Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

2011-2012 Family Input Forms - Due Friday, May 6

Click HERE for the Family Input Form for 2011-2012. This form gives you the opportunity
to provide input about your child for next year’s class placement. It is not required that you fill out the form, but it is an opportunity for your input. Please return to school office by Friday May 6th.

Zip-Loc Bags Needed for Book Swap

With Spring just around the corner, the Lincoln K-8 Book Swap will be here before we know it! We are need of Zip-loc bags (gallon size or larger) to hold books. Zip-loc donations can be sent to your child’s classroom or dropped off in the book bin outside the office. We have ordered several additional books from Scholastic and continue to receive numerous book donations from generous Lincoln families! Thank you! We have almost 3,000 books leveled and labeled. Our goal is for students to each receive 6 books to read over the summer. The only “summer slide” Lincoln children will have this year is straight up!! Thanks again for your support!

No SACC at Lincoln 2011-12

Rochester Public Schools School Age Child Care recently conducted a survey regarding the possibility of SACC being open on site at Lincoln for next school year 2011-2012. The results have been complied. At this time SACC is unable to open a location on site at Lincoln. Thank you to the 22 families who did reply. We will continue to offer SACC at all other elementary buildings to Lincoln families. We will also continue to monitor the needs in the future. Please let me know if you have questions. Thank you.

Melissa Fredin
Rochester Public Schools Community Education
Youth Manager
Desk 507/328-4042
SACC Office 507/328-4040
Youth Office 507/328-4000
Fax 507/328-4015

Thursday, April 14, 2011

MCA Hall Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to be hall monitors during the testing times.  Starting next week on Tues., April 19th and Wed., April 20th we need 4 volunteers each morning from 9:30-12:00 and 2 volunteers in the afternoon 12:45-3:00. 

The following two weeks of testing we will need 2 people in the morning each day of testing starting at 9:30 for about 2 hours.  These days are Tues 4/36, Wed 4/27, Thurs 4/28,  Tues 5/3, Wed. 5/4, Thurs. 5/5.  Please email jeffnmel5@gmail.com if you can help any of these times.  Volunteering during the MCA is an easy way to help out, bring a book, get comfortable and keep the halls quiet and calm so the students can do their best on the MCAs.

Lincoln Garage Sale – Items Needed

Spring cleaning? While you're cleaning out your closets, toy boxes and bookcases please set aside items that you can donate to our Annual Lincoln Garage Sale. This year's sale will be held on Saturday, May 21. You can start dropping off your donated items on the afternoon of Thursday, May 19.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

MCA Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to be hall monitors during the testing times for MCA. Volunteering during the MCA is an easy way to help out. A hall monitor helps keep the halls quiet and calm so the students can do their best on the MCAs. Add bonus, it is also a great time to catch up on some reading! So bring a book and help Lincoln out at the same time! Starting next week on Tues., April 19th and Wed., April 20th we need 4 volunteers each morning from 9:30-12:00 and 2 volunteers in the afternoon 12:45-3:00. The following two weeks of testing we will need 2 people in the morning each day of testing starting at 9:30 for about 2 hours. These days are Tues 4/36, Wed 4/27, Thurs 4/28, Tues 5/3, Wed. 5/4, Thurs. 5/5. Please email jeffnmel5@gmail.com if you can help any of these times. Thanks!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


We're gearing up for the 2011 Auction and we need your help! The Lincoln Auction is the primary fundraiser for our wonderful school. Many of the programs that help make Lincoln special are funded by the Auction. That is why we need everyone to take part in making the 2011 Auction the best ever!

We are looking for volunteers to solicit goods and services for the Auction. There are three different Solicitor Committees: Friends and Family Solicitor, Live/Platinum Local Solicitor and Internet Solicitor. These Committees and their work are crucial to the success of our Auction.

Please call or email Melissa Murphy (280-6367, mfmurphy1@charter.net) or Betsy Schroeder (292-0986, betsyms@charter.net) to learn more about these positions and to volunteer.

Monday, April 4, 2011

THIS WEEK! Chat With the Principal - Thursday, April 7 12:00 Noon

Thursday April 7 – 12:00 to 12:45pm in the Conference Room - Join Lincoln Principal Jim Sonju for this year's first "Chat With the Principal". Mr. Sonju will share information about the latest news and issues at Lincoln, and then he wants to hear from parents. You will have a chance to ask questions of and raise issues with Mr. Sonju. Bring your lunch – we hope to see you there!