads in these programs.
    3. Length of modules and extensions.
    4. Overview of InSciEdout modules K-8.
    5. Why the emphasis on Science?
We will also hear an update on the Lincoln Family Auction, the Special Projects process to disperse the auction proceeds, and other fun activities planned for the Lincoln community this year.  The Lincoln PPT is the parent, guardian and staff planning team at Lincoln, and all are automatically PPT members.  We will have a Spanish interpreter and a Somali interpreter available for this meeting.  
If you have any questions, please contact your PPT Co-Presidents, Cinnamon Marxen (cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527) or Giuseppe Accardo (giuseppePPT@gmail.com or 250-0968).  Hope to see you on the 16th!


Please help support the Lincoln library and classroom libraries by shopping at the book fair.
2 easy ways to shop- Come to the Lincoln stage during the following hours
Nov. 17th from 4-8 pm. Nov. 18th from 9-5pm. Nov.19th from 9-8pm. Nov. 20th from 9-5pm
OR shop online from 11-11-15 to 11-30-15. Bigger selection of books online and free shipping right to the school!
Get a start on some holiday shopping!

Information regarding RAP

Just an FYI for students and families in the RAP program:
This week RAP yearlong calendars were sent home with the oldest/only students who attend RAP. Please ask your student for it if you have not yet received yours.
Next week, RAP will be on Monday and Wednesday only. There is no RAP on Tuesday, Nov. 17th  or Thursday, Nov. 19th  due to student/teacher conferences.
The RAP program will then be off the following week, Nov. 23-27.
RAP resumes Monday, Nov. 30. and will run until Dec. 17th.
Thank you for being so prompt with pickups this year. It is getting very dark and it allows us time to make sure everyone can get to the cars safely with supervision.
Also, as we head into the beginning of winter be aware that if school closes there will be no RAP and there are days where transportation will not run late buses due to weather concerns after school hours. I will make sure you are notified by Skyward Alert if this occurs and it will likely be announced on other media sources.
Happy November!
Andi Harmon

NOVEMBER PPT MEETING - Monday, November 16, 7:00-8:00pm, Lincoln STEM classroom (near Media Center)

Please join the PPT this month to learn more about Project Lead the Way and InSciEdout.  James Kulzer and Kyle Casper will be presenting.  They are hoping to do a two part series, starting with Part 1 on November 16th and continuing with Part 2 in January (Monday, January 11th).

James Kulzer is a master level teacher for Project Lead the Way (PLTW) and the building lead teacher on Launch the elementary PLTW program and teaches the middle school PLTW program.( https://www.pltw.org/our-programs)   Kyle Casper is a gold master teacher for InSciEdout and teaches the Middle school science program and InSciEd Out modules.( http://insciedout.org ). 

For November they will give an overview of each program:

    1. Address the PLTW modules that are being taught at Lincoln K-8.

    2. The use of iPads in these programs.

    3. Length of modules and extensions.

    4. Overview of InSciEdout modules K-8.

    5. Why the emphasis on Science?

We will also hear an update on the Lincoln Family Auction, the Special Projects process to disperse the auction proceeds, and other fun activities planned for the Lincoln community this year.  The Lincoln PPT is the parent, guardian and staff planning team at Lincoln, and all are automatically PPT members.  We will have a Spanish interpreter and a Somali interpreter available for this meeting.  

If you have any questions, please contact your PPT Co-Presidents, Cinnamon Marxen (cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527) or Giuseppe Accardo (giuseppePPT@gmail.com or 250-0968).  Hope to see you on the 16th!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

November PPT meeting: ADVANCE NOTICE

ADVANCE NOTICE FOR THE NOVEMBER PPT MEETING - Monday, November 16th, 7-8pm - Lincoln STEM classroom (near Media Center)

Please join the PPT this month to learn more about Project Lead the Way and InSciEdout.  James Kulzer and Kyle Casper will be presenting.  They are hoping to do a two part series, starting with Part 1 on November 16th and continuing with Part 2 in January (Monday, January 11th).
James Kulzer is a master level teacher for Project Lead the Way (PLTW) and the building lead teacher on Launch the elementary PLTW program and teaches the middle school PLTW program.( https://www.pltw.org/our-programs)   Kyle Casper is a gold master teacher for InSciEdout and teaches the Middle school science program and InSciEd Out modules.( http://insciedout.org ). 

For November they will give an overview of each program:
    1. Address the PLTW modules that are being taught at Lincoln K-8.
    2. The use of iPads in these programs.
    3. Length of modules and extensions.
    4. Overview of InSciEdout modules K-8.
    5. Why the emphasis on Science?

We will also hear an update on the Lincoln Family Auction, the Special Projects process to disperse the auction proceeds, and other fun activities planned for the Lincoln community this year.  The Lincoln PPT is the parent, guardian and staff planning team at Lincoln, and all are automatically PPT members.  We will have a Spanish interpreter and a Somali interpreter available for this meeting.  

If you have any questions, please contact your PPT Co-Presidents, Cinnamon Marxen (cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527) or Giuseppe Accardo (giuseppePPT@gmail.com or 250-0968).  Hope to see you on the 16th!

Uppers Parents take note: End of First Quarter

Parents of Upper Students
The end of the first Quarter is approaching (Thursday, November 12) and it is time to sit down with your uppers student and discuss any missing work.  We have been reminding them to get it done and turned in but some still have missing work.  How do I do this you may ask…Check Skyward for current status.   Students have access to Skyward, Google Classroom, Moodle, My.PLTW.Org to get copies of missing work or they can talk to their teacher…

Reminder: Veterans Day next week

Attention Lincoln Parents, Grandparents, Family and Friends……
What: Veterans Day Program
When:  Tuesday November 10th at 1:30 p.m.
Where:  Lincoln Gymnasium

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the event honoring our Nation’s Heroes!