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The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

PPT News - Please read!

PPT News
It’s that time of the year to talk about money . . . WAIT, don’t go!  This is important information about our students at Lincoln and for you as parents/guardians.

As you know, Lincoln has one large fundraiser, the auction in October, that works to cover the PPT budget.  This was another very successful year at the auction!  Enough money was raised to cover the budget - almost $60,000 net (after expenses).  This includes, $14,000 pledged from Lincoln families plus another $10,000 matching funds from Scheel’s - all for the outdoor classroom.  This brings the total earned through various fundraisers for the outdoor classroom to roughly $35,000!  Keep an eye out for progress this spring.

What does the PPT budget cover?  Glad you asked! Here are just some of the items that are covered: book fair, electives for uppers, Membean, 3D printer materials, garden, support money for teachers, funds for staff appreciation activities, RAP, IXL, 8th grade graduation recognition, science fair funds, spelling bee, math masters, offset costs for field trips, maker space materials, social committee activities, and MUCH MORE!!  If you talk with parents from other schools, these are not opportunities that are provided by the school district.  These are 100% funded by the auction.  And because the list is long, the budget is large - roughly $45,000.  Wow!!

We need your help!!  The auction committee is looking for 2-4 co-chairs for the auction.  The current group is taking a well-deserved step back, but they are around for questions and ideas, they have left a well-organized system, but we need someone to step up.  

Some people have asked “I have heard about Special Projects, are we going to do that this year?”  No.  The net profits from this year’s auction was less than last year’s record setting event.  Additionally, of this year’s total, more has been earmarked to the outdoor classroom and the general budget has also increased to cover more student activities.  Last year we pulled from some of the savings to offer a larger special projects.  We need to be fiscally responsible, so we are leaving approximately 15% of the current budget expenses in our bank account for the 2020/21 school year.

If you are still with us, thank you for reading this long article.  We wanted to provide you with information so you can be an informed Lincoln parent.  
  • Come to PPT meetings (Mondays 7 pm at Lincoln 01/27, 03/23, 05/18)
  • Co-chair the auction committee
  • Email lincolnk8ppt@gmail.com with any questions, concerns, or comments

Your PPT Executive Committee (Mindy, Robert, Ling, Sara, Paige)

Monday, December 16, 2019

Uppers Winter Concert – December 17, 2019

Uppers Winter Concert – December 17, 2019
Choir – 6:30
Bands – 7:00
Orchestras – 7:30
Concert will be held in the gym

Box Tops for our School


Keep clipping Box Tops and scanning receipts for Lincoln! Earlier this fall, we sent in 4,437 clipped Box Tops, which resulted in $443.70 deposited into our school account. Add to that the receipts that have been scanned into the Box Top app, and we’re raised well over $600 for Lincoln so far this year! Keep up the great work! Our goal is to raise $1,000 this year – money which is used for Zebrafish and Maker Space projects. Remember to ask friends and relatives as you see them over winter break if they are scanning their receipts for Lincoln. It’s easy and it can make a big difference!

Monday, December 2, 2019

Calendar of Events

Calendar Of Events
December 3 – Bingo in the Gym
December 3-5 – Winter Book Fair
December 3 – Book Fair 8:30 to 4:30 PM  Book Fair and Pizza Bingo 5:30 to 8:30 in the gym
December 4 – Book Fair 8:30 to 4:30 PM (Take a grandparent or special person to lunch)
December 5- Book Fair 8:30 to 4:40 PM
December 13 -All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
January 10 -    All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
February 21-   All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM
March 20 -      All Pro Dads in the gym  8:00 AM

HyVee Receipts Reminder

Did you shop at Hy-Vee for Thanksgiving?  Please send your Hy-Vee receipts to school so we can get them counted
Currently YOU have turned in receipts totaling $84,277.74 ($302,353.79 last year)
Which means Lincoln has earned $337.00.
Our total earnings for last year were $1,500.00 so we still have a ways to go!

Lincoln Book Fair Starts Tomorrow! (12/3/19)

The Lincoln Winter Book Fair is all set up and ready for YOU!
Make sure you make plans to attend the Lincoln Winter Book Fair tomorrow, December 3 - 5, in the Media Center.  Mark your Calendars now……

December 3 – Pizza Bingo in the Gym (Tomorrow)
December 3-5 – Winter Book Fair (Tomorrow)
December 3 – Book Fair 8:30 to 4:30 PM, and Pizza Bingo 5:30 to 8:30 in the gym
December 4 – Book Fair 8:30 to 4:30 PM (Take a grandparent or special person to lunch)
December 5 – Book Fair 8:30 to 4:40 PM