Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Parent Feedback Needed on InSciEd Out

Dear Lincoln Parent – The InSciEd Out team is pulling together a number of metrics to use to evaluate the progress and impact the new science curriculum has had on students in grades K-5. We are collecting parent comments and observations on how the new science curriculum modules have impacted their Lincoln student. We are hoping you would be willing to share your comments and observations with us. We are hoping to use these parent comments in a power point/conference call we have next Tuesday with Michael Lach, advisory on STEM initiatives to the U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan.

We would like to keep this as open ended as possible so that we can get your genuine feedback about the impact of InSciEd Out, but some questions you might want to think about include:

  • Is your child excited about learning science?
  • Does your child want to do science activities at home or outside school?
  • Is your child talking about science at home? Is your child eager to share what they are doing and learning in science?
  • Do you feel that your child is learning science? Why or why not?
  • Do you feel that your child's overall performance at school has been impacted by the new science curriculum?
  • How does the science your child is learning at Lincoln compare to the science you learned when you are in school?
  • How has InSciEd Out affected the learning environment at Lincoln?

Any observations you have about InSciEd Out and your child's Lincoln experience are welcome. Please email them to me at natecate13@charter.net as soon as you can, as we are pulling together the power point this weekend and on Monday. Also feel free to pass this on to any K-5 parent you think might want to add their feedback!

Thanks for your assistance –

Cathy Nathan natecate13@charter.net

Spring Picture Time

It is picture time again! We are looking for volunteers to help out. The date is Tuesday, March 8th. We need 2 volunteers to take the first shift from 9:30-11:30 and then two more from 11:30 to 1:45. Let us know if you are available to assist by emailing jmkruse22@gmail.com .
Thanks so much! Lincoln VIE

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

District Superintendent Search – Community Input

The Rochester Public School district has started the process of searching for the next superintendent. There are two opportunities for the public to provide input to the process of developing a "New Superintendent Profile" which the search firm will use to recruit candidates for the superintendent position.

  • The District is conducting a survey to collect information from the community about the desired skills and characteristics for the next Superintendent. You may choose to give your confidential feedback by accessing the Survey linked here. Superintendent Survey. If you need a survey to complete by hand, please contact the Assistant School Board Clerk: 328-4224, weedgar@rochester.k12.mn.us, or 615 7th Street SW, Rochester, MN 55902. Please submit feedback by March 10, 2011. You may also send the feedback electronically to the consultants at mdragseth@comcast.net or fax the feedback form to 507-328-4212.

  • March 10, 2011 - Provide input into the "New Superintendent Profile". Three sessions will be held. Meetings are open to the public. Interested community members should go to the site of their preference. No sign-up is required.
    • Gibbs Elementary School, 7:00pm, 5525 56th Street NW
    • Kellogg Middle School, 7:00pm, 503 17th Street NW
    • Willow Creek Middle School, 7:00pm, 2425 11th Avenue SE

Monday, February 21, 2011

Memory Book

We have almost reached our goal in Memory Book orders.  If you or your children want a Lincoln Memory Book, get your order in next week.  $12.00 gets you 24 pages of memories.  Put the money in an envelope, put your child's name and teacher on the front and send it to school.

Zip-Loc Bags Needed for Book Swap

With Spring just around the corner, the Lincoln K-8 Book Swap will be here before we know it! We are need of Zip-loc bags (gallon size or larger) to hold books. Zip-loc donations can be sent to your child's classroom or dropped off in the book bin outside the office. We have ordered several additional books from Scholastic and continue to receive numerous book donations from generous Lincoln families! Thank you! Kohl's volunteers are also scheduled to label and level approx. 2,000 of our books at the end of the month. In addition to this, we will receive $500 from them!  Our goal is for students to each receive 6 books to read over the summer.  The only "summer slide" Lincoln children will have this year is straight up!! Thanks again for your support!

GEMS Food Drive for Channel One

GEMS (Girls Excel @ Modeling Success) are hosting another food drive for Channel One.  CAN you "fill" the love? (February 14th-February 28th)  Bring a can of food into the office, put your name on a heart, and place the heart in the appropriate container.  At the end of the month, the LINC with the most hearts will be awarded a "GEM" of a prize.  GEMS would like to thank you for supporting our local community.

InSciEd Out – An Exciting DC Weekend!

This weekend, seven Rochester MN students from Lincoln K-8 Choice School were in Washington D.C., along with educators from the Rochester school system and researchers from Mayo Clinic and Winona State University to present posters at the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference. The presentations highlighted different perspectives on the overall curriculum which introduces genetics research and the zebrafish into the classroom, with students acting as investigators. In addition to the national science conference, the team met with the leaders of Sidwell Friends School in Washington, where a science teacher is also using zebrafish in her classroom. And in a surprise development, the team met President Barack Obama during a visit to the White House West Wing and lunch in the Situation Room!

The InSciEd Out team includes Chok Koth, Bennett Robelia, Kristen Hansen, Garrett Harveland, Allison Schroeder, Daniel Perno, Jacqulyn O'Neill and Ellie Ekblad, all students at Lincoln Choice School; teachers Megan Oswald and Corey Dornack; paraprofessional Michael Gobin, and principal James Sonju. On the science side were Chris Pierret, Ph.D., graduate student Tyler Koep, Stephen Ekker, Ph.D., and Karl Clark, Ph.D., all of Mayo Clinic; and Maggie Hoody, Ed.D., of Winona State University.

For more information, and to see the posters presented and pictures from the weekend, visit www.insciedout.org or the InSciEd Out page on Facebook or Twitter.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2011 Carnival

2011 Carnival

Save the date: Friday, April 29, 2011 6-8pm

More information to follow soon!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Labels for Education Supplies are Here!

Here is what Mrs. Graff was able to order for her homeroom, math and social studies classes:

Poster markers, Color Splash washable markers, Boundary Markers, Yoga and you CD, Pencil sharpener, Character Education, The Middle Ages, Multiplication Rock

Workshop for Parents "Everyday Math"

Please join us on Friday, February 4, 2011 from 12 noon – 1 pm OR 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm at the Northrop Community Education Center, located at 201 8th St NW, Room 201. The topic of discussion will focus on “Everyday Math.”

Carol Lucido is an elementary teacher with experience in grades 1, 4, and 6. Carol Lucido currently works in the Office of Curriculum and Instruction for Rochester Public Schools with elementary curriculum where she has done extensive training in the area of math. She also is an adjunct teacher for Augsburg College where she teachers a Math Methods course to students studying to become educators. Previously she has taught first, fourth, and sixth grade in the Rochester Schools.

The 1 hour workshop will provide parents with information on the following questions:
· How can I better understand the Everyday Math curriculum?
· How can I support my student in learning math?
· What resources are available to help?
The presentation will also provide at least 3 games/activities to take home that day!

To register, please e-mail Juan Vasquez at juvasquez@rochester.k12.mn.us or call (507) 328-4316.

Awesome Lincoln Lynx Readers!!!

The Lincoln Lynx readers have read 4400 books so far this school year - which is over 1000 more books than last year at this time. Congratulations to all our awesome Lynx readers – way to go!!!

February No School and Late Start Days

  • Friday, February 18 will be a Early Release day for staff development. School releases at 1:35 and there is no afternoon kindergarten.
  • Monday, February 21 will be a No School day in honor of Presidents' Day.