Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

InSciEd Out and Lincoln K-8 Highlighted in Growth and Justice Report

InSciEd Out and Lincoln K-8 were highlighted as an example of greater Minnesota communities coming together in collaborative ways to advance student success. The report, titled "Whole Towns Coming Together for All Students: A Growth & Justice Education Policy Report", was published by Growth & Justice, a non-partisan, progressive think tank committed to making Minnesota's economy simultaneously more prosperous and fair.

Here is a description of the report: "Historical precedent is strong in rural and Greater Minnesota for vigorous and inclusive community involvement in educational success for all. Despite economic challenges and increasing racial diversity, evidence shows the effectiveness of community engagement and points to a revival in such activity across the nation. This new Growth & Justice report describes how many communities across Minnesota are coming together in purposeful and energetic ways to plan for greater success for all students."

CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE REPORT - Lincoln's article starts on Page 9.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Special Projects Timeline Set

The timeline for Special Projects has now been set:
Applications due:                Monday February 6th
Consensus Meeting:           Monday February 13th, starting at 6pm in the Lincoln  
                                              Media Center

Do you have an idea for something that will benefit Lincoln and the students?  Or do you want a voice in how the money earned at the auction is used?  There is $13,500 available to spend through Special Projects.  Fill out an application and / or come to the consensus meeting and be a part of the group that makes the decision on which projects are funded. 

Completed applications should be sent to Mary at  rmhansen2002@yahoo.com

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Free Parent Event - Anti-Bullying/Omega Man - February 1

The Rochester Area Council PTSA is proud to be sponsoring a night-time event that is tailored toward parents that can help parents understand anti-bullying messages.  We invite all parents and their kids to attend this fun-filled message of character education, motivation, inspiration and hope.  It is one event you will not want to miss. 
"Omega-Man and Friends" will be held February 1 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at the John Marshall Illstrup Auditorium and is FREE!

Omega-Man and Friends are world-class athletes who have performed in over 6000 school assemblies across the nation.  They challenge students to live a life as a Dream-Maker (making good choices) and not be a Dream-breaker (making bad choices).  They perform feats of strength, such as snapping a baseball bat and ripping a phone book in half and even bending steel in their teeth as a tool to draw and maintain the attention of our students to ensure that their message is not lost.  More information on Omega-Man can be found at www.omegamanschools.com


Conferences for grades 1-5 will be held on Thursday, February 2 and Tuesday, February 7. If you haven’t signed up for a conference time with your child’s teacher yet, please call Amy in the Lincoln Office at 328-3550 to sign up for conferences. Report cards for grades 1-5 will be sent home on Thursday, February 2.

Open House Conferences for Uppers will be held on Thursday, February 23 from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. Report cards for Uppers will be sent home on Thursday, February 2.

Conferences for Kindergarten will be held on Thursday, March 22 from 4:00 – 8:00pm and Friday, March 23 from 8:00 – 4:00pm. Watch for information from your child’s kindergarten teacher about when and how to sign up for these March conferences. Report cards for Kindergarteners will be sent home on Thursday, February 2.

RESCHEDULED - Free Parent Workshop - "Celebrate Calm" - JANUARY 25

The Celebrate Calm workshop has been rescheduled for tonight, January 25 from
7:00pm - 9:00pm
at St. John the Evangelist School, 424 West Center Street, Rochester, MN 55902

Kirk and Casey Martin discuss parenting issues from preschool through the teen years with a very humorous approach and practical advice and strategies on how to handle issues. Create a stress-free home and classroom. Kirk will show you how to:
• Develop motivated, responsible children.
• Relieve anxiety, sensory issues and sibling fights.
• Improve focus, attention, and behavior in school.
• Eliminate defiance, disrespect, and power struggles.
• Create stress-free mornings, homework time and bedtime.

Who should attend the workshop?
• Moms, Dads, grandparents, and guardians.
• Guidance Counselors, Special Ed teachers and all educators.
• Childcare providers and professionals.
If you would like a sneak preview here is the Celebrate Calm website:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Intermediate 4/5 Teacher News from Mr. Sonju

We will be losing a Champion Educator as Megan Oswald will be moving to Duluth to teach at Marshall School. Megan has been an exemplary teacher, a leader in the InSciEd Out movement, lunchtime Math coordinator and chief volunteer, outstanding mentor every year, chaperone extraordinaire for Premium Opportunities, facilitator on LLT, Destination Imagination Coach, RAP teacher, tutor, example in positive energy and hard worker along with a being a friend to many.

Megan's last day in the classroom will be January 26th. We will sorely miss Megan as she has been truly a Champion for all students and an outstanding colleague. We wish her the best of luck as she enters her new challenge.

Please join in me in welcoming Kim Olson to the 4/5 and 7th grade math position. Kim comes to us from John Adams Middle School and will be an outstanding addition to our staff. Working with Kim in the past I can say she is an outstanding educator, positive, child centered, fun person that will fit very well with the Lincoln Way! Mrs. Olson will start work here at Lincoln on January 27th.

Some background from Kim Olson:
Hi! I’m Kim Olson (Mrs. O) and I’m excited to start teaching at Lincoln! I was born and raised in Rochester. I received my Elementary K-6 with Middle School Math teaching degree from Winona State and Master of Arts Education from Augsburg. In the past 7 years with Rochester Public Schools I have taught 6-8 math as well as 3rd grade. My husband teaches 5th grade at Folwell. We have two sons, Madden (2 years old) and Easton (5 months old). In my free time I love to run with my dog Lucy, play soccer, and play with my kids. I look forward to getting to know the amazing students, families and staff at Lincoln!

Panther Night - RESCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 24, 6:00 PM

Panther Night has been rescheduled for tonight, Tuesday, January 24 at 6:00pm.
Panther Night is for parents of students who will enter Century High School in the Fall of 2012.

Questions for teachers and other staff from 6-7 in Cafeteria
Short overview of registration process with counselors and administration in Auditorium at 7:00
Visit with teachers, counselors, and administrators to find out about:

The registration process
Graduation requirements
Course offerings at Century
Extra-Curricular Activities at Century
Have your questions about high school answered

Monday, January 23, 2012

It’s time to sing with the Bellettes!

If you are between the ages 6-13, sign up today for a low key audition to sing with the Bella Voce Young Women’s Choir at their spring concert “To Life: We Sing!” May 6th, 2012.

  • Rehearsals: 3:15-4:00pm on March 18th, 25th, April 9th (4:00-5:15pm Monday due to Easter Sunday), 15, 22, 29 and dress rehearsal, May 5th.
  • Tuition: $100.00, due at the first rehearsal.
  • Auditions Dates and Information: February 22, 23, 24th from 3:30-7:00pm. Auditions are low key, singing a song of your choice. It can be as simple as Silent Night, Jingle Bells or My Country Tis of Thee.

Sign up by emailing cindy@singoutloud.org or call 269-7114.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Raising a Reader

The “Get Smart” Mindset Efficacy team is offering a FREE one (1) hour meeting on Friday, January 20, 2012, from 12 noon – 1 pm. The topic of discussion will focus on “Raising a Reader.” There are many simple things you can do to help raise a reader. In this session, special guest Heather Willman will help us explore a variety of ways you can help your students excel in reading.

· Master’s in Reading Education
· Teaches for Augsburg College
· Specializes in reading in the content areas and reading motivation

Please join us on Friday, January 20, 2012 from 12 noon – 1 pm at the Northrop Community Education Center, located at 201 8th St NW, Room 109.

To register, please e-mail Juan Vasquez at juvasquez@rochester.k12.mn.us **Space is Limited**

Monday, January 16, 2012

Upcoming Important Dates - January/February

Monday, January 16 - NO SCHOOL
Friday, January 27 - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, February 2 - Report Cards Sent Home in backpacks
Friday, February 17 - Early Dismissal at 1:30pm/No PM Kindergarten
Monday, February 20 - NO SCHOOL

Camp Invention 2012 - Early Registration

Camp Invention is a week long Summer Enrichment program for children entering grade one through six. It is taught by former and present Lincoln teachers. The camps are held at Rochester Community and Technical College for two weeks.

Camp One is called Envision and runs June 18 through June 22, 2012. The link below is for our new online registration and detailed description of each module.

Camp Two is called Encounter and runs June 25 through June 29, 2012. The link below is for our new online registration and detailed description of each module.

If you are interested in either camp, you can now register before they are announced to the public in two weeks. Camp Invention is a nationwide children’s summer camp that focuses on Science, Technology, Math and Engineering (STEM) to inspire innovation and invention.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Looking for Parents to Post on the LincolnLincs!

We are always looking for people interested in joining the LincolnLincs team.  We are specifically looking for a parent or parents who would be willing to take the Lincoln Parent E-files each week and make sure that all the articles in the E-files are posted or get posted to the LincolnLincs.  Training will be provided (the process is simple!) and parents can do all the work at home.  If we get multiple parents interested, we can spread out weekly assignments.

Any parents with experience with blogs and websites are always welcome to join the LincolnLincs team to help with the blog design and functions.  We welcome ANYONE who wants to improve parent/staff/school communication at Lincoln!

Please email natecate13@charter.net if you are interested.

Friday, January 13, 2012

New Art Supplies!!

KimSue is the winner of the Labels for Education Free School Supplies. Thank you to all that voted!

With the points awarded to KimSue, she choose the following art supplies:
Stubby Primary Brush
Large, sturdy, short-handled brushes are easy to manage. Fine, soft, natural bristles in seamless aluminum ferrules. Ideal for painting large areas. 7-1/2"H x 1/2"D. 12 per pack.

Crayola® Oil Pastels Class pack
Big 336-count pack yields 24 each of 10 colors — red, blue, orange, green, yellow, yellow/green, pink, violet, peach and brown — plus 48 each of black and white. Non-toxic.

Crayola® Model Magic Color Assortment
This exciting non-toxic product makes creating 3-D projects and sculptures easier and more enjoyable. Lightweight, soft and clean, Model Magic is easily molded into any form and can be air-dried. Paints easily, is nonstaining and won't stick to skin or carpets. 2-lb. tubs. Assortment tub (includes white, red, blue, yellow).

Color Splash!® Colored Pencil Class pack
Sized for school or activity table. 240-count divided display box holds 20 each of 12 different colors, enough for a crowd of little artists. Great for art class or classroom. Brightly colored 7" presharpened pencils.

Camel Hair Brushes
144 round camel hair brushes packed in a plastic canister for convenient storage. Brushes feature seamless, rustproof ferrules and natural wood handles. 24 each of sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Look for these new supplies in art class. I know all will enjoy!

Monday, January 9, 2012

FREE Classroom Supplies - Deadline to Vote - January 9!

It's time to cash in some of the over 35,000 Campbell's Labels for Education Points that Lincoln has banked.

How?.....Vote for the teacher that most deserves, needs or wants to use the points for their classroom.

Send an email to: katiedid159@thompson-jewell.com by midnight on January 9, 2012. The teacher with the most votes will get to go shopping in the Labels for Education catalog.

Keep sending in your labels, box tops and milk caps for FREE money for The Greatest School in the Universe!

Pizza and Bingo - January 9 - Orders Due January 4!

Please join us for pizza and bingo in the Lincoln gym on Monday, January 9 from 5:30-7:30.
Pizza is available by pre-order only. Order forms were sent home with your child before winter break to be returned by Wednesday, January 4.
Beverages and cookies will be available for purchase.
Monday, January 9, 5:30-7:30 - don’t worry about dinner, order a pizza and join your friends and family at Lincoln for dinner, bingo, great prizes and great fun! See you there!

Lincoln Chess Club - January 9 to March 26

The Lincoln Chess Club will meet once a week as part of the Rochester After-School Program (RAP) on Mondays from 3:35 to 4:45 in Room 132 from January 9 through March 26.

The Lincoln Chess Club is open to ALL Lincoln students, grades K-8. Students may join at any time, but students must ALSO sign up for the Rochester After-School Program (RAP) to participate in Chess Club on Mondays. If your student is already signed up for RAP, then they can attend Chess Club on Mondays during RAP.
Supervision will be provided by Rochester After-School Program (RAP) Staff and chess will be taught by members of the Century High School Chess Team. A typical chess club meeting will include a group lesson, a fun chess activity, and a game or two between players who are matched to be at a similar experience level.

If you are interested in joining the Chess Club, complete the CHESS CLUB REGISTRATION FORM and the RAP REGISTRATION FORM (if necessary), and turn in to the Lincoln office BEFORE they come to their first Chess Club meeting.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

GATEway Science Fair - February 25 - Register Early!

If you are a student in grades 2-6, then the GATEway Science Fair is for you! This is your chance to learn what it is like to be a scientist! Before the Science Fair, think of a topic that interests you, then do an experiment at home to learn more about it. Present your experiment with pictures, words, and graphs on a display board. Bring your board to the Science Fair to explain your project to reviewers who are science professionals in our community. You'll see a fun Science Museum presentation and receive a certificate of participation, written reviews of your project, a snack, and a cool t-shirt!

The science fair will be held on Saturday, February 25, 2012, from 12:30 to 4:45 p.m. at the Mayo Clinic Gonda Building. Public viewing starts at 4:15 p.m. Register early because space is limited. Register online at www.rochesterce.org/youth or through the Winter Community Education brochure. The $12 fee includes a t-shirt if registration is mailed by February 3, 2012. Late registrants might not receive t-shirts. See www.rochestergateway.com for full information. Financial assistance may be available to help with the costs of preparing a project. Contact Diane Hanson at 281-1498 or gatewaysciencefair@gmail.com with questions.