Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

PPT News - Please read!

PPT News
It’s that time of the year to talk about money . . . WAIT, don’t go!  This is important information about our students at Lincoln and for you as parents/guardians.

As you know, Lincoln has one large fundraiser, the auction in October, that works to cover the PPT budget.  This was another very successful year at the auction!  Enough money was raised to cover the budget - almost $60,000 net (after expenses).  This includes, $14,000 pledged from Lincoln families plus another $10,000 matching funds from Scheel’s - all for the outdoor classroom.  This brings the total earned through various fundraisers for the outdoor classroom to roughly $35,000!  Keep an eye out for progress this spring.

What does the PPT budget cover?  Glad you asked! Here are just some of the items that are covered: book fair, electives for uppers, Membean, 3D printer materials, garden, support money for teachers, funds for staff appreciation activities, RAP, IXL, 8th grade graduation recognition, science fair funds, spelling bee, math masters, offset costs for field trips, maker space materials, social committee activities, and MUCH MORE!!  If you talk with parents from other schools, these are not opportunities that are provided by the school district.  These are 100% funded by the auction.  And because the list is long, the budget is large - roughly $45,000.  Wow!!

We need your help!!  The auction committee is looking for 2-4 co-chairs for the auction.  The current group is taking a well-deserved step back, but they are around for questions and ideas, they have left a well-organized system, but we need someone to step up.  

Some people have asked “I have heard about Special Projects, are we going to do that this year?”  No.  The net profits from this year’s auction was less than last year’s record setting event.  Additionally, of this year’s total, more has been earmarked to the outdoor classroom and the general budget has also increased to cover more student activities.  Last year we pulled from some of the savings to offer a larger special projects.  We need to be fiscally responsible, so we are leaving approximately 15% of the current budget expenses in our bank account for the 2020/21 school year.

If you are still with us, thank you for reading this long article.  We wanted to provide you with information so you can be an informed Lincoln parent.  
  • Come to PPT meetings (Mondays 7 pm at Lincoln 01/27, 03/23, 05/18)
  • Co-chair the auction committee
  • Email lincolnk8ppt@gmail.com with any questions, concerns, or comments

Your PPT Executive Committee (Mindy, Robert, Ling, Sara, Paige)

Monday, December 16, 2019

Uppers Winter Concert – December 17, 2019

Uppers Winter Concert – December 17, 2019
Choir – 6:30
Bands – 7:00
Orchestras – 7:30
Concert will be held in the gym

Box Tops for our School


Keep clipping Box Tops and scanning receipts for Lincoln! Earlier this fall, we sent in 4,437 clipped Box Tops, which resulted in $443.70 deposited into our school account. Add to that the receipts that have been scanned into the Box Top app, and we’re raised well over $600 for Lincoln so far this year! Keep up the great work! Our goal is to raise $1,000 this year – money which is used for Zebrafish and Maker Space projects. Remember to ask friends and relatives as you see them over winter break if they are scanning their receipts for Lincoln. It’s easy and it can make a big difference!

Monday, December 2, 2019

Calendar of Events

Calendar Of Events
December 3 – Bingo in the Gym
December 3-5 – Winter Book Fair
December 3 – Book Fair 8:30 to 4:30 PM  Book Fair and Pizza Bingo 5:30 to 8:30 in the gym
December 4 – Book Fair 8:30 to 4:30 PM (Take a grandparent or special person to lunch)
December 5- Book Fair 8:30 to 4:40 PM
December 13 -All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
January 10 -    All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
February 21-   All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
March 20 -      All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM

HyVee Receipts Reminder

Did you shop at Hy-Vee for Thanksgiving?  Please send your Hy-Vee receipts to school so we can get them counted
Currently YOU have turned in receipts totaling $84,277.74 ($302,353.79 last year)
Which means Lincoln has earned $337.00.
Our total earnings for last year were $1,500.00 so we still have a ways to go!

Lincoln Book Fair Starts Tomorrow! (12/3/19)

The Lincoln Winter Book Fair is all set up and ready for YOU!
Make sure you make plans to attend the Lincoln Winter Book Fair tomorrow, December 3 - 5, in the Media Center.  Mark your Calendars now……

December 3 – Pizza Bingo in the Gym (Tomorrow)
December 3-5 – Winter Book Fair (Tomorrow)
December 3 – Book Fair 8:30 to 4:30 PM, and Pizza Bingo 5:30 to 8:30 in the gym
December 4 – Book Fair 8:30 to 4:30 PM (Take a grandparent or special person to lunch)
December 5 – Book Fair 8:30 to 4:40 PM

Friday, November 15, 2019

Children's Mental Health Presentation - Next PPT Meeting, 11/18/19

A message from the PPT leadership team
Parents/Guardians - we wanted to invite you to our next PPT (Program Planning Team - Lincoln's version of Parent-Teacher-Student-Organization) meeting.  

It will be on Monday, November 18th at 7 o'clock in the Media Center.  

We will be joined by Jenny Chonis (Lincoln school social worker) and Abbie Maxfield (Lincoln school counselor) to share with us information about anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues in children.  We will learn about how to recognize signs, what we can do to help at home, and what supports there may be at school and in the community.

We will also get school updates, have a chance to connect, and there will be a prize drawing!  Bring a friend and join us for a night together. There is no charge to attend, simply by being a parent at Lincoln, you are automatically a member of our PPT.  We solicited parent feedback this fall, and are moving forward with your suggestions. This is an event for adults, so we request that your child(ren) stay at home.

We hope to see you on Monday! 
Your PPT leadership team (Mindy, Robert, Ling, Paige, and Sara)

Lost and Found

Lost and Found
Is your child missing an article of clothing? Can’t find a jacket, sweatshirt or mittens? Chances are it is the Lincoln Lost and Found. All of the lost and found items are on tables in the hallways by the media center. Please stop by and take a look before Monday, or have your child check it out because….. anything left by end of day Monday will be packed up and donated.  

Thank you!!

Spartan Girls Basketball Youth Night, 12/5/19


Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Lincoln Fall Cleanup – November 8, 4:00-6:00 pm

Auction Gratitude


Thank you so much to the generosity, dedication, and hard work to pull of such an amazing Lincoln Auction!
It truly take a village to make an event shine as the auction did last week! Thank you to all of the parents, students, staff, families, area businesses and Lincoln community!
I truly can’t thank everyone enough for all of their efforts in collaborating to create such a successful auction that continues to be wonderful Lincoln tradition.
Special thanks go to the Co-Chairs of the auction for their incredible leadership! Thank you Jen Groettum, Molly Jepson, Sara Mason, and Elizabeth Ahern!

Thank you so very much!
Jim Sonju

Winter Bookfair

Winter bookfair

The winter book fair will be held in the Media Center (Library) again this year December 3-5. Wednesday, December 4th, will be bring a grandparent/special person to lunch and book fair day. Your child will receive a letter and flyer with information about book fair and their lunch times mid-November. 

Calendar of Events

Calendar Of Events
November 5 – Lincoln night at Chipotle  4-8 PM
November 7 – End of first Quarter for Uppers (Uppers parents check skyward)
November 7 – Uppers Dance in the gym (see attachment) 6:30 to 8:30 PM
November 8 – Lincoln School Grounds Fall Cleanup  4:00 to 6:00 PM
November 15 – All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
December 3-5 – Winter Book Fair
December 4 -  bring a grandparent/special person to lunch and book fair day
December 13 -All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
January 10 -    All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
February 21-   All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
March 20 -      All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM

RAP Program

RAP Begins Tuesday, Nov. 5

RAP is a free after-school program for K-5 students. It runs from 3:35-5:00 pm Tuesday through Thursday beginning Nov. 5 and ending April 16.  Students are grouped by grade levels based on the number and grade levels of enrolled students (uUsually
K-1, 2-3, 4-5). 

The RAP teachers love it because we get to see the kids in a different light.  The students love it because they get homework help and to do fun activities.  In fact, every year, the students are very sad to see it end, and former RAP students are constantly asking about when it will begin in the fall.

Each day begins with students doing homework or reading for about 30 minutes while eating a snack (3:35-4:05).   This is an opportunity for students to get extra help from a teacher with their homework if they need it.  Then, students participate in an activity that lasts for about 40 minutes (4:05-4:45). These activities are planned around the teacher’s talents and student’s interests and include many possibilities.  Some activities we have done in the past are: cooking, games, outdoor play, appropriate computer games/activities, crafts, puzzles, science experiments, etc.  Then students are walked to the front door to be picked up while staff monitors.

If you are interested, ask your child’s teacher, Amy, or Mickey for an enrollment form.
Contact Mickey Laughland, the Lincoln RAP coordinator/grade 4 teacher, if you have any other questions:  sudunne-laug@rochester.k12.mn.us.

Uppers Dance - Permission Slip

Uppers Dance Permission slip Attached
November 7, 6:30 to 8:30 PM  DJ music
See attached permission slip.

Shopping for Dollars

Shopping for Dollars
We need your help getting to $400,000.00 in receipts by the end of May.  Anyone can donate HyVee receipts to Lincoln.  The receipts have to be from a Rochester HyVee Store.  So relatives, friends people at work can donate receipts.
Remember, to bring any receipts you have collected to school and deposit in our HyVee Receipt Box in the foyer.  Attached is the HyVee poster if you want to place it  at work.

Double your Dollars
We are already able to benefit from every Hy-Vee receipt turned in to Lincoln. We can ALSO get Box Tops earnings on those receipts, but YOU have to scan them before you send them to Lincoln! Receipts must be scanned within 14 days of purchase in order to get Box Tops earnings.
  1. Shop at Hy-Vee                                                                                          
  2. Scan your receipt in the Box Tops app within 14 days
  3. Send your receipt to Lincoln
If every Lincoln family downloads the Box Tops app and scans their receipts AS WELL AS sending receipts to Lincoln, we will DOUBLE or TRIPLE our school’s proceeds in these two programs!!  I did this last night and it is amazing how it will pick out the correct products and upload the Box Top value.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

It’s Auction Month!

Calling all awesome Lincoln parents!  It’s auction month!  We need any and all help if you can donate time, goods, or just come to the Auction!

Here is the sign-up genius for volunteering:

Thanks for making Lincoln such a great place for our kids to learn and grow!

Upcoming events: mark your calendars!

October 4 – Uppers Mid-term – Check Skyward for Grades
October 7 – Flu Shot Clinic PM 1:15 PM
October 8 – K-8 Conference Night
October 10 – K-8 Conference Night
October 17 – No School
October 18 – No School
November 7 – End of first Quarter for Uppers

Thursday, August 15, 2019

2019-2020 CORRECT supply list for 4th and 5th grade

The Lincoln Lincs that was just mailed out inadvertently had some errors in it.

For 4th and 5th grade, here is the CORRECT list of supplies.

So sorry for the inconvenience!

Grade 4 Supply List:
Crayons or Colored Pencils- 24 count
3 Highlighters
36 Sharpened #2 Pencils (non-mechanical)
2 Correcting Pens (non-black/blue)
1 Big Eraser
Pencil Box or Bag
Scissors-Child Sized
3 Glue Sticks
3 Solid Colored Folders
1 each of  red, yellow and green
2 Notebook-Wide Lined
1 each of  yellow and green
1 Composition Notebook
Sticky Notes 3x3 (3pk)
1 Agenda- available in Lincoln Office

         Facial Tissue
         Disinfecting wipes
         Loose leaf paper
Grade 5 Supply List:

Crayons OR Colored Pencils- 24 count
2 Highlighters
36 Sharpened #2 Pencils (non-mechanical)
2 Correcting Pens (non-black/blue)
1 Big Eraser
Pencil Box or Bag
3 Glue Sticks
3 Solid Colored Folders
2 Notebook-Wide Lined
1 Composition Notebook
Sticky Notes 3x3 (3pk)

Facial Tissue
Disinfecting Wipes

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

2019 Edition of the Lincs is in the mail!

The 2019 Lincoln Lincs August special was mailed off on Monday.  Look for it in your mailbox this week to find out about “Meet the Teacher” and other important happenings at Lincoln!

For those who want a head start, or a digital copy, here’s a link for you!

Lincoln Lincs 2019 Back to School edition

Monday, August 5, 2019

Sunday, August 11 9AM to 12PM

Lincoln families, we need your help.  Teachers have been weeding and working on the school grounds – Butterfly garden, front of school and raised bed gardens this summer.   We would like some help this Sunday weeding and spreading mulch and cleaning up the school grounds.  School will be starting shortly and we want to spruce up the grounds.

Join teacher Kimberly Olson and former Lincoln teacher & master gardener Jane Barton in cleaning up the Lincoln grounds in time for the next school year! Weeding, raking, planting, mulching & cleaning up the school grounds to make our space more inviting & beautiful for both our students and the local community!

Please bring your own gloves and rakes and something to drink. We also are in need of wheelbarrows and shovels.

Many hands make for light work. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Like this activity on Facebook  Let us know if you can help   @LincolnK8

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Outdoor Classroom

We have been working on getting the outdoor classroom constructed this summer.  But due to a lot of rain and building happening in Rochester we have not been able to secure a reasonable bid for the concrete work.  We are talking to many contactors and adjusting the plan based on comments from the bidders.  If you know anyone that works with concrete and wants to bid on this job please have them contact Jim Sonju  (jasonju@rochester.k12.mn.us)
The good news to report is the steel work for the tables and seating is now down to $7800, which seems reasonable. Davis Woodscapes in on board for the wood work. We are looking at an all-weather plywood for the tops/seating, which would be more economical than going with a solid board and with a poly coating would be impervious to the weather.

Lego League teams are forming for the 2019 season!

Open to students grades 1-8:

First Lego League (FLL): Kids grade 4-8 work on teams to tackle an important STEM project on an annual challenge theme. We know so far the that this year's challenge, "CITY SHAPER," will involve urban planning. In parallel to the research project, teams build and program a Lego robot capable of running an obstacle course on the same theme. This is a competitive activity that emphasizes teamwork, mutual respect, creativity and problem-solving. Teams meet 1-2 times weekly (by consensus of coaches' schedules) to work on their project and robot programming. The teams show of their skills at a regional tournament [currently Saturday December 14th at Willow Creek middle school]. For the past 2 years, Lincoln has fielded teams that advanced to the sectional tournament in St. Paul!  New students and parent volunteers/coaches are always welcome. In order to have enough time to prepare for the regional tournament, those interested should contact John Kisiel (panopticon1@yahoo.com or 507-208-0211) BY AUGUST 20 to register or learn more. Teams will start working on their challenge by Labor Day.

FLL Jr: Kids grade 1-3 work in teams to build and program a Lego model with motorized parts and simple machines that articulates concepts of the annual challenge theme ("BOOMTOWN BUILD"). Their model must incorporate their research and learning about the theme.  This is a fun and non-competitive  way for students to learn teamwork, basic programming. No experience needed for either students or their parents.  Contact Dan Hromis ( dhromis@gmail.com507-269-8910) to register or learn more.

Costs of participation are generally divided equally among teams based on the number of participating students. Parents are encouraged to volunteer or coach so that we have the capacity to adequately staff teams formed for interested students.

Playground update

We are in the process of getting a new playground that will be free of puddles.  New drainage system has been installed with numerous grates for water collection.  The parking lot has had trees removed and the lot will also be resurfaced.  
Our gardens suffered a bit, but many of the plants are recovering.

Third Grade Parents from Last Year (Cabbage Project)

How are your cabbage plants doing?    With all the rain our four control plants at school are getting really large and are ready for harvest.  Remember we need a picture of your child and the plant either harvested or ready to harvest.  Send the images to your last year’s teacher
We would like to put the pictures on display the first week of school.
If you ate the cabbage, please tell us how you prepared it

Future Kindergarten Students

Last year’s kindergarteners planted mini gourds and pumpkins for this year’s kindergarten students.  The rain and weather were hard on our gardens but the gourds and pumpkins seem to be doing fine.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Turn in those HyVee Receipts!

We are approaching the end of our collection on HyVee receipts.  The deadline is June 1 for us to accept HyVee receipts.  We are on our way to a very successful campaign to collect these receipts. We receive $1.00 for each 250.00 in receipts
Please get us your receipts prior to June 1

Shopping for the long weekend?  If you shop at HyVee, be sure to save your receipts

2019 Auction Changes!

SPONSORSHIP: This year we will be offering three tiers of sponsorships in the following denominations: $100, $250, $500. These will help to cover expenses allowing more funds to directly impact our students and staff. Sponsors will be recognized in our social media campaigns, Efiles, our website, the catalog and more. If you own a business, or work for a business, who would like to be recognized as a sponsor for the 2019 Lincoln K-8 Auction please contact the auction committee at LincolnSchoolAuction@gmail.com.
CHILDCARE: Please note that for the 2019 Auction (October 26th), free childcare will be provided to current Lincoln families that have preregistered for care. A fee will be assessed to families utilizing childcare that are not current Lincoln families or have not preregistered. Childcare will also be limited to three hours per family and children must be full potty trained, our volunteers will be unable to provide infant care due to liability restrictions.
This change was necessary to abide by teacher/child ratios and to allow our volunteers to properly prepare for the children in care.  There will be a limited amount of spaces provided for those who have not preregistered or who are not families currently enrolled at Lincoln – it will be on a first come, first served basis. A registration form (with a due date) will be provided via Efiles in September, please keep an eye out for it when the next school year begins.
We know that a new school year can be chaotic for many of us, and the auction committee wanted to make Lincoln families aware of this change far in advance. Thank you for your understanding!

Third Grade Cabbage Project

Hopefully, your cabbages are doing fine with all this rain and cold weather.  Remember, we need a picture of the plant and your child before you harvest it this fall.  We would also appreciate a description of how you prepared the cabbage.  A recipe would be great.  Here are a couple of pictures of students and the current state of their cabbage plants.

Camp Invention

Register for Camp Invention!
Exciting STEM Summer Opportunity for your Child:
Unmask your child’s creativity this summer in the Camp Invention program.  This year, Rochester Gibbs will host 2 different weeks, each with different themes and activities.

Camp Invention is an awesome program where children build confidence, learn to collaborate and transform their wild imaginations into epic creations.  Campers in grades K-6 will learn creative problem-solving skills.  Mickey Laughland, a Lincoln 4th grade teacher will direct the camps, and local certified educators will lead this action-packed program featuring exhilarating, hands-on STEM activities teaching children to question, explore, break through obstacles and embrace failure! Early registration discounts are available and listed below! Register and find current promotions atinvent.org/camp or call 800.968.4332.  If you have any additional questions, please contact Mickey Laughland at sudunne-laug@rochester.k12.mn.us or by calling (507) 328-3550.

Here are the topics for each week and a short description:
June 17th -21st  - Supercharged Program:  Gibbs Elementary School –In this program campers will be coding and programming futuristic robots, uncovering ancient fossils, designing high-tech superhero gadgets and exploring radio frequencies.
June 24th -28th  - Create Program:  Gibbs Elementary School –During this week, campers will be will spend their time connecting Sir Isaac Newton’s Three Laws of Motion with amusement park rides as creativity goes full throttle, rebuilding a ruined, polluted city to make it ecofriendly, and building original prototypes using real tools! Lessons explore connections between science, technology, engineering and innovation.

These are the following available discounts:
·       SIBLING: $25 off per sibling when registering 2 or more children. No expiration.
·        HOST: $30 off each registration for employees of the Rochester school district. No expiration.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Summer Construction at Lincoln

This summer the district will be resurfacing the playground and sloping it so the rain water drains off instead of forming puddles.  They will also be removing the three trees in the parking lot and resurfacing that area also. 
The outdoor classroom will also begin this summer.  The grass will be removed on the north end of the school and the walking path, classroom area and benches will be installed this summer. 

If you or someone you know of has access to large boulders, please let us know as part of the classroom area will require boulders to sit and play on next year.

Uppers Spring Concert Series (TONIGHT)

The final concert of the season for our Orchestra, Choir and Band will be on Thursday, May 16th.   

The 2:00 PM performance is for our student body and parents and other family members are invited  to the evening performance.

Choir will perform at 6:30
Bands will perform at 7:00
Orchestra will perform at 7:30

Join us for the last PPT Meeting!

Monday is SCIENCE night at our PPT meeting. 

Join us on Monday, May 20th at 7:00 pm in the Lincoln Library for our last PPT meeting of the year.  Join Kyle Casper & James Kulzer to learn and experience the science activities that are unique to Lincoln.  Get all your questions answered.  What is InSciEd out?  What do Zebra fish have to do with anything?  I've heard about PLTW, but what is it?  What is this new science curriculum?  

See you Monday as we learn together!!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Calendar of Events

Calendar Of Events

May 16 – Uppers Music Concert
                        2:00 PM for the school
                        6:30 Choir
                        7:00 Bands
                        7:30 Orchestra
May 20-PPT Program Planning Meeting in Media Center – All parents welcome and invited to attend
May 23 – Uppers Ipad turn in day.  All upper students  must turn in an ipad, case, charging block and cord.
May 27 - Memorial Day – No School
May 31 – 8th grade Recognition/School Celebration
May 31 – Last day of School
June 4 – Report Cards Mailed home

HyVee Cash for Students DEADLINE!

HyVee Cash for Students
We are approaching the end of our collection on HyVee receipts.  The deadline is June 1 for us to accept HyVee receipts.  

We are on our way to a very successful campaign to collect these receipts.  As of today, we have collected and totaled
$301,353.79 in receipts.  We receive $1.00 for each 250.00 in receipts

Please get us your receipts prior to June 1,
as the goal is to reach $350,000.00 by that date.

Planting Gardens

Planting Gardens

The PPT has been funding our raised bed garden, butterfly garden and school beautification projects for many years.  We currently have six raised bed gardens that are planted and maintained by classrooms, a new Bee Pollinator garden planted by 2nd grade, a new strawberry patch maintained by Carrie Graff’s 3rd grade classroom, a greenhouse and storage shed.  We start plants in the classroom and then move them to the greenhouse to harden them off before transplanting to the gardens.

This week 2nd graders, as part of their new Amplify Science curriculum (again funded by your PPT dollars!) created Seed Dispersal Systems and used those devices to spread 8,000 Bee friendly seeds.  Thanks to the rains yesterday and today, they should be well-watered.

This week and next week we will be setting out cabbage plants, onions, tomatoes. peppers, mini gourds, pumpkins, flowers and watermelons. 

Uppers Spring Concert Series

Uppers Spring Concert Series
The final concert of the season for our Orchestra, Choir and Band will be on Thursday, May 16th.  

The 2:00 PM performance is for our student body and parents; other family members are invited to the evening performance.

Choir will perform at 6:30 pm.
Bands will perform at 7:00 pm.
Orchestra will perform at 7:30 pm.

Box Top Approaching Deadline

Take Note…
Lincoln students are encouraged to turn in their Box Tops throughout the year, either in their classroom collection bag or in the white bin in the main entry. The final deadline for Box Tops is May 9, 2019.

K-5 Competition!
The entire grade (K-5) with the most Box Tops turned in by May 9 will win a popcorn or popsicle party.

Easy to Turn In!
1. Collect Box Tops and Bonus Box Tops.
2. Place in Ziploc bag or envelope with the grade level written on the outside. (They do not need to be counted, but they must have a visible product code and cannot be expired).
3. Add to classroom collection bag or place in school collection bin in main entry.