Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Please join us for the November PPT meeting next Monday, November 25 from 7-8 pm in the Lincoln Media Center.  James Kulzer will talk about Project Lead The Way.  The PPT is a great way to learn more about Lincoln and how you can get involved.  All parents, staff and guardians are encouraged to attend!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Action 100 Reading Program - New Resource Page on LincolnLincs

At the top of the main page of the LincolnLincs is a new page tab titled "Action 100 Reading Program".  It has all of the information that has been sent out on e-files about the new Action 100 reading program at Lincoln, including quick links to the video powerpoints Katie Schaefer narrates about the program and links to informational websites and links to databases to help you find books at your child's level.


Labels for Education - It is is time to vote again!

Please submit your vote for your teacher of choice to receive points from the Labels for Education catalog. In the past teachers have gotten gym equipment, class supplies, and art supplies. This is a great way for teachers to get some fun extras for your child's classroom.
Thank you to all that send in the Labels for Education points!
Voting ends November 21, 2013. Voting can be submitted to katiedid159@gmail.com.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This Thursday - Give to Lincoln on GiveMN.org - and Watch Mr. Sonju Swim With the Sharks!

Lincoln is now on www.GiveMN.org so that people throughout Minnesota can contribute to our projects. Please forward the link to anyone you know that would be interested supporting our projects. If you were unable to attend the auction or purchase SCRIP and you want to support Lincoln…here is the place.


This Thursday, November 14, every donation you make gives Lincoln the chance to win even more money. Hundreds of organizations will offer the opportunity to double your dollars with matching grants throughout the 24 hours. And, TODAY through November 13, you can schedule your donation. Simply go to Lincoln's page and look for the checkbox that says "Make this donation count for Give to the Max Day." The donation will be deducted from your credit or debit card at 12 a.m. on November 14.

Also on Thursday, Mr. Sonju will Swim With the Sharks at at the Sea Life Minnesota Aquarium at the Mall of America to support Lincoln on Give to the Max Day! Mr. Sonju's swim (no, really - there's a wetsuit and snorkel involved) and an interview will be broadcast on Thursday between 5:00 and 6:00pm on the www.GiveMN.org  LiveStream! Make sure to tune in and watch our brave principal share "the greatest school in the universe" with all of Minnesota!

GiveMN is a collaborative venture to transform philanthropy in Minnesota by growing overall giving and moving more of it online. The idea is actually simple – GiveMN.org is a website that features Minnesota nonprofits and schools. GiveMN markets giving opportunities and donor tools to people who care about Minnesota. GiveMN helps them find, connect and engage with the causes that they care about. The GiveMN model combines a state-of-the-art national technology platform with local knowledge and trust-based relationships. The result is a uniquely dynamic nonprofit marketplace that has quickly established itself as the destination for online giving in Minnesota.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

25th Anniversary GATEway Science Fair and Upcoming Workshops

Calling all students in grades 3-6 - GATEway is proud to announce the 25th Annual GATEway Science Fair. This is a great chance to be a scientist! There are three ways to get involved:
1) Register for the fair,
2) Sign-up for a Free Workshop,
3) Help design the 2014 Science Fair T-shirt.

To begin, the GATEway Science Fair will be held Sat. Feb. 22, 2014 from 12:30 to 4:30 PM in the Gonda Building of the Mayo Clinic. You can register now at www.rochester.thatscommunityed.com and start thinking about project ideas. You can also find more information about the GATEway Science Fair at www.rochestergateway.com.

If you need a little help getting started or are curious about how to put a science project together, then sign up for one of our free “How-To” Workshops. You'll learn what a science fair project is and get ideas for one of your own. You will also learn how to prepare the display board and get tips on how to explain it to reviewers at the science fair. Scientists will be on hand to demonstrate some sample experiments and help you get started.

Our “How-To” Workshops are free, but pre-registration is required. Workshops are open to students in grades 3-6 and their parents and will be held in the RCTC Heintz Center in the Commons.
Choose between two available times:
Tuesday, December 3, 2013, 6:30-8:00 PM or
Saturday December 7, 2013, 1:00-2:30 PM.
Sign up online at www.rochestergateway.com and click on “Science Fair” in the left hand column and look for the “Workshops” link in the left column. Science Fair Workshops are co-sponsored by RCTC Community & Youth Programs, in collaboration with Mayo Research Fellows’ Association and the Century High School STEM Society.

Last but not least, to commemorate our 25th anniversary, we are having a contest to create the 2014 Science Fair T-shirt design. We are looking for ideas in the form of a description, a sketch, or actual artwork. Please check in the Science Fair link of our website at www.rochestergateway.com for more details. Entry deadline is Wed. Nov 20, 2013.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Motivate Unmotivated Kids - Featuring Kirk Martin - Coming to Lincoln November 4 and 5

Motivate Unmotivated Kids: Ignite Internal Motivation & Passion in Your Children
Featuring America's Calm Coach, Kirk Martin
Where: Lincoln K-8 Choice School, 1122 8th Ave. SE, Rochester, MN
When - 2 Events:
  • Monday, November 4 from 7:00-9:00pm 
  • Tuesday, November 5 from 9:15-11:15am 
The Workshop is free and there is no need to register.
Do you need help calming your explosive household? Tired of yelling at, negotiating with and bribing your child? Do you want your child to take responsibility for his assignments, chores and attitude? We promise you will laugh and leave with a dozen practical strategies that really work. Seventy percent of parents say they attended the workshop solely because they identified so strongly with Kirk's message.

Kirk will show you how to:
  • Get your kids to listen the first time. 
  • Say no and stop the entitlement mentality. 
  • Stop the eye rolling and backtalk immediately. 
  • Motivate kids who are angry, negative or overwhelmed. 
  • Get your kids to stop playing video games and texting non-stop. 
Visit www.CelebrateCalm.com to learn more.
Watch this short video to see why parents connect so strongly with Kirk.