Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Friday, March 31, 2017

Last Chance for March Madness Reading Challenge! Keep it up over the break!

Our competition is going great!
Please remember to submit your student's hours before the deadline 10:00 PM on the following date:
Week #5 – April 10 (Monday after Spring Break)
Head over to http://bit.ly/2m88tnC to record online your student’s total minutes read for the week. Please make sure you do this for each student in your family who is participating in the reading challenge!   
*Please note that only submissions received by 10:00 PM will be accepted. Also, should you have any issues or questions regarding this submission process, please email cocollins@rochester.k12.mn.us

Last Call for Memory Books

Last Reminder that Memory Book orders are due but  you can still order online next  week. www.YBPAY.LIFETOUCH.COM   and enter the code 1927717 and place your order.  

Have a great spring break

Friday, March 24, 2017

The Ethics in Education Award- Presented to Mr. Ruffin


The Ethics in Education Award recognize exemplary educators who embody ethical behavior and promote ethical development for students through classroom or school activities, policies or curriculum. Candidates expose students to basic ethical principles to deepen student understanding, engage students in moral problem solving, stimulate dialogue, generate student moral action, and incorporate a well-designed and well-defined comprehensive standard of ethical behavior. They provide a bias-free assessment of students; foster autonomy and higher-level learning experiences; encourage families, staff and community members to partner in character-building efforts; and demonstrate leadership to enhance or restore values and ethics to school curriculum.

IMPORTANT: end of March dates

March 28 March 30 – Book Fair -9:00am to 4:30pm on the stage
March 28 Book Fair Grandparent Day
March 28 Rock Town Tour and program at Lincoln(2:30 at Lincoln)
March 30 End of Third Quarter – Uppers parents please check Skyward
March 30 Last day to order a Memory Book
March 31 No School – Teacher workday


Our competition is going great!
Please remember to submit your student's hours before the deadline every Thursday by 10:00 PM on the following dates:
Week #3 - March 23 (Today)
Week #4 - March 30
Week #5 – April 10 (Monday after Spring Break)

Head over to http://bit.ly/2m88tnC to record online your student’s total minutes read for the week. Please make sure you do this for each student in your family who is participating in the reading challenge!   
*Please note that only submissions received by 10:00 PM will be accepted. Also, should you have any issues or questions regarding this submission process, please email cocollins@rochester.k12.mn.us

DON'T FORGET!!! Book Fair Returns to Lincoln (March 28-30)

Tuesday March 28-Thursday March 30th
9am-430pm on the Lincoln stage.
Thursday is grandperson day. Bring your grandperson to lunch and then browse the book fair!
Grandperson please bring your own lunch, check in at office, and eat with child during their lunch time which is generally 20 minutes. Have the child ask when their lunch time is if they aren't sure.

March 30 is the last day to order a student Memory Book

www.YBPAY.LIFETOUCH.COM   and enter the code 1927717 and place your order.  No slips to send back to school, no checks to write, just click and done.  Order forms are in the foyer and can be picked up a parent or student if you would rather use an order form.

Genius Hour Project

Hello, we are Gabrielle Buhrow and Emily West.  We are 5th grade students that go to school at Lincoln K-8 choice school , Rochester, Minnesota. We deeply care about the environment, animals, and nature. We are trying to help save it by letting you know about the problems global warming is causing. Here is the link to the Global Warming Sisters Website: http://bit.ly/2n23wxB

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Join us at our first annual Spring Fling Expo, Thursday March 16th from 5-8pm at the Soldier's Field Grill -244 Soldiers Field Drive SW.  Lincoln parents, teachers, and grandparents will share their unique crafts, baked goods, and products.  Just in time to help you find that perfect Easter, birthday, mother's day and teacher gifts.  There will be snacks, cider, and door prizes!  Proceeds go to support Lincoln staff and students.

Book Fair Returns to Lincoln (March 28-30)

Tuesday March 28-Thursday March 30th
9am-430pm on the Lincoln stage.
Thursday is grandperson day. Bring your grandperson to lunch and then browse the book fair!
Grandperson please bring your own lunch, check in at office, and eat with child during their lunch time which is generally 20 minutes. Have the child ask when their lunch time is if they aren't sure.

Order your yearbook online at…… Deadline Approaching

www.YBPAY.LIFETOUCH.COM   and enter the code 1927717 and place your order.  No slips to send back to school, no checks to write, just click and done.  Order forms have been sent home if you want to use them.  YBPAY is much easier.

As a parent you can upload images for consideration in the yearbook! The following access code will allow you to upload images at community.lifetouch.com.  Upload photos (Jpg format) to be considered for the yearbook. Community Image Upload Site Access Code: ANSPAP. 
Upload any science fair pictures you have taken this year.

Students have decided to have a “Selfie” page so if your son or daughter wants them to consider a “Selfie” they should upload it through community.lifetouch.com and place it in the “Selfie” folder.  We will include as many as we can.

MARCH PPT MEETING - Monday, March 20, 7-8pm, Lincoln Media Center

Please join us as we welcome Lincoln's Uppers Teacher Linnea Archer!  Linnea will talk about how to prepare students for middle school, and how to help them be successful.

Plus, learn about PPT events and other ways you can get involved in the Lincoln Community.

All Lincoln parents, guardians and staff are welcome.

Questions!  Please contact PPT Presidents Jodi Kruse, at jmkruse22@gmail.com or 281-1613 or Cinnamon Marxen, at cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

All Pro Dads and Uppers play tomorrow, March 10th!

March 10th All Pro Dads in the Gym 8:00 AM – Muffins by Perkins  - topic - Bravery          
March 10th Uppers play -2:15 and 7:05 PM in the gym

More dates for March:
March 28th Rocktown Tour – Uppers
March 30th End of Third Quarter – Uppers parents check Skyward

Box Top Challenge Update

With our February collections, we now have two classrooms that have turned in more than 500 Box Tops! Keep up the great work! See the attached Box Top Bulletin #5 for a complete update on the classroom competition. And remember, every valid Box Top is free money for our school, so keep clipping those little pink squares! Any questions, email boxtops4lincoln@gmail.com.

March Madness Reading Challenge:

Our competition is off to a great start!  Please remember to help submit your student’s hours before the deadline every Thursday by 10:00 PM on the following dates:

Week #1 – March 9
Week #2 – March 16
Week #3 – March 22
Week #4 – March 30
Week #5 – April 10 (Monday after Spring Break)

Use this link to record online your student’s total minutes read for the week.  Please make sure you do this for each student in your family who is participating in the reading challenge! Should you have any issues or questions regarding this submission process, please email cocollins@rochester.k12.mn.us


The Lincoln Yearbook is being constructed and you should have received an order form.  This is a student driven project with a different group of students working on each section.  Please support this project and order a Memory(Yearbook) for your children.
Order your book online at…… www.YBPAY.LIFETOUCH.COM   and enter the code 1927717 and place your order.  No slips to send back to school, no checks to write, just click and done.  Order forms will be coming home this week if you want to use them.  YBPAY is much easier.
As a parent you can upload images for consideration in the yearbook! The following access code will allow you to upload images at community.lifetouch.comUpload photos (Jpg format) to be considered for the yearbook. Community Image Upload Site Access Code: ANSPAP. 
Upload any science fair pictures you have taken this year.
Students have decided to have a “Selfie” page so if your son or daughter wants them to consider a “Selfie” they should upload it through community.lifetouch.com and place it in the “Selfie” folder.  We will include as many as we can.
 Remember that orders are due at the end of March

Please save the date for the book fair!!!

Tuesday March 28-Thursday March 30th
9am-430pm on the Lincoln stage.
Thursday is grandperson day. Bring your grandperson to lunch and then browse the book fair!
Grandperson please bring your own lunch, check in at office, and eat with child during their lunch time which is generally 20 minutes. Have the child ask when their lunch time is if they aren't sure.

Welcome to Kingdoms

Once again the Century High School biology department will be offering an after school program in biology.   The title of the program is “Welcome to the Kingdoms” and will be an exploration of the kingdoms of life.   We will be doing experiments, dissection and exploration of everything from bacteria to animals.   This year we are offering the program from 4:00 until 5:30 on five consecutive Thursday afternoons starting on April 13.  We will be separating children by age and modifying the program as needed.   Unfortunately we cannot provide transportation so students and parents will need to arrange their own.


Lincoln is Tweeting

Twitter is a wonderful tool to help parents connect with the school.
Staff are increasing the number of Tweets to give you more opportunities to see the amazing learning happening at Lincoln.
Here are just a few Twitter accounts you might want to check out and followJ
@lincolnk8sonju          Jim Sonju
@sireksstars                Stephanie Sirek
@litlovinglady             Courtney Collins
@Classroom_Katie     Katie Kruger
@Lincolnk8gr1            Andi and Stephanie
@lincoln2nd                Ginelle Robertson and Kristi Beeman
@lincolnK8Graff         Carrie Graff
@lincolnk8howes       Jason Howes
@4thLincolnK8           Beth and Mickey
@Ruffin_II                   Will Ruffin II
@MrsO_k8                  Kim Olson
@mrwill_s                   Will Schulz
@LinneaArcher           Linnea Archer
@liz_elkoehler            Liz Koehler
@ArnesonDianne       Diane Arneson
@kaschafer1978         Katie Schafer
@proparatricia            Tricia Beighley
@kerigernandSLP       Keri Gernand
@SraFreund                 Christina Freund
@uppers_science        Kyle Casper
@Lincolnk8math         Andy Roth
@Lisakinderteach       Lisa Robbins
@jenny_Bruenger          Media
One of the many things you missed if you were not following us on Twitter yesterday.  Waseca teachers visiting Lincoln to observe PLTW Launch in kindergarten and grade one.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Important Dates in March

March 7th Picture Day
March 10th Uppers play – see below
March 29th Rocktown Tour – Uppers
March 30th End of Third Quarter – Uppers parents check Skyward

Lincoln is Tweeting!

Twitter is a wonderful tool to help parents connect with the school.
Staff are increasing the number of Tweets to give you more opportunities to see the amazing learning happening at Lincoln.
Here are just a few Twitter accounts you might want to check out and followJ
@lincolnk8sonju          Jim Sonju
@sireksstars                Stephanie Sirek
@litlovinglady             Courtney Collins
@Classroom_Katie     Katie Kruger
@Lincolnk8gr1            Andi and Stephanie
@lincoln2nd                Ginelle Robertson and Kristi Beeman
@lincolnK8Graff         Carrie Graff
@lincolnk8howes       Jason Howes
@4thLincolnK8           Beth and Mickey
@Ruffin_II                   Will Ruffin II
@MrsO_k8                  Kim Olson
@mrwill_s                   Will Schulz
@LinneaArcher           Linnea Archer
@liz_elkoehler            Liz Koehler
@ArnesonDianne       Diane Arneson
@kaschafer1978                     Katie Schafer
@proparatricia                       Tricia Beighley
@kerigernandSLP       Keri Gernand
@SraFreund                            Christina Freund
@uppers_science        Kyle Casper
@Lincolnk8math         Andy Roth
@Lisakinderteach       Lisa Robbins
@jenny_Bruenger          Media

Don't forget to order your Yearbook!

The Lincoln Yearbook is being constructed and you should have received an order form.  This is a student driven project with a different group of students working on each section.  Please support this project and order a Memory(Yearbook) for your children.
Order your book online at…… www.YBPAY.LIFETOUCH.COM   and enter the code 1927717 and place your order.  No slips to send back to school, no checks to write, just click and done.  Order forms will be coming home this week if you want to use them.  YBPAY is much easier.
As a parent you can upload images for consideration in the yearbook! The following access code will allow you to upload images at community.lifetouch.comUpload photos (Jpg format) to be considered for the yearbook. Community Image Upload Site Access Code: ANSPAP.  Students have decided to have a “Selfie” page so if your son or daughter wants them to consider a “Selfie” they should upload it through community.lifetouch.com and place it in the “Selfie” folder.  We will include as many as we can.

"The Time Turners Legacy" : Uppers play

The show must go on. We rescheduled “The Time Turners Legacy”, which is based off of Harry Potter. The play will be on March 10th starting at 2:15 at school, and 7:05 for after school. If your child is acting or is on stage crew they are required to attend both. During the nighttime show they should arrive at 5:40 so they are ready to run through the play once before show time. Actors and Stage Crew have spent a lot of time working on this school play and I hope that everyone will be able to come and watch!
Cast and crew of the play

March Madnes Reading Challenge!

The Weekly Reading Log for the March Madness Challenge that starts this week for grades 3 through 5 is below. 
Here is the direct link for the March Madness Reading Challenge Participants to enter their steps for the Week #1: March 2nd- 8th, final submission is due by 10 PM on Thursday, March 9th!

AmeriCorps Appreciation Week

Please show your support for our AmeriCorps members by wearing red (Reading Corps) and blue (Math Corps) on Friday, March 10. We are fortunate to have three awesome AmeriCorps members serving our students at Lincoln.

§  Emily Plantz- Reading Corps
§  Diane Shopteau- Reading Corps
§  Ginny Amundson- Math Corps


If you are wondering how you can get your very own "Hunter Strong" t-shirt, here it is!  Follow this link if you'd like to be Hunter Strong too! 