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The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Friday, December 19, 2014


Uppers parents please check skyward to find out if you student is missing any work.   They can collect it next week and get it done over break.  It is a great feeling to start the new year without missing work.

Rochester After School Program (RAP)

There will be no RAP next week.  Today, Dec 18th,  was the last day of RAP for 2014 and we will begin again when school starts in January.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Uppers’ Information Night (5th grade Parents) - December 11

Thursday, December 11th
5:15pm-6:15pm Science Lab Downstairs
6:30pm- 4/5 Production

All 5th grade parents are invited to an opportunity to hear from the Uppers’ Staff and current students on the dynamic program we offer all students in grades six through eight at Lincoln. We will share specifics of our Lincoln Uppers’ program and how we create amazing opportunities for our students.

We will present information that many of you may or may not know about our impressive Lincoln Uppers’ Program.
  • Did you know we have had some of the highest science test scores in the entire state the past few years? 
  • Did you know we have incredible support for students to perform at the highest levels in all areas? 
  • Did you know our Uppers’ students perform in a Rocktown Tour each year performing in front of nearly 1,000 students in a single day? 
  • Did you know we have had over 50 Uppers’ students and staff publish their novel science in professional scientific journals over the past couple years? 
  • Did you know we have nearly twenty Uppers’ taking high school Math here at Lincoln having accelerated multiple levels in the math program? 
  • Did you know our Uppers’ students have a multitude of leadership opportunities? 
Come join us to hear about the awesome program that is awaiting your soon to be Uppers’ student. Students are also welcome, but not required, to attend the informational meeting with you before the production.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Uppers Parents

Now is a good time to check Skyward to see if your student has any missing work.  We are well into the second quarter so missing work becomes an issue.  Please check Skyward and discuss any missing work with your son or daughter.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

ACTION 100 Q and A: How often are students’ color levels tested by teachers?

Teachers are continuously recording data on the skills your child has mastered along with those skills needing additional practice to exit the level. Students are tested for the next color level once they have mastered the entry/exit level requirements, foundational skills, and comprehension at that particular level. If you are uncertain of what these skills are, ask your child’s teacher. Bookmarks or skills cards are available from classroom teachers listing these components.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Order Your Lincoln Spirit Wear!

 CLICK HERE for the Lincoln Spirit Wear Order form.
If you are interested in ordering T-shirts and Sweatshirts with the Lincoln Logo – please use the order form.

Lunchtime Math Help

Did you know your child has access to math help during their lunchtime?
Andy Roth, Liz Koehler and Jane Barton are available in the STEM room of the media center Monday through Thursday for homework help, regular classroom assignments, bonus IXL time or to work on any specific math topic. Teachers have passes available. If you think your child would benefit with some extra math tutoring talk to your child’s teacher.

ACTION 100 Q and A

Q: How do I get my child interested in reading if he has trouble finding books he likes?
  • Librarians, reading specialists, classroom teachers and recommendations from other children can most likely help you with this task. • Attached is a document called “Hook Books” . This attachment contains some of the most popular and engaging series for readers at each levels.
  • For older children, it can be beneficial to read the first few chapters together . Provide them with support in understanding the story. Explain to them what is happening in your brain while you read the story together (Are you making predictions? Is the story a bit biased? What do you know about the characters without the author explicitly telling you?) When the story starts “getting good” tell your reader to go read independently and fill you in on what happened. 
  • The search engine below is also helpful. It will let you pick the book level , interest level , book topic. 

There is a great website called AR BookFinder that will help you find thousands of books at your child’s reading level. Here’s how:
  • Click this link: http://www.arbookfind.com/. Select “parent” and submit.
  • Click on the “Advanced Search” tab. Now, find where it says ATOS Level (similar to grade-equivalent).
  • Estimate your child’s reading level. A 3.1 equates to a book that is third grade, first month of school. Let’s say your fourth grader was reading on grade level this year. You might want to search 4.0- 5.0 Or maybe you have a third grader reading about a half year behind in which case you would search 2.5-3.0. If you’re uncertain of your child’s level, estimate on the low side. Children and adults lose interest quickly when reading is too difficult. Reading needs to be FAST, FUN and EASY for children to enjoy it.
  • You can also select additional criteria such as “Interest Level,” “Non-fiction,” “Topics,” etc. 
  • Click “Go” and a list will be generated for you. Use the “AR BookBag” buttons and to create your list to print for the library.