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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Monday, August 23, 2010


The Lincoln Program Planning Team (PPT) welcomes you to the Lincoln K-8 Choice School family if this is your first year at Lincoln, and welcomes you back if we've seen you before.

We're going to try some new things with our PPT meetings this year, so if you haven't been to one before, or have and didn't feel a connection, please come to our first PPT meeting on September 27th - - we want your feedback!! The PPT meets on a monthly basis during the school year, starting in September, usually on the last Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the school's Media Center.

The PPT is made up of Lincoln parents and guardians, staff representatives, and the principal. All parents and guardians are members of the PPT simply because your child attends Lincoln, giving ALL parents and guardians, staff representatives, and the principal voting rights in the business of the PPT and the expenditures of money raised by the PPT.

The PPT organizes a variety of school activities and works to support academic and social enrichment opportunities for our students that are typically not available at other schools, helping to make Lincoln K-8 Choice School a very special place we like to call "The Greatest School in the Universe".

PPT meetings allow you to stay plugged in to what's going on at Lincoln, to learn about the many opportunities for you to help out with PPT activities and other educational efforts at Lincoln, and to positively influence the experience you and your student have at Lincoln. For the Lincoln PPT to succeed, we encourage all parents/guardians to become participating members of the Lincoln Community by volunteering and enjoying the social events offered by the PPT.

As many of you know, the Lincoln Auction is the PPT's primary fundraiser. Its success is essential to continuing the wide range of programs and activities that benefit Lincoln students and the entire Lincoln community. So, please take time to read more about the Auction and, if you are new to Lincoln this year, check out the many volunteer opportunities available.
Where to look for more information about upcoming PPT meetings and other activities?
We look forward to seeing you at the Back to School Picnic and Information Fair on September 1st.
Jodie Meurer and Chris Harmon, PPT Co-Presidents