Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Help us help our teachers!

The PPT is excited to welcome everyone back for another exciting school year! We enjoyed seeing so many of you at Meet the Teacher and Parent Orientation Night. Also, welcome to our new families! We are looking forward to meeting you!

Due to changes in district policy, Lincoln teachers are no longer able to ask parents/guardians to assist with defraying the cost of various necessary classroom supplies that benefit all grades. Some examples of these supplies include: Clorox wipes, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, art supplies, incentives for students, supplies for InSciEdout lab and classroom projects, just to name a few. Therefore, the Lincoln PPT has taken over the responsibility to collect donations and raise funds to cover these costs. We need your help! Please consider making a voluntary donation of $25.00 per child to the Lincoln PPT to help cover the costs of these classroom supplies. Cash or checks are accepted. Make checks payable to “Lincoln PPT” and write “PPT Classroom Fundraiser” on the memo line. Donations can be dropped off or backpack expressed to the Lincoln office and put into the PPT school mailbox.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Thank you for your attention to this, and thank you for your continued support of Lincoln students and staff.

Your PPT leadership team,
Jodi Kruse, PPT Co-President, jmkruse22@gmail.com, 507-269-6344
Mindy Schroeder, PPT Co-President, mindyschroeder314@gmail.com, 507-358-8690
Karen Anderson: yoderanderson@yahoo.com
Sara Espy: sara.espy@gmail.com

Monday, September 18, 2017

AUCTION 2017! Lots of Information, NEW WEBSITE!!!

This year’s auction is on Saturday, October 28th. Doors open at 11, Live begins at 2!
For the first time, we have a website! www.auctria.com/auction/LincolnSchoolAuctionPlease check out the site as it has a lot of valuable information! We are encouraging participants to register ahead of time (big time saver!) or you can register with a volunteer at the event.
If you have any items, or connections to items/experiences to donate, please reach out to us! This year, you can also donate funds via the site posted above! With just a couple clicks, you can easily help to support our students and staff!
  • Leave donations in the school office - Be sure to leave a donation form with your donation and grab a donation receipt if needed for tax purposes.
  • All teachers have their classroom theme posted.
  • Please keep in mind that we raise the funds not our kids.  Kids do not sell door to door… this is how we raise money to support all of the activities and events at Lincoln. 
  • It takes the entire Lincoln community to make this a success – please Volunteer or Donate or Bid at the auction.
We are needing volunteers to lead auction stations and have lots of other time slots open (for both Friday evening set-up and auction day). Volunteering does not mean you will miss the fun! Most opportunities are short time frames. Our auction committee is made up of stay at home parents and full-time working parents – we can find something you’d enjoy that will fit your busy schedule. Check out the website for more information.
LincolnSchoolAuction@gmail.com or the Contact Us page on the website. Make sure to follow PPT & the Auction Committee on Twitter! @LincolnK8PPT

Parent Orientation, Thursday September 21st

 Below you will find the schedule for parent orientation night on Thursday, September 21st.

5:30-5:55 Meet with K-5 teacher in their classroom
6:00-6:25 Meet with K-5 teacher in their classroom.
(If you have one child- please come to this session so that you can be here for the school meeting in the gym at 6:30.)
6:30-7:00 K-8 Parent Information Session This is very important to the entire school community to be learn about new opportunities from school opportunities, Auction, ViE, Special Events, etc…
7:00-8:00 Uppers’ Orientation Important session


The PPT is excited to welcome everyone back for another exciting school year!  We enjoyed seeing so many of you at Meet the Teacher.  Also, welcome to our new families! We are looking forward to meeting you!

Due to changes in district policy Lincoln teachers are no longer able to ask parents/guardians to assist with defraying the cost of various necessary classroom supplies such as art supplies, incentives for students, supplies for InSciEdout lab and classroom projects, Clorox wipes, Kleenex and hand sanitizer just to name a few.

Therefore, the Lincoln PPT has taken over the responsibility to collect donations and raise funds to cover these costs.  We need your help!  Please consider making a voluntary donation of $25.00 per child to the Lincoln PPT to help cover the costs of these classroom supplies
Cash or checks are accepted.  Make checks payable to “Lincoln PPT” and write “PPT Classroom Fundraiser” on the memo line.  Donations can be dropped off or backpack expressed to the Lincoln office and put into the PPT school mailbox.
PPT Leadership will also be available at Parent Orientation night on Thursday, September 21 to collect donations and answer any questions you may have.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Thank you for your attention to this important change to our school, and thank you for your continued support of Lincoln students and staff.

Your PPT leadership team,
Jodi Kruse, PPT Co-President, jmkruse22@gmail.com, 507-269-6344
Mindy Schroeder, PPT Co-President, mindyschroeder314@gmail.com,
Karen Anderson:  yoderanderson@yahoo.com

Lincoln K-8 Backpack Program

Lincoln K-8 School is teaming up with Channel One Food Bank and Zumbro Lutheran Church to offer a supply of child-friendly, nonperishable food to families free of charge.  Food backpacks are distributed discreetly once per week on Thursdays.  If you feel your child/children could benefit from this program, please contact Jenny Chonis, School Social Worker at 328-3554 or jechonis@rochester.k12.mn.us to sign up.  

Auction News!

The countdown is on! 40 days until the 2017 Lincoln Auction! This year’s auction is on Saturday, October 28th. Doors open at 11, Live begins at 2! More details on the event itself are on our website!

WEBSITE:  For the first time, we have a website! www.auctria.com/auction/LincolnSchoolAuction
Please check out the site as it has a lot of valuable information! We are encouraging participants to register ahead of time (big time saver!) or you can register with a volunteer at the event. Remember, there is NO fee to attend the auction. We have set up the site to answer many of your questions – it’s definitely worth checking out!

From the Office

From the office:   Things you may be wondering about Lincoln…………

What time does school start?                           9:10 AM
What time does the first bell ring?                 9:05  AM

How early can I drop off my student:              Students may be dropped off or arrive at school NO EARLIER than 8:50 am.  If you have difficulty time making these times work, you can make arrangements for SACC..  

What do I do if my child is ill or going  to be gone? Call the Lincoln Attendance Line at 328-3551 and leave a message.  Please do this before 9:15 am.
**What do I do if my child’s end of day transportation changes:       Please call the office before 2:30 pm!
What time does school end?                             3:35 PM - all students need to be picked up by 3:45
How do I get ahold of the school nurse?       Call the main office:  Renee is available from 8:45-3:35
Main Office Number:  507-328-3550
Attendance Line: 507-328-3551

Schedule for parent orientation night on Thursday, September 21st.

5:30-5:55 Meet with K-5 teacher in their classroom
6:00-6:25 Meet with K-5 teacher in their classroom.
(If you have one child- please come to this session so that you can be here for the school meeting in the gym at 6:30.)
6:30-7:00 K-8 Parent Information Session This is very important to the entire school community to be learn about new opportunities from school opportunities, Auction, ViE, Special Events, etc…
7:00-8:00 Uppers’ Orientation Important session

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Calling all Lincoln 1st-3rd graders!

Lego League is back for the Fall season.  This year's team challenge focuses on a very important topic, water conservation.
 In past seasons, Lincoln students have been very successful and engaged in this fun and exciting activity.  NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED.
 Format for the activity
-Meet weekly, 1-1.5 hrs, to work on project (late Sept-Dec/Jan)
-At least TWO parents per team are required to register as coaches (NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED)
-As many parents as possible are welcome to participate; working alongside a kid who is not your own gets best results!
-Kids build a model on the theme above (with guidebooks and special kits once all teams/coaches are registered)
-Kids attend and present their work at a First Lego League Expo; these are typically held in Dec or Jan (there are posted dates for expos in the Twin Cities in Dec....I'm hoping Rochester dates open up for Jan, which are more convenient.

If you think your child might be interested, please contact me with:
Child's full name
Contact parent's full name(s)
Contact email address
Full mailing address
Phone number
 Each team (maximum 6 kids) will need TWO coaches. All coaches need to consent to background checks (slow and burdensome but really NECESSARY); please volunteer to coach...it's easy and fun!

For more information please contact
John and Lily Kisiel


Donors Choose

We could use a parent or parents to help teachers set up a Donors Choose accounts for their classrooms.  This will allow teachers to request items for their classrooms from members in the community and also get matching funds from companies. 

Thank you Culligan

We would like to thank Culligan of Rochester for all their help and donation of a reverse osmosis system for our fish room.  During the remodeling our old system was removed and James Stein of Culligan went out of his way to make sure we had a reverse osmosis system up and running before our fish arrived.  If are interested looking into a RO system for your home or water softening I would encourage you to take your business there.  They are one of a couple of business partners that contribute to Lincoln.

Student Accidents

Here is the Notice to Parents in regards to student accidents that occur on district property.

Student Accident Notice and CHIP 2017

Lincoln is Tweeting

Twitter is a wonderful tool to help parents connect with the school.
Staff are increasing the number of Tweets to give you more opportunities to see the amazing learning happening at Lincoln.
Here are just a few Twitter accounts you might want to check out and followJ

@lincolnk8sonju          Jim Sonju
@sireksstars               Stephanie Sirek
@litlovinglady             Courtney Collins
@Classroom_Katie       Katie Kruger
@Lincolnk8gr1            Andi and Stephanie
@lincoln2nd                Ginelle Robertson and Kristi Beeman
@lincolnK8Graff          Carrie Graff
@lincolnk8howes        Jason Howes
@4thLincolnK8           Beth and Mickey
@Ruffin_II                  Will Ruffin II
@MrsO_k8                 Kim Olson
@mrwill_s                  Will Schulz
@LinneaArcher           Linnea Archer
@liz_elkoehler            Liz Koehler
@ArnesonDianne          Diane Arneson
@kaschafer1978          Katie Schafer
@proparatricia             Tricia Beighley
@kerigernandSLP       Keri Gernand
@SraFreund               Christina Freund
@uppers_science        Kyle Casper
@Lincolnk8math         Andy Roth
@Lisakinderteach       Lisa Robbins
@jenny_Bruenger        Media
@Vandik12                 Vandi King